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Lisa O

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Everything posted by Lisa O

  1. I am hoping that the treatment helps really fast Cat! KEEP US POSTED~ I am thinking of you and looking for posts. Lisa
  2. Thanks for the message! Cat remains in my heart and prayers.
  3. I am so glad you are back on your feet! I am praying for a long term visit from NED.
  4. I don't know of any marrow issues that aren't chemo related but you have my thoughts and prayers. Please let us know as soon as you see your doc! Lisa
  5. I have said some prayers for David. Please keep us posted. I hope Faith gets him giggling soon.
  6. Lisa O

    Daddy Update....

    It sounds like he has a greaat attitude! Keep us posted! Lisa
  7. Welcome Edward, It certainly can take months to get on your feet. It is very important to keep notifying your doc of shortness of breath and pain though. Please stay in touch and keep us posted on your progress. Lisa
  8. OH NO!!! I am sending many wishes for a very speedy recovery! Lisa
  9. Hi Beverly! We already know eachother but I would like to welcome you to this wonderful forum!!! I am pulling for you! Lisa
  10. You have such a gift Dean. Thank you so much for sharing. I am glad that you continue to see the beauty and the wonder in this life and for me you continue to add both to mine. Still, I hope the path smooths beneath your feet.
  11. What I do notice is the incredible support he is to everyone here. Way to go Don!!
  12. Welcome Diane, I am sorry you have to be here but as a verteran of this war, I'll bet you have quite a few of the old war weapons! Good luck with that chemo!
  13. I have gotten the same information as Cheryl..... except with tennis balls instead of oranges...
  14. Happy Happy Birthday Becky and many many many many more!
  15. I was given Iressa as first line chemo as part of a clinical trial at first. Once it was FDA approved I had already been on it for quite a while and my insurance gave me no problem. Good luck.
  16. Uh Oh Don..... ME TOO!!! I guess we are making our own stats!!
  17. You are setting some great examples David -- My hat is off to you! Lisa
  18. Wendy, Welcome! I wish you the best of luck with the Iressa. I love the drug!
  19. Hi Lori, We will be here for you. You have a beautiful family. I know how difficult all of this is but it is important to try to enjoy all of life's little special moments even while going through all of this upheaval. There will be ups and downs and plenty of "life" in between those ups and downs. The important thing is to remember that life is always comprised of those special moments and those occur even during treatments. I wish you and your family successful treatments and many many years full of wonderful happy moments together.
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