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Lisa O

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Everything posted by Lisa O

  1. That is great. I am going to make a cup of tea.
  2. Cheryl, Efffusions can be malignant or not. I am so sorry about your mindset right now. I certainly do understand it. There was a time when new nodules were popping up for me from WEEK TO WEEK. They did stop though. For me it was Iressa (and then Iressa with Celebrex) and for others, different chemo stabilized or eradicated their tumors. Something will put you back on the path again and you will regain your fight. In the interim, we all have to freefall sometimes. You just got all the wind stolen from your sails. It is more that alright to mourn - until you go to battle. I am crossing my fingers and saying prayers and wishing you well. Lisa
  3. Lisa O


    You do have my prayers. This stinks. I hope the doctors take great care of you and alleveiate your pain and concerns. Lisa
  4. Welcome. I know you have been through quite a bit. I am certainly saying some prayers for you and your sister too.
  5. Ginny, It sounds like you are really doing wonders for the Duke. I am so sad for how this must hurt to hide your tears. Good luck with your procedure. Lisa
  6. Becky, It is a good thing you started out with so many brain cells to begin with. I am relieved your scans are clear and hope that you get to the bottom of this fog very quickly. It does seem tnat you do have an awful lot to deal with at one time. Lisa
  7. Cheryl, I wish you the very best. I have also heard of some Tarceva and celebrex trials. (I am having some luck so far with Iressa and celebrex) Whatever you choose may it be tolerable and strong enough to kick the stuffing out of the beast. Lisa
  8. My Goodness, Talk about a lot going on! 1. Welcome back. Enjoy the computer. 2. I am glad your 26 yo is home and healing 3. I am sorry your 18 yo is asserting her independence to run off with a punk. Keeping the lines of communication open is always the right choice. You are also letting her grow up. Fight as we will, we have no choice about that either. 4. Yay for the clear CT and the smaller effusion. Now if it will just go away.... please.
  9. everything is crossed for you....
  10. Prayers have been said. Please keep us posted. Good luck with the new job. Lisa
  11. Lisa O


    That is great news Ray.
  12. Lisa O

    Saw Doctor Today

    I'm sorry you have bronchitis but I am glad itis not hte beast causing your symptoms.
  13. Welcome home Cheryl. We have missed you. I am sorry you had to gear up for battle again but I am glad you are in great hands. You are in my heart and prayers. Lisa (where the Michigan crawdads live)
  14. You most certainly have my support and my prayers.
  15. Margaret, I am saying some prayers for you. I wish you the best. Stay on top of those docs!
  16. Again -- another welcome! It's nice to see shrinkage and more shrinkage for you. I'm glad you decided to post.
  17. Welcome! Make sure your Dad reminds all the oncs along the way of any herbal treatment so it does not conflict with any of the new treatments... It sounds like he has a great onc so far. I wish your family the best. Lisa
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