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Don M

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Everything posted by Don M

  1. You have my prayers Lillian. Don M
  2. regarding the previous post, just so. I hope it is benign too. I have had lymph nodes that lit up, and at surgery, were found to not be malignant. My surgeon told me that PET scans and CT scans are not proof of cancer. Don M
  3. Hi: I don't have any suggestions. I can only offer my best wishes that your father's breathing improve. Perhaps continued exercise would help. Don M
  4. Hi Wendy: Joanie and others have given you good advice. I would just like to welcome you. Don M
  5. Hi G. I would like to welcome you to this site. As others have said, the best you can do at this point is to monitor the nodule and watch for growth. Insist on a follow up ct scan in 6 months. Don M
  6. Hi Cluck. Welcome to this site. My brother died of lung cancer in 2000. In October of 2003, my PCP informed me that I had a "lung mass" that was still early stage. She said "somewhat must be watching out for you up there". I always fancied that it was my brother who nudged me to have the ct chest scan done. I had a scan done of my bladder the previous spring. The lower part of my lungs showed up in the image and a possible nodule or photo artifact was noted in my lower left lung. The radiologist and my PCP did not seem very concerned at the time. The radiologist suggested that I do a chest ct scan after a few months to make sure it was just an artifact. I was going to not do the followup, but decided to do it just to make sure. The following fall, I had a chest ct scan done. The ct scan showed a large mass in my upper left lobe. It turned out that the earlier scan had picked out a nodule, at my lower left lung, but it was found to be benign. The new structure found was a complete surprise. Don M
  7. Don M

    New Avtar

    What a beautiful baby boy. Don M
  8. Hi Rob: I would like to pass on my experience to you and extend you my support. I have had 2 thoracotomys. The first one was in Jan 2003. I had an upper left lobectomy. My mass was rather large. it was 4x5cm. My surgeon did a wedge resection of the mass first. The pathologist was at the operating table and did the pathology on the spot. When he said it was malignant, the surgeon proceded to sample my lymph nodes at the mediastinum. They found no malignant lymph nodes. Then, he removed the upper left lobe. If the mass was found to be benign, the operation would have been halted. If the mediastinum showed malignant lymph nodes, the operation would have been halted. The surgeon told me that malignant mediastinal lymph noders means that the cancer has left the lungs and could be anywhere in the lymphatic system and a lobectomy would be pointless. However, I know of at least one person who had malignant lymph nodes removed along with a lung, did follow up chemo, and has been cancer free for years. The pathology over the next few days showed the margins of the resected lobe to be clear and the nodes within the lung tissue were clear. Then, I was staged IB. I did no follow chemo. I wish I would have, because MAYBE it would have prevented my second cancer a year later. I had my second cancer removed along with the rst of my left lung, a year ago. I am cancer free now. The surgeon followed the same protocol described above. My second cancer was 1.2 cm. It was staged IA I did followup chemo regardless of the staging this time. I had 4 rounds of gemzar/carboplatin. I easily tolerated it and don't regret doing the chemo. I know what you mean about being antsy to get the show on the road and get the surgery over. I decided on my first surgery Nov 30, 2003. I had to wait until Jan 2 to get it done because of the holidays. It drove me nuts because of the waiting. At my second surgery, I only had to wait a week. Be nice to the nurses and follow their instructions about coughing up gunk and blowing on the spirometer. The single most important thing you can do for recovery is to walk as much as you can. And, if I were you, I would ask for chemo. Don M
  9. I am an early stage survivor, but a survivor nonetheless. Don M
  10. Pam: may your scans be clear and lightless. Don M
  11. Thanks for sharing your picture Fay. Like Aimie, I looked at your picture and thought that is the way I imagined you to look. You wear a lot of grace on your face. I hope you continue to be comfortable and nothing scary happens. Bless you Fay. Don M
  12. Trish: what a bummer. I hope you can get it all straightened out this Tuesday. Don M
  13. I don't know anything about style. I like being comfortable...comfort. Don M
  14. Don M


    Exercise for me was an important way to stay focused during my treatment. When I did chemo, I still walked a mile a day, but I also napped a lot. I am retired now and probably exercise more now than when I was working. Don M
  15. Don M


    Anais; take it easy and mend well. Don M
  16. It is good to see you post again Fay. The sun is shining here, but it is unusually cold for the area. Don M
  17. Hi Jodi; welcome to this site. I hope your mom finds a treatment plan that works well for her. Don M
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