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Lisa O

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Everything posted by Lisa O

  1. Hi Cat, I come here looking for ideas. Were there any on this post? How come you deleted it? It didn't look like anyone made any negative comments. I really do wonder what is going on. I hope you are ok.
  2. Sheesh, I have been psuedo-obsessively looking and it only takes me to the MD Anderson site but I have not found out why yet. I will keep trying but in the mean time -- you are in my prayers. Lisa
  3. LOL me too!!! and laughing can be a problem too!
  4. Dean Carl, You always say things so well and lend perspective at times when it is needed so badly. I am glad you are finding joy in your days. Thanks for the update. You remain in my thoughts. I love your attitude, Lisa
  5. Phyllis remains in my prayers.
  6. Lisa O


    Cindy, My thoughts and prayers are with you on all counts. Lisa
  7. I have just said a prayer for your family.
  8. Lisa O


    Gosh Ray, I understand how you feel. I sure am pulling for you. I will keep you in my prayers.
  9. Lisa O

    My Turn

    Of course Charlie will remain in my prayers. Rest up. Lisa
  10. I understand your confusion about why a post might be deleted if you have participated heavily in other forums. Many groups can become pretty toxic. I really don't mean to sound rude but like others have pointed out already, many of us are going through life altering times here and the point is that this is a SUPPORT community. The managers of this site are not like those at the Yahoo groups to which you refer. They truly care about this community and in fact founded it upon the memory of a very dear loved one. Posts which contain disagreements have never been deleted to my knowlege. I do believe, however, that the moderators of this forum wish to keep things from escalating out of a support community into one of those "other" sites you mentioned. I guess if we are looking for one of those "other" sites, we know where to find them. I have seen many many respectful disagreements and have never seen anyone quarrel with those. I am thankful to be able to come here without risk of flaming and abuse at this stage of my life.
  11. Matt, I was given some pretty ugly stats myself. Those are far away now and you will find many here who long outlived their stated predictions.
  12. Lisa O

    Bad week

    Ginny, I am so sorry. You have been through so much. My prayers to you to find some comfort.
  13. There are many possibilities - many of which are non cancerous! Further, even many cancerous causes can be successfully treated. Ask everything! You will be in my prayers.
  14. Welcome to the Group Matt! We have a great deal in common. I was diagnosed in May 2002 (thorascopic removal of first three nodules on 41st birthday) with later removal of 8 more in July 2002. When even more came back in both lungs I went on an EGFR called Iressa and am now on that plus 800 mg of celebrex. I have also been a responder to the EFGR category and have been stable on that since 10/02. I have great faith in the new "smart" drugs! I have two children, seventeen and eight.... they sure can keep your mind off of the cancer... I wish you continued success with your treatment.
  15. That was so well said. So many people have helped me here. Our community has suffered a horrible number of losses and many are going through some pretty scary times right now. It creates tension but we can try to use our energy to pull eachother up instead of using the energy against one another. Some of our beloved members may have passed on in body, but they can still be here by way of influence. We have a wonderful family. I hope we can remember that.
  16. I'm Sorry Sharyn. You have my prayers.
  17. There is a very long discussion on this in the Spirituality section as well for anyone interested! I am so glad it brought you some peace.
  18. Lisa O


    Thanks Bruce, I love the poem and I hope it does not make you uncomfortable if I tell you I love you! (Oh well - too late) You are an uplifting and sweet person. Thanks for sharing yourself.
  19. Lisa O

    Earl's Memorial

    Ginny, How beautiful. I am so happy that the weather was so nice for you and that the family was able to honor the Duke in such a sweet and personal way.
  20. Thank you for letting us know. I am so sorry for your family's loss. I agree with you though.... there is a greater cosmic picture. I hope you find comfort and peace in your memories.
  21. Gosh Becky, I guess you already know that I think you are wonderful. I wish you all the best and hope that you will be back as soon as you feel ready. I am sorry to hear about any negativity - I hope it goes away.
  22. Bruce I will really miss you. I hope you return soon. You are such a supportive member of this community.... If I can return the support, please IM me -- I will listen any time.
  23. Lisa O

    Asking for prayers

    Prayers for Rod and family have been said.
  24. Lisa O

    prayers please

    MJ, I pray your mom has the same success with Iressa and celebrex that many have enjoyed. Keep us posted. Lisa
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