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Lisa O

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Everything posted by Lisa O

  1. Wow, another reason to swear off of sugar and any glucose producing white flour, rice... Thanks for the reminder Hebbie. That was very interesting. Lisa
  2. This is the exact advise my oncologist gives Hebbie. He discontinued all supplements. I do, however, still drink green tea as I consider that a part of my DIET. I also eat a great deal of antioxident rich fruit and produce which is from what I have read and heard perfectly okay. If I am ever off of treatment though, I do intend to go back to a full regimen of antioxidents.
  3. That is amazing. I wonder if they are going to get any clinical trials going? Thanks for posting this Hebbie!
  4. I do not follow the pure Budwig protocol but do eat cottage cheese and take flax seed oil every day. It makes sense to me to do all of the easy things I can to prevent growth of the cancer. Here is a link to the Budwig protocol. The cottage cheese and flax seed itself, is harmless if nothing else. http://home.online.no/~dusan/diseases/c ... udwig.html
  5. Welcome, I found that as soon as I could try to get back in to as close to a normal routine as possible the better. It was very distressing to be treated as a cancer victim once the "initial" treatment period was over. This is a long term fight and she needs to find a new normal - so it is generally best to help her focus on other things going on around the family, friends, neighborhood... anything independant of the cancer. Of course don't ignore the cancer issues. Let HER decide how much she needs to talk about or focus on issues related to her emotional and physical healing. You and your sister may need to seek your own psychological support. We are here for you and they have other caregiver support services in person if that is necessary. Just allow your mom to dictate how much time is spent on cancer v. noncancer issues. That helped me anyway. Good luck to your familly.
  6. Welcome Charlie, I am wishing you great luck with the Tarceva. Many people have found long term success with EGFRs, including me so far. I look forward to seeing you around. Lisa
  7. Welcome Glenn. It sounds like you have been through so much already. I sure hope you have a smooth ride from here. Good luck with treatment and keep us posted.
  8. I think that is beautiful Tom. I hope you continue to get messaages throughout your journey on earth. Keep your heart open.
  9. I have said prayers. I understand her mom's desperation.
  10. Oh Dear Fay, I am saying many many prayers for Phillip. Please let us know as soon as you hear something. Lisa
  11. Cheryl and Jack, You are both in my prayers. Don't lose faith. Brain mets are very often treatable. The vaccine is still out there. Hope is still with you. Hang on and we are still praying and wishing and with you.
  12. Lisa O

    An invitation!

    Thanks Hebbie! I do a great deal of shopping at whole foods too... although I am finding that so many stores are stocking the 100% whole grain products now. We have to be weary of the mixed products though. Some labels can be tricky. My daughter Leah actually prefers whole grain to white! Her friends eat whole grain at our house all the time now and don't really bat an eye. I think they enjoy the fact that I melt real unprocessed white cheddar cheese over the top. I do find that when I am being more lax with my eating I feel crummy. It is a good incentive to put better fuel into my body. I still need help with the water issues though. Thanks for the encouragement though Hebbie. I know you have been at this for a while so we will be looking for tips from you.
  13. Karen, Thanks so much for checking in. You have all been in my thoughts and prayers and will fo course remain so. Please continue to keep us posted and take it as easy as possible! Lisa
  14. John, You are 100% correct in my position.... I would not try to give up glucose completely.... I am not sure anyone could. I just try to go with whole grains and lower glycemic choices. I do try to avoid processed foods and escpecially white sugar, white flour and white rice. Ry could still have her pasta though. They have some great whole grain pasta. My daughter Leah loves whole grain macaroni and cheese. I think the water is crucial too. I am terrible with that in the winter. I seem to want to drink only hot beverages. I am always so COLD. I would think drinking more water would be even more important with the IRESSA. RY, I LOVE almost all of those vegetables on that list. I could eat radishes by the bushel and broccoli and brussel sprouts are some of my favorite snacks. Go figure how I ever got cancer.
  15. Lisa O

    An invitation!

    I love that we are getting responses.... especially during this quiet week!! We all have our different tips and for everyone it wil not be diet! For some of us it is just as important to teach ourselves to learn to be kinder to ourselves and not beat ourselves up! (I have been doing that a bit lately too.) Some of us wish to include more vegetables , some may want to increase their water intake and others may just want to take more time to appreciate nature or family... Of course switching from light to dark chocolate, from white to red wine... all of those little changes may be on the list for some as well. No one said everyone will be in to giving up their favorites... especially during treatment! So some tips may help us feel better about which indulgences we do choose. Thanks for sharing
  16. Thanks for the contribution Bo... that is exactly the argument I have heard concerning Pet! The flip side that is argued by opponents (I do not subscribe to this theory) is that cancer has a higher metabolic rate and that because the body is fasting (starved for glucose) the glucose is used to bind the tracer. The glucose naturally goes to the cancer only because of the metabolic needs - not because glucose necessarily feeds cancer. I have never really understood that argument because it still seems glucose goes right to cancer --- so I would rather not contribute to the heightened metabolic needs of the cancer if I can help it. The counter argument seems cyclical to me but it does have its proponents. I would rather just avoid the sugar. Of course in my book that includes all of the whites with the high glycemic index including white flour, white rice, white potatoes, very high sugar fruits (of course there are less of these)... I am so glad we are getting more of us on board.
  17. How are you doing? Any improvement? Please post an update. I am hoping faith enjoyed her HO HO Holidays!
  18. Cindy, I am on Iressa, and I drink a moderate amount of green tea every day. While my onc doesn't want me taking supplements, while on active treatment I think that eating and drinking antioxidants as part of my natural diet cannot be bad. If I were off of the Iressa, I would be taking the supplements as well!
  19. I'm with you Cindy.... it seems we certainly do move better and breath better without the extra weight too! I'm here if you need encouragement.... and I'll be looking for your progress too! P.M me if you would like. The link between sugar and cancer is relatively contraversial but has gained momentum in even conservative medicine lately. This year, the following article appeared in USA Today: http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/200 ... usat_x.htm Many longstanding critics of sugar and high glycemic carbs have since quoted that research. It is also interesting that Pet scan uses glucose to deliver the contrast which lights up high metabolic cancer. The glucose goes right to the cancer. I have heard many arguments both ways but why take the chance when the sugar is so bad for us on so many levels.
  20. I have gotten a bit careless lately with my no sugar/no white flour rules. I am determined to eat a healthier diet for 2005. I feel that it has helped me greatly, if not physically, than at least emotionally in allowing me to feel that I have a greater sense of control over my body. I also have more energy and my labs have been great. There is of course a school of thought that teaches that sugar and simple carbs feed cancer so I started the process because I wanted to make sure I did nothing to entice the unwanted visitor to stay in my body. If anyone would like to join me or share tips or cooking suggestions, low carb ideas... it would be welcome.
  21. Lisa O

    An invitation!

    The new year is upon us and I am reminded that there are many ways to fight this beast, some of which may include living well, eating well, excercising, meditation... I would like to ask or invite each and anyone of you to share any tips you have for helping to survive even on a day to day or moment by moment basis. I know we all have these tips or beliefs. Some of us avoid sugar or white flour. Some of us excercise everyday. Some of us take vitamins or antidepressants. Many of us find solace in nature and joy in family members and find that a new sense of purpose helps us to find strength to get through treatment or non-treatment. I am asking that we each share any tips or methods that may help our friends on this board to find additional ways to garner strength to get through each day taking back a bit of the power that seems lost sometimes in this battle. For example, I am going to renew my comittment to get rid of white sugar and flour so that I can take charge of one part of my daily battle that I can feel successful with each day. I will start a post with that title in Alternatiive and Complementary Medicine if anyone (Cargivers and Warriors alike) would like to join me on that particular tool. I am also going to eat all colors of fruits and vegetables and drink a MODERATE amount of tea. I will count all of my MANY blessings each day and with that I will vow to remember the big picture when it is so easy to get caught up in the littlest of battles. If any of you will please join me in the Alternative and Complementary medicine forum with any ideas on how YOU, the everyday caregivers/warriors, make little changes to your everyday lives to improve your odds, I think we could all benefit. Of course I would still like to see all of the topics including the major new breakthroughs but many of us don't visit the forum who could benefit from the little changes we all control on a daily basis. Let's all see if we can help eachother with any tips for an easier, smoother and hopefully a healthier 2005.
  22. Seems it can be good for those on watch and wait and those in between treatment, however the jury is still out for anyone in active treatment with "pure" chemotherapy or radiation. http://www.mdanderson.org/departments/n ... 508B603A14
  23. Wishing you all the best... Keep us posted. Lisa
  24. Do the breathing excercises religiously and walk as soon and as much as possible. Good luck!!!
  25. I am wishing you a better 2005 Margaret!
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