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Lisa O

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Everything posted by Lisa O

  1. Great Carrie! Gotta love that no signs of cancer report! Welcome.
  2. I hope he has a wonderful time!
  3. Lisa O

    3 Month followup

    I'll be praying for you Rachel!
  4. I agree with all of the above recommendations. Karmanos and U of M are both NCI accredited and U of M has made the top 10 list of Cancer treatment Centers (Karmanos may have also but I am not sure). Good luck.
  5. Thanks so much for the update on Dean Carl!~ I too think of him so often. He is truly a wonderful man whose kind words have helped me more than once.
  6. What a great message Cheryl, your scenery sounds beautiful!. Have a wonderful anniversary and many more!
  7. Lisa O


    I am so proud I can't stand it!
  8. Man oh Man Ry.... You don't have to go so far to make a point! We believe you about not going for infusions alone! NOW GET BETTER! SHEESH!
  9. Lisa O

    CT Results

    Keep up the good work!
  10. Oh no. I am so very sorry to hear this. We have truly lost some great men on this board and my heart is breaking.
  11. That sounds great. I wish you continued treatment success!
  12. I can imagine Cheryl! You are not only on a new chemo but a trial combination to boot. Add that to the recent hospitalization AND surgery piled on to all of that stress with the news that you recently had to get -- with low blood levels and a stressful schedule and exhastion is not a strong enough word. Try to give yourself a big break this weekend emotionally and physically. Also please try to visualize the stability as a great big huge brick wall that your body has put up against the cancer so it can no longer attack. You now have the advantage. You and your onc can use it. Rest and gain your strength this weekend. Visualize yourself advancing against that now immobilized and helpless cancer.
  13. Enjoy the celebration Fay! But don't dance...
  14. Lisa O


    Ray's surgery went well! The update is in Good News : http://www.lchelp.com/community/viewtop ... 7963#97963
  15. Lisa O

    Ray's Surgery

    THANK YOU!!!! It is so great to get that great news!!!
  16. Lisa O


    I am praying for you Ray!
  17. Cheryl, I have been Stage IV and stable for 22 wonderful months SO FAR... and planning on many many more! We can only go one scan at a time but stable is a good start.
  18. I have said a prayer for you Betty. Keep us posted.
  19. It sounds like it was a wonderful birthday. Now lets top it off with a wonderful scan. Heres hoping....
  20. Gosh darn it Ray... it does seem like you keep getting tripped up. I am hoping this is just a short stop up adn that it is all straightened out and back on track to getting the bad stuff out asap.
  21. Cat, Have you tried the ER for pain control - at least to get a jump on it?
  22. Lisa O

    Ground Squirrels

    Thanks Joe, I guess we all feel a bit like our comfortable nest has been a bit disrupted. Your reminder adds some much needed perspective. As always, I think of you often and include you in my prayers. I hope all is well with you, Gina and the girls.
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