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Lisa O

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Everything posted by Lisa O

  1. Thanks for posting Elaine, I am glad your son is recovering. SJS in very nasty. Welcome back. xo Lisa
  2. *&%^&*#!!! I am so sorry to hear of your new problems Frank. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Lisa
  3. Bill, You both remain in my prayers. I have heard wonderful EFGR miracles before. I am hoping she is one of them. Lisa
  4. Half way finished... what a great landmark. I am sure hoping this is a great treatment for you!! Keep us posted.
  5. I'm joining in the search...
  6. I am happy to hear that John got some reassurance! I hope his mom gets some good news about the rfa too!
  7. Fay, I am so sorry you are suffering so much. It sounds awful. I do appreciate when others share. Knowing the experiences of others has comforted me and probably saved me several times. Lisa
  8. Dearest Angie, I am so sorry that things are looking so desparate. I am praying for some positive news. Lisa
  9. That was so beautifully put Curtis.
  10. I have said some prayers.
  11. Hi Bo... You made some interesting points. I know that in stressful situations including illness and infections diabetics often have higher glucose. I am not sure of the exact biological connection but the body does use glucose for energy. I am still avoiding the "whites" -- although I am having a hard time this winter laying off the over indulgence of the bananas and apples with soy butter. Certain things can become a weakness. Thanks for the reminder. Lisa
  12. You are one awesome lady Karen!
  13. Ry and John, I am so very sorry... you are all in my prayers for an early stage and easy treatment. Sheesh!
  14. Cindi, I am glad you feel well enough to be bored although i realize how much that cna stink.... I am wishing you well. Please keep us posted. Lisa
  15. Karen, I LOVE you for what you did. I am also glad you scared them. I am less worried that you would have been accused of stealing since the animals were basically being neglected but it is better that you are not dealing with the stress right now. I don't think you need any more on your plate.
  16. Thinking of you.... and looking for an update...
  17. I will be keeping you guys in my thoughts. I will be away from the board because I will be in New York with my mom durng her procedure but you will be in my prayers nevertheless...
  18. Lisa O


    May God bless all of the angels in your life. I am praying for you. Lisa
  19. Karen and Dave, I am pulling for you and praying for you both. I am so sad that he had the pain.... but am so hoping that it means that the treatment is effective. Lisa
  20. ouch Fay! Does this get you back on the Tarceva? Praying for a resolution... xoxo Lisa
  21. I have said a prayer Don. I love the picture. Lisa
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