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Lisa O

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Everything posted by Lisa O

  1. I have heard very good things about Alimta -- and I believe David A is on that now. I wish you the best. Lisa
  2. I am so glad your husband is pain free and it does seem he is responding to treatment. MRSA can cause a lot of problems but they are from INFECTION not cancer. It (alone) should not be the cause of giving up on treatment for cancer. You and your husband should make the decision with a supportive health care team based on the side affects of the CHEMO and CANCER TREATMENT not the RARE FLUKES that occur. I am so sorry this happened to him and to your family. My youngest is eight and I have many of the same feelings your husband is probably having. Incidentally, Iressa has helped me. Please consider getting another opinion to separate the MRSA symptoms from the chemo symptoms.
  3. Melinda, I think we needed that. You are very special.
  4. Tess, Those were beautiful words. I hope you can find some comfort in their meaning. We are here for you. Lisa
  5. David, I am so sorry.
  6. Lisa O

    I am still around

    My understanding was also that excercise makes vena cava swelling worse! It may be that you are more active but PLEASE call your doctor so you don't end up in the hands of those incompetents again at the ER. Also please -- if possible -- keep us posted. Do you have anyone that can do your typing for you just to post an update for us ? Sorry to be pushy... Lisa
  7. I have very few answers except that: 1. statistics are based on old cases and are MEANINGLESS. Ignore them. There are many stage IV survivors past 5 years. 2. Although rare, not everything that lights up on Pet scan is malignant. I think you should ask all questions you possibly can to your onc Write them out ahead of time. Take all the time you need. Good luck.
  8. I read your post (your first post appeared to be under a reply to someone else's post) and I thought it was very inpspirational. I was hoping you might introduce yourself in a new thread if you wouldn't mind. In any case -- Welcome -- I'm glad you decided to post and hope you stick around. Lisa
  9. Welcome Paige, I wish your family and your mom much luck on this journey. We will be here as you need us. Please check out our section on The Path Less Traveled -- it is for those opting to take a road similar to that your mom is choosing.
  10. Lisa O

    I am still around

    I am so thrilled to hear from you. You have been in many thoughts and prayers. I am glad you are fighting and back on the team wtih your oncologist! Please don't think your out of options after Erbitux - You never know what could be around the corner!
  11. Lisa O

    TBone has died.

    I am so sorry. Words fail me. I am so very sad for all of T-Bone's family as the tremendous love and support of the entire group was so obvious. T-Bone was a caring and compassionate member of this group. I will miss him and his strength.
  12. Lisa O

    another update

    David, I LOVE your attitude and am sure that it will help you get through the treatment ahead. I am so glad that you have options and weapons to fight with -- and I am pulling for you every battle in this war.
  13. I am certainly praying for Bob and hoping he makes it back on the board soon. He was one of the first to welcome me and I miss his wit and presence on the board.
  14. I like to throw stats to the wind anyway... but you have my continued prayers for a long life with Ned.
  15. Lisa O


    Sounds like you caught up in the calorie department. I am so very glad it was a good birthday!
  16. David, My prayers are with you. Are you going to go for the chemo to try to get the cancer down? Please know that I am thinking of you.
  17. Kate, Welcome to the group. I have only one bit of advise and I know it is very hard to follow -- try very hard to take it one step at a time. Take each test one at a time and each meeting one step at a time. And please feel free to check in and update us each step of the way.
  18. Hello and welcome! I love your cats! I am glad you took charge of your care. Keep up the good work.
  19. I'll be praying with you David. Please keep us posted right away.
  20. Lisa O


    Wondering how things went and hoping for a speedy recovery!
  21. I have said some prayers for Dan as well.
  22. Becky, I sure hope you recover quickly. You have such a great family. I really enjoyed meeting all of you Saturday. Leah enjoyed coloring with you too!
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