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Lisa O

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Everything posted by Lisa O

  1. Forget the treadmill - give me an old fashioned mall anyday of the week! I am so glad the pain is under control.
  2. I am sorry for the growth but glad it is slow -- Now to kick its *&%@# on the next round...
  3. Lisa O

    An Update.

    Dean, You are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope that you are able to find better symptom control. I am so glad you are able to enjoy the wonderful flowers -- literally and otherwise. Lisa
  4. The date sounds great to me and I would love to help any way I can!!!
  5. Hi Steph! I am so sorry you have to be here... but you have come to the right place for support. I am so glad to here your post op tests went so well. I will be pulling for continued good results. Lisa
  6. Lisa O

    Hall passes

    I agree -- I think David should be denied hall pass privileges for a LONG time. And Becky.... are you saying people want to get rid of me???
  7. I love that one!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Jerry, I am so sorry your onc has been so cold. Thank heavens you got a second opinion. I hope this one really changes things for you.
  9. Oh my gosh Shirley --- Please heal quickly!! I am so sorry/
  10. Margaret, Nancy, Karen, I would love to meet you guys if I could. I will only be in the Anaheim area on Thursday and Friday.... If by any chance you would like to meet for dinner or after dinner coffee on either of those nights I would be in!!! Lunch would be hard only because my daughter will want to be in the Parks the whole day of both days. (She will be with family in Northridge the first part of the trip and looking forward to the Disney part!) I do understand though if you want to keep your lunch meeting if that is better for the three of you. I really appreciate all of the well wishes for the trip. And Yes David S -- We do plan on taking LOTS of pictures. I will use one if Rick doesn't mind putting it on for me since I can't get the hang of it.
  11. We have decided to take a quick trip to Disneyland to refresh our family. We have been under quite a bit of stress lately and need some 'together time" --- and not a moment too soon. We are leaving 5/16 and will be back 5/22. Have a great week.
  12. Happy anniversary Cheryl! You have come so far. I wish you a very long journey in this lifetime and many more survivor anniversaries to come.
  13. I treated with Dr. Albain from Loyola for quite a while.... she is great. I had to travel from Michigan and would recommend her --- HOWEVER-- she is an oncologist -- not a surgeon. The center is great and you may want to get her advice.
  14. Lisa O


    TAnn, I pray the Iressa is your answer. Keep us posted.
  15. Sure Ry.... ask on the day I just used Mother's day as an excuse to cheat on the no white flour, no white potato rule.... Oh well, another day, another pound! Lisa
  16. Treatment can be very hard but there are often very real rewards. Is she in any support group? Will she come here and meet any of us who are doing well and enjoying life? I am so sorry....This is a hard road. You are not alone. Lisa
  17. Welcome Geoff, I have been rooting for your family already due to Melinda's introduction. She is some lady you know. I'm sorry you have to join us here, but I hope we can help. Lisa
  18. Dearest Lynn, We have spoken by e-mail, so I won't repeat myself too much here. You and your family remain in my thoughts and prayers. I admire your faith, strength, and courage and pray that it serves you well in the difficult times ahead. Lisa
  19. I will be praying for your family. I am sorry for all that you are going through.
  20. Oh my gosh Ginny I am so sorry about your dear friend and sister. You have so much going on right now. I wish you strength to get through this. I am glad the Duke is doing well.... that is a relief. You certainly do need a breather and a break somewhere. Take it easy. Lisa
  21. Lisa O

    Bob Mc

    I totally understand David. Thanks for the post. Lisa
  22. I am praying for your family and will be watching for news. Lisa
  23. Lisa O

    My brother-in-law

    I have no words. I am just so very sorry. Have a safe trip. Your sister is very lucky to have your support right now.
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