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Lisa O

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Everything posted by Lisa O

  1. Lisa O

    5 for 3/16

    1. I am finally caught up on housework 2. The play my daughter was in is over and she did great. Her talent show is next week so rehearsals are coming to an end.... just dance recitals and choir concerts to go 3. Warm blankets 4. Good friends online 5. Cell phones
  2. Now I have an extra special reason to celebrate the day.
  3. Sharyn, In no world would it have been acceptable to deny him pain relief in an attempt to potentially extend his life by a few days or weeks. It would be inhumane to allow him to suffer and to DEPRIVE him of medicine to MAYBE give him a few days of MEANINGLESS existence. Where are you going with this? Lisa
  4. Sheesh... talk about not knowing what to say... Congratulations on not having the effusion but darn on still having the symptoms. I sure hope they find the solution.
  5. I lift my Starbuck's to Lucie and Don, May you celebrate many happy occasions together! Thank you for sharing with us!
  6. Frank, You are one of a kind. We really need your warmth and humor around here so the absences have to be limited. I am sure Ry is going to make a note of that. I am so glad you are home and engaged for battle. You remain in my thoughts and prayers. Lisa
  7. That is great news. I am so glad you are finding some hope from this site.
  8. Jamie, I am so sorry this is happening. Please know that there is a great deal of hope that things will improve once the doctors have had a chance to fight the cancer. Hang in there. In the interim, it is important that you eat and sleep so make sure you get some help and support if you need it, either through medication (many here will offer advice on that and your doc will have suggestions) and through this group and family support groups in your community. Please don't try to internalize this on your own. Lisa
  9. Lisa O

    5 for 3/14

    1. A husband with a great personality and a super sense of humor; 2. A loving cat who sleeps snuggled into me; 3. A bird sitting outside my window calling me this morning; 4. Time to relax for the first time in over a week! 5. All five from yesterday, including and especially my children
  10. Welcome, It is great that you are so willing to support your sister. This type of situation happens to many people, however I do not have any personal experience. I just wanted to welcome you. Lisa
  11. It is excellent that your mom is having no symptoms. As long as she is getting treatment than she is really not ignoring the problem.... just going about the business of living...... hopefully for a long and happy time. I wish you all the best.
  12. Welcome, Thank you so much for joining us and for updating us on Frank's condition. He is in my thoughts and prayers. His warmth and humor are so missed right now. Lisa
  13. I am so glad to hear David is on the mend. It sounds like Faith is a real spririt lifter too. God bless those great doctors too! Lisa
  14. 1. Another day filled with possibility. 2. My beautiful family - and the fact that my wonderful little girl still loves to cuddle with her mommy. 3. My sister, who was born on this date and the wonderful children she has brought into this world. 4. My mom is recovering and is feeling less pain. 5. Hot coffee, warm blankets and the most wonderful husband who goes to Starbucks in the morning to bring me that first cup before I even get out of bed.
  15. Lisa O

    Back from NY

    Thanks everyone for you comforting words and well wishes. My mom's lung has not reinflated yet so she still has the chest tube. Unfortunately, the biopsy was "inconclusive". I suppose it is reassuring that it did not show a malignancy but it would be better to have a definitive benign diagnosis. She is going to discuss the next step wtih her surgeon from Michigan when she gets back. Thanks again for the support. Lisa
  16. It's always great to hear from you Dean Carl.
  17. Peggy, I am sorry to hear of the effusion... (I missed a few days) but am glad that he is feeling well and looking forward to spring and to riding. I hope that the good weather and better days come quickly. Lisa
  18. Lisa O

    FRANK Update

    I am praying quite hard for Frank. Thanks for the update.
  19. Lisa O

    Day 7 Update

    It sounds fantastic Bill.... I am still pulling for you both!
  20. Lisa O


    I just got back in town and want to add my prayers and well wishes for Frank. We certainly do need your spirit around here Frank so hurry back okay? Lisa
  21. Lisa O

    Back from NY

    My mom had the needle biopsy. Her lung did collapse which required a chest tube. When they removed it, her lung collapsed again, so they replaced it. She is still in the hospital and in a great deal of pain. We still do not have any results. I am feeling a bit discouraged and quite a bit worried.
  22. Beth, For the moment... numbers are the enemy.... okay? Try to take it easy and concentrate on feeling as well as possible. Lisa
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