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Lisa O

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Everything posted by Lisa O

  1. The soy is really an excellent source of protein. I add soybeans to salad and soups. I also pot soy butter on fruit. When I make egg salad, I mix the egg with cottage cheese instead of mayo. I also do the same with tuna salad...(use cottage cheese instead of mayo). The mayo is empty fat calories while the cottage cheese has protein, less fat and with flax seed, according to the budwig diet, has some anti cancer properties. The cottage cheese with tuna makes a great tuna salad and is VERY high protein and not very high calorie. It tastes great with some celery and onion.
  2. http://www.newsday.com/news/health/ny-d ... .story?col l=ny-health-headlines
  3. I want to thank you for those great articles. They really reinforce my will to continue trying to do my best to help myself try to beat this. I would like you to know it does make a difference when someone ELSE keeps telling me that the broccoli and soy and green tea are helping. Thank you so much for always findning the evidence to help us decide what little steps to take to maybe make some difference in the outcome. Sometimes I feel that taking some control anywhere helps.
  4. Carol, I sent you an email. I did do the vitamin IV therapy, however my oncologist will not allow me to continue during treatment. If you are investigating high dose vitamin or supplement treatment, please make sure you talk to you physicians to make sure you do not counteract any of your other medications. Some people have reported "feeling" great during treatment. I did not do it for long enough to see any results.
  5. That sounds like a great plan. I am not giving up fruit entirely. I just try to stay away from the really high sugar fruit like pineapple, grapes and watermellon. Keep it up.
  6. That is a great article Hebbie. I love soybeans. My daughter has a nut allergy and we keep soybeans in the house to throw in salads, to put in soups. I even have a weakness for soybutter. It has been obvious to me that people respond differently to foods. Low fat high carb diets put weight on me when I was following the old food pyramid. It wasn't until I did my own research about the simple v. complex carbs that I learned about why that basic diet wasn't working for me. It probably wasn't helping with the cancer either. (I was a vegetarian at the time!) There is a very popular diet called Eat right for your Blood Type.... I wonder if there is any validity to that. It has been going strong for about 10 years so there must be some loyal followers.
  7. I am just checking in to see if anyone wants to chat. I haven't eaten any (and I do mean ANY -- I wouldn't even eat a black grape that was calling to me) high sugar food since the first of the year. This is not new to me. I gave up high glycemic foods since fall of 2002. When one of my scans came back questionable, I loosened up a bit and lost faith in the program. I am now back on track.
  8. Hebbie, That is a really useful list. It is more helpful to know which produce to buy organic if one is not going to go "all organic". The rule of thumb I had previously heard is that fruits like oranges and bananas were not as important to buy organic as grapes, cherries and strawberries as they would not absorb as much of the pesticide. Of course, some of the pesticides are absorbed through the earth over time but that is nothing compared to what is sprayed on. There are some great products on the market for cleaning fruits and vegetables also. They are supposed to really increase the amount of dirt and pesticides removed over water alone. As for vitamin D, it has been found to be lacking in the diets of people. They have also found a link between vitamin D and pain syndromes. Another relatively harmless thing to make sure we do for ourselves everyday. Thanks so much Hebbie!
  9. I am with you Fay. Go for it. I am hoping this is truly the magic pill for you!
  10. I don't know what to say except to offer my prayers and best wishes. That, I have done. I wish you only the best news and smooth sailing - and hope that this is nothing more than an aftermath of the treatment you received.
  11. Lisa O


    oops -- double post
  12. Lisa O

    My new picture

    Beth, Your rash doesn't look too bad!
  13. Lisa O


    I have said prayers for you to be in the empty headed club!
  14. Lisa O

    2000 for Fay

    Like Snowflake said.
  15. I am addicted to my electric blanket... a gift from my husband. As for the Iressa note -- I also get the cracking skin.
  16. Cheryl, Please Hang on. Brain mets are usually treatable. Please don't lose hope. You have the prayers of so many people. Hang in there okay? Talk to your doctor for the reassurance you need.
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