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Lisa O

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Everything posted by Lisa O

  1. Lisa O

    Truly Thank God

    I am so happy you are safe! I actually had just finished saying some prayers for all of those people who were killed and their families.
  2. Dean Carl, As far as I can tell, you have been a calming influence from day one. I hope you wipe the floor with the statistics for many years to come. Have a wonderful New Year my friend, and I will continue to hope and pray that we will both be here corresponding so that I can wish you many more of those. I feel beating the odds only brings more hope to all. Thanks for sharing your great news Dean.
  3. I just want you and your family to have the best Holiday Season possible together. I know these are difficult times. It is more important now than every to stick together. I hope I did not seem harsh... I think it's great you care so much for your mom. I am sure you will be a great help to your mom through this and you need support too! Don't hesitate to come back because of our frank nature at times okay?? We WILL be here for you.
  4. Lisa O

    Tough Time

    Try as hard as you can to shoot for good MOMENTS... not for a good year, or a good Christmas, or even a good morning.... just for one good cup of coffee or cocoa. Then maybe enjoy a gift. Maybe you can enjoy a pet, or a service or a blanket or the paper, or one moment here or there - each and any little moment or memory or comfort you can grab. Just take one here or there at a time... ok?
  5. Cheryl, I pray that Santa brings you a successful vaccine trial this year! Lisa
  6. Cathy, I am so sorry you lost your husband. I'm sure you are relieved that he was able to be at home with his decorations and family comforts. Please know that you will be in my prayers. Lisa
  7. There are all kinds of causes but medical professionals are the only ones who can determine which cause is responsible. It is really important for you to figure it out. Would you please let us know?
  8. What a wonderful tribute to have touched so many! I hope you found some comfort in that. Your family will remain in my prayers.
  9. Perhaps that is why she is not telling you the truth?? Perhaps you should try to understand how she is feeling instead of looking at the situation from your own sense of betrayal. Also, although I understand your instinct to interfere, you may want to be careful about "telling on her". There is an awful lot of responsibility that may go along with that if it affects her physician's decision regarding her treatment. Your mom is a grown up and if someone were to interfere in my relationship with my physician I would take advantage of the new hippa laws to make sure they were to have no contact with my physicians again under any circumstances. I am not trying to be critical of you - honest. Please understand, your mom has complex emotions and truthfully, must go through some processes independant of you right now. Hopefully that will lead her to quitting smoking for her own good. Guilt is probably the avenue least likely to get her there.
  10. Peggy, I am so very happy for you both!
  11. Sending lots of come home and get well wishes to Beth. Hope we get good news soon. Lisa
  12. Surveyor, I was on Coumadin for quite a while after having clots. I was allowed to take certain supplements that were known to affect INR with the provision that I would use them consistently and would have more frequent tests any time my diet or suppment usage changed. No one who uses coumadin has the same diet. That is why the blood is tested for each individual to determine the proper dose. If you keep your intake of vitamins a constant, it shouldn't be too hard to regulate your coumadin dosage. This would of course be with the knowlege and approval of your medical team as it was with mine at the time. Let us know how it goes. As an aside, my oncologist did ask me to cut out the supplements once I went on Iressa. I have done so although I do eat my way through an awful lot of antioxidents and vitamins.
  13. Well, now I am following it after they have all said it so.... Welcome. I am sure you will find this a source of great support and information.
  14. Caitlin, She has a great deal of hope. Hang in there. Life will find a balance again. This roller coaster is normal at the beginning. We are here for you -- Come back and vent... and bring your mom if she is willing.
  15. This link is encouraging. Straight from the "horses" mouth: http://www.astrazeneca-us.com/modules/P ... ?id=211316
  16. This link is encouraging. Straight from the "horses" mouth: http://www.astrazeneca-us.com/modules/P ... ?id=211316
  17. I have children. I do not apologize for getting multiple medical opinions when one of them needs medical attention. Last year my daughter needed gamma knife surgery for an AVM in the right parietal region of her brain. I knew I would get no less than three opinions before I would choose treatment. Of course I would shop doctors for her! No one questioned that and it was accepted and applauded. Now I am fighting for my children to have a mother. I will be no less assertive or careful because I love and protect my children enough to make sure that they have the best possible future.... at whatever cost. Do no less for yourself. Ever.
  18. Lisa O

    Good scan

    Wow!!! Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy!!
  19. Here is the website for the drug and how it is available by prescription: http://usa.weleda.com/medicine/iscar.as ... scador.com I don't know if it will be helpful for your purposes but it is somewhat informative.
  20. What a beautiful sign Sharyn. I know you will miss his presence on earth but your connection will help get you through the roughest times. My prayers are with you.
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