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Lisa O

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Everything posted by Lisa O

  1. Now that Tarceva has been approved will they consider trying that to see if they can get some additional shrinkage? I am hoping for the best... it really does sound difficult.
  2. Lisa O

    Thanks to all

    Good luck Kate, We will be on the look out for updates.
  3. Yep... Katie is a cutie pie! I am glad you got the decorating done. I can only imagine how bittersweet it must have been. It is so wonderful for Katie to have ornaments and decorations made by her parents. What a rich history.
  4. Nell, This sounds awful. I pray that Bob gets relief. I am so sorry to hear of your fall too. I hope you are recovering well. Please post an update about Bob.
  5. Lisa O

    Daddy's Funeral

    Sharyn, My heart and prayers are with you.
  6. Bill and Fay... Great point!
  7. I am so sorry Angie, Your family has my prayers.
  8. This interview is very enlightening. http://www.pharmalive.com/News/index.cf ... egoryid=54 Again, a subset of the population still benefits significantly from Iressa and for the time being will be allowed to continue to take it. Decisions have not been made beyond that.
  9. The report does not change the fact that for some people Iressa still works wonders, either with symptom relief, stability, tumor reduction... Everyone must talk to their own doctors about their own situation. This may not have been a study limited to BAC characteristics, or younger woman or nonsmokers... We all know that all drugs do not work the same for everyone. If Iressa is working for you, it is between you and your oncologist unless it is pulled from the market. At this time it appears that it is going to be made available to those for whom it is working. I am a nonsmoking woman with BAC. I am going to take Iressa as long as they will let me and as long as it continues to work. I am on an IRESSA list with many people in my situation who feel the same way. I am thankful to have Tarceva as the next step.
  10. I believe that we have to be careful with interpretation of this study. There is still a group of people for whom Iressa can be very helpful. I believe people should speak with their physicians before abandoning faith in their treatment.
  11. you've got it peggy... let us know!
  12. Lisa O

    My heart is broken

    Oh No TAnn, I so wish I had words of comfort. I am so very sorry. My heart goes out to you. I am praying for better times for you.
  13. I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your mother. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  14. How beautiful and articulate. Thank you Curtis. Merry Christmas.
  15. The statistics are generally wrong... I have seen that over and over. I am glad that you have chosen to defy them. Keep fighting and stay here. We have a lot of fighting spirit that I believe will inspire you.
  16. It sounds like the cancer was caught early, and I wish your wife great success in her treatment.
  17. Mike, I don't have your type of cancer. Welcome and... there are always survivors -- of every cancer and every stage. I wish you the best.
  18. Nancy, It could be inflammation, or infection. Until we know, it could be anything. I am so very sorry about your daugther. You have my prayers.
  19. Hi Steve, Welcome. Try to give yourself a break. Surgery and chemo is a lot to go through. You are supposed to be tired. We are here to vent with you if need be.
  20. Welcome Marge, I am not very familiar with SCLC but just a quick Hello! I'm sure we will see each other around the neighborhood. I am so glad you had such a good response to the chemo. Keep it up!
  21. Beth, That does sound like an early EGFR reaction. I found that avoiding simple carbs as well as taking acidophallus helps minimize the yeast problems. There are many hints around for the skin, such as moisturizing cleansers, avoiding overdrying products... Immodium helps many with the stomach issues. I pretty much adjust to the lack of ability to predict when I will have to rush to bathrooms. I wish you good luck with this Beth. It has been over two years for me and although I still have the side affects, I have adjusted them quite well. I am sure you will do the same.
  22. My prayers are with your family at this difficult time.
  23. Becky, Sometimes I wonder if it really counts when our feelings are actually a true measure of what is actually going on around us... as in moving, finanical and job worries, and health concerns?? At any rate, I hope it all gets better very quickly for you. xo Lisa
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