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Lisa O

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Everything posted by Lisa O

  1. Welcome Corwin, You will find there are plenty of well wishes and prayers to be found around here.
  2. Lisa O

    5 for 3/31

    My niece who was born this day 17 years ago. My family A warm home Spring time A great family
  3. Welcome back Angie. Your dad was right. You are a good girl and you did do a fine job. Take some comfort in that.
  4. Frank, Donuts all around then. It just stinks that you are being poked and jostled and everything else. I hope you get through it in one healthier piece. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Lisa
  5. You are all in my prayers. I am so sorry you are going through such difficult times. I certainly hope we can be here for you in the way you need us.
  6. I agree with Hebbie... in this case one cup of raspberries is doable... it is not like the supplements that require the equivalent of seventeen cups of carrots...
  7. Thank you for sharing your story. You are quite a fighter although looking at those beautiful children -- you have a lot to fight for.
  8. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday, March 29, 2005 Issue 1 March 25, 2005 Borrow this diet to lower your risk of disease Increasing scientific evidence suggests positive health effects of diets high in whole grains, fruit, vegetables, and legumes, as well as fish, nuts, and low-fat dairy products. In their 2000 Consensus Statement, Dietary Fat, The Mediterranean Diet and Lifelong Good Health, the International Task Force for Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease states that elements of the Mediterranean diet, which includes these elements, may reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease, obesity, diabetes and certain cancers. Other studies suggest that consumption of monounsaturated fats, olive oil, fish oil, antioxidants, and other fat compounds in the Mediterranean diet may help reduce the risk of certain cancers, such as breast cancer and colon cancer. There is no one typical Mediterranean diet. Many countries border the Mediterranean Sea and variations in the Mediterranean diet exist between these countries. However, according to the American Heart Association, traditional Mediterranean diets have the following characteristics in common: An abundance of plant foods: Fruits Vegetables Breads and cereals Potatoes Beans, nuts, and seeds Olive oil as the main source of fat Moderate amounts of fish and poultry Small amounts of red meat Moderate amounts of dairy products (mostly cheese and yogurt) Low to moderate amounts of eggs (zero to four times per week) Low to moderate amounts of wine (one to two glasses of wine per day), normally consumed with meals Fresh fruit as the typical daily dessert and low consumption of sweets (often honey, no more than several times a week) Comparison with the American Diet Unlike the typical American diet, the traditional Mediterranean diet is high in fiber and low in saturated fat. However, the Mediterranean diet is not necessarily low in total fat. The total fat ranges from less than 25% to 35% and sometimes greater; this is dependent on the amount of olive oil a person uses. Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats, which are considered healthful fats. Many foods emphasized in the Mediterranean diet are also emphasized in the USDA’s food guide pyramid. Mediterranean Diet Pyramid The traditional Mediterranean diet has been illustrated in a Mediterranean diet pyramid developed by researchers at Harvard and Oldways, a nonprofit education organization that promotes alternatives to unhealthful eating styles of industrialized countries. The pyramid is arranged in the following way: Along the base is daily physical activity The next four layers are foods that should be eaten daily: Bread, pasta, rice, cous cous, polenta, and other whole grains and potatoes Fruits, vegetables, beans, other legumes, and nuts. Olive oil Cheese and yogurt The next four layers are foods that should be eaten weekly: Fish Poultry Eggs Sweets Last—and least—is meat, which fills the space at the top of the pyramid, and is recommended only on a monthly basis Alongside the pyramid is wine, which should be consumed in moderation. Exercise is Essential, Too Research suggests that the Mediterranean diet is a healthful and pleasing alternative to the American diet. But will the diet alone significantly reduce your risk of heart disease and increase your longevity? Researchers point out that the low incidence of heart disease and low death rate in the Mediterranean countries may be due, in part, to other lifestyle factors such as more physical activity and extended social support systems.
  9. I am sending love and prayers. Lisa
  10. Lisa O

    one year

    I did join in that toast Curtis. Lachaim.
  11. Lisa O

    5 for 3/27/05

    Children hunting for eggs Family who got together today My nephew Gabe who was born 3 years ago today Sunshine Iressa
  12. Lisa O

    Five for 3/24

    Spring Break! The talent show is over and it went well! Medical insurance. March going out like a lamb. Great hugs.
  13. Lisa O

    5 for 3/21

    1. flannel 2. hugs 3. spring break which is coming at the end of the week 4. spring, even if it doesn't feel like it 5. family family family
  14. That is what we call HOPE!!
  15. Weeellll..... you've got the thicker darker hair now.... so you'll be back to your old self in a matter of time? How is that for positive thinking?
  16. Bruce, I am sure glad you are here in this community. There have been many times when you have been one of those who have lifted my spirits. You are such a wonderful person, I am grateful for this board also for the opportunity to meet you and so many others. Thanks for the wonderful post.
  17. I am so very sorry. Angie, you were such a support for your Dad throughout this journey. You and your family will remain in my prayers.
  18. I am toasting my Starbucks to your Dad right now Sharyn!
  19. Karen, You are right about this... and it is true of any disease. There should be a second opinion on any diagnosis. I have had my slides read by 4 Cancer centers (I happened to be seeking treatment there anyway) but cancer diagnoses are not always as cut and dry as one may believe. I have heard of this happening to several people.
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