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Lisa O

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Everything posted by Lisa O

  1. My prayers are with you!!!
  2. Wow... the concept of shrinkage sounds wonderful! I hope the news gets better and better and the Duke regains his strength and spirit!
  3. Congratulations. I wish you a long and wonderful life together!
  4. I have no answers but wish you luck with your treatment!
  5. Welcome Renee. Others have told you of the forums I would have mentions so I just want to reiterate that we are here to listen. Lisa
  6. Well Hello Dolly! (Sorry couldn't help myself). I am on Iressa and have had a pretty easy time on it. I have some rash (sometimes bad - sometimes not), some stomach upset, and some hair and nail issues but overall pretty tolerable. It has kept me stable over one and a half years. I wish your husband luck on it! Keep us posted and feel free to pm me if you have more questions.
  7. Just a quick note to say welcome! I don't know much about sclc but there are many here who do! I wish you the best.
  8. Wishing you lots of luck here.... Keep us posted.
  9. It sounds like things are headed in the right direction. I hope things continue to improve!
  10. I am so sorry about that horrible experience. Please do not let those morons demoralize you. You have the right to keep fighting. We are here for you. Lisa
  11. Have a wonderful year and a great celebration with family and friends.
  12. I can't answer your questions but you will be in my prayers. Good luck! Lisa
  13. Sheesh David, Prayers all around for your family.... Sounds like you guys really have your hands full. Enjoy Faith and keep the Faith. Lisa
  14. You are in my thoughts Addie. Lisa
  15. Jane, Your generosity is so appreciated. Your letter was also very sweet and kind. Thank you for choosing to remain a member of this family. Lisa
  16. I am so sorry that the doctor was so insenstitive to YOU! I am happy though that you both have a basis for a new fight and some hope. I know that can make quite a difference. Perhaps a new weapon will help renew the fighting spirit? You will both remain in my prayers.
  17. I am so sorry T-Bone is not feeling well. I hope they fix him right up. He has got to be all better for that big party you are planning!
  18. Lisa O

    Lets be nice

    I don't even understand the basis for any hate mail??? I won't even try! I appreciate this website and the work that goes into it! Thank you everyone for your time and effort.
  19. Ginny, You are both in my prayers.
  20. I'll just get a jump start on those prayers now.
  21. Lisa O

    facial swelling

    See the doctor as soon as possible. There are some tumor locations and other issues that can cause facial swelling unrelated to water retention. Good luck phyllis and keep us posted.
  22. Lisa O


    Praying for a quick opinion and that it is not a turmor.
  23. I am so sorry. I have no other words. It really stinks.
  24. Phyllis, You are one heck of a fighter and it is okay to feel so angry right now when the doctors have lead you down a wrong path and then abandoned you. We don't exactly feel we have time to waste! But I agree with the others in that you have come very far and still have many options. Add me to your list of cheerleaders and try to find the strength to keep going ONE DAY AT A TIME until things start looking up.
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