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Lisa O

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Everything posted by Lisa O

  1. Lisa O

    where to go next?

    I am so sorry... I don't have answers. I wonder if he suggested Iressa because it is thought to cross the blood brain barrier? I would suggest getting many additional opinions quickly. I don't know if the Iressa can hurt in the interim. Many people have felt it has been successful with brain lesions and there are studies that show that to be so. I wish you the best
  2. Well Frank, This is what were gonna do... We are gonna put everyone in the world in Peggy's diet weigh in group and make every fat lady skinny so you will have nothing to worry about... got that? You have all of my prayers.
  3. I know many people in my practice who have taken methadone and have had great success with it. I hope that they are able to control the pain.
  4. I started it but it was very long and I got interrupted. I am going to start over tonight when I have more time. I hope it helps.
  5. Oh no! I am so sorry tohear this. Let's have hope that since she has responded so well once, that she can respond again. Keep the faith.
  6. Prayers Prayers Prayers for your family! I am very hopeful that this leave of absence will be a great thing for the two of you - especially for the upcoming warm weather. As for your son, I hope he is out of the hospital and fully recovered soon!
  7. I am so happy to hear that Betty is in no pain. Thanks for the update. She remains in my prayers.
  8. My prayers are with your family Andrea.
  9. I am so sorry it was ruined for you! There is no excuse for people implying blame even if it is based in ignorance. No one deserves lung cancer even if it was caused by smoking.
  10. I agree with Becky. No means no and not today is an okay response. I am sorry this happened. Do your best to resolve this quickly because you do not need any additional stress. I am sorry this happened to you , but it will be yesterdays news very quickly.
  11. Cathy, We are here for you. There will be times when you may need to scream. We have great ear plugs so scream away. xoxo Lisa
  12. That is very interesting. Thanks for sharing the information.
  13. Hi Betty! I am thinking of you and wishing you well!
  14. Addie, I'm chilling the vanilla vodka in the freezer right now so it will be ready for you as soon as you are over this "bump" in the road. Hurry... my sister likes vodka!
  15. God Bless you and your entire family David. You are all doing a great job of holding together and fighting together. You are a great example of grace and humor under pressure!
  16. Lisa O

    my husband

    Nancy, You are all in my prayers.
  17. Lisa O


    wow.... to dream... thanks for sharing!
  18. Lisa O

    A wee favor...

    Whew... I know how worrisome those respiratory problems can be on the littles ones. I am so glad he is on the mend!
  19. That is beautiful Curtis. I hope you both enjoy that special memory.
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