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Lisa O

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Everything posted by Lisa O

  1. I wish your brother success on Iressa. I have not found the side affects to be intolerable and I hope he won't either. Please keep us posted.
  2. Lisa O


    Donm My husband and I had the exact same conversation about the same two athletes yesterday. I was so touched by Phelps it brought me to tears.
  3. Welcome Mike... May you have a very LONG and happy relationship with NED!!!
  4. Becki, You have been directed to the right sources so I am just going to add you to my prayers... a lot. please keep us posted. I am so sorry that a seventeen year old even has to think about this.
  5. There are many things that four small nodules can be.... and there are many different types of cancer that can involve the lungs, some of which are very treatable. I know you have really tried to get him to see his doc but can his family doc bring him around. I have been stage four for two years with a very high quality of life. Since I had multiple nodules I was initially told there were many NONMALIGNANT (non cancerous) possibilities as well! Keep the faith.
  6. Lisa O


    Don, That is so cute! My daughter has food allergies and Hershey has the most reliable brand -- so we are very loyal Hershey fans. She has Hershey clothes, Kiss stuffed animals, toys... She has never had any refrigerated clothing though!
  7. Lisa O


    Curtis, I wish you all of the best. I am sure that you will follow your heart and that will lead you in the right direction... afterall - you certainly made great choices in your life thus far. As a personal note, whether or not your current relationship gets serious, I found that the musical SOUND OF MUSIC goes a long way to opening doors to combating Disney's message that all step-mom's are evil. I used it to open a discussion with my daughter about what she thought the captain's wife would have wanted ... ie... of course she would have wanted singing in the house and the captain to fall in love and the children to have happines... My daughter is too young to discuss my situation personally, but when the time comes she will understand my desire for my husband to find love and for my family to be happy. I think that movie does it so well. I wish you and your darling daugther all of life's blessings.
  8. Welcome Marjorie, We sure did benefit from David's sprit here and he does have an ongoing influence. I'm glad you decided to join us.
  9. Lisa O

    A Poem for TBone

    That is beyond beautiful. He obviously left a lifetime of wisdom in her sweet little soul during those short nine years.
  10. Carleen, You and Keith have my prayers. I am so sorry this has been so difficult. I am glad you checked in. We are always thinking of you.
  11. I agree. Ry is one special lady.
  12. Ginny, I am so very very sorry.
  13. (((Jane))) We are here if you need us.
  14. Good luck with your new onc cat. xo Lisa
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