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Don M

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Everything posted by Don M

  1. Congratulations on your 3 years of cancer free becky.
  2. Welcome. I know what you mean by not sweating the small stuff. In many ways, I am happier now than before my diagnosis. Of course I suppose it helps that I am cancer free now. Don M
  3. Paddy: I enjoyed your story. Don M
  4. I hope it works. You have my prayers. Don M
  5. I am sorry Ed is having such difficulty. I have no suggestions other than what has been mentioned. Ed and you have my prayers. Don M
  6. Trish: I love that word, "curative"! Jeffrey should recover quickly from the collasped lung. Mine collasped at my first fna, and I had a chest tube inserted the next day to reinflate it. I went home hoping it would spontaneously reinflate. The next day I still had a "flat tire" so the radiologist inserted a chest tube. I declined an overnight stay (I hate hospitals). I went home with the tube in me and had it removed the next day at the local hospital. Don M
  7. Melinda; your mom has my prayers. I hope the scan show further shrinkage. Don M
  8. Hi Marian: coughing up blood could be caused by other things besides a tumor. You should at least ask for an x-ray though, because of the family history of lung cancer. If it turns out to be nothing, at least you will have some peace of mind. Don M
  9. TAnn: I am sorry to hear the news of the cancer progression. You have my prayers. don M
  10. Don M


    If you get the chance, go for the surgery Marie. I was very grateful that I was able to have the surgery a second time and still be able to have a cure. don M
  11. Ain't that something? I hope your luck contiues. Don M
  12. Libby: I ope your mom can get her strength back and show no further progression. don M
  13. Don M

    Don't give up Hope

    I am glad your dad made the right decision and you had those 3 special years with him. If my circumstances became dire, I would opt for survival as your dad did. Perhaps most of us have predictable everyday lives, but I believe that each day holds promise for novelty and magic and I want as many as I can get. I want to grab the brass ring. Don M
  14. Hi tammy: as everyone else has said,get a second opinion. I am sure that chemo would benefit your dad. Don M
  15. Welccome Connie. It sounds like your mom is off to a good start attitude wise. Don M
  16. Kat: please accept my condolecnes at the loss of yoour father. Don M
  17. I have had 3 fine needle aspirations and one bronchoscopy. I liked the bronchoscopy much better. They give you a sedative. Your throat will be a little sore afterwards. Have fun on your trip. Don M
  18. Don M

    ALYCE IS GONE >>>>

    Larry, I am sorry for your loss. Don M
  19. A mediastinoscopy is a relatively non intrusive and safe procredure. But, I don't get it. Your mediastinum should have been checked out when you had the thoracotomy. So I guess the post surgery PET scan lights up your mediastinum and they have decided to dig a little deeper because of the PET scan? Definitley get another opinion and see a lawyer. Don M
  20. Hi: I hope your cough goes away soon. A persistent cough can really drain you. It must be especially irksome if it reminds you of how it all started. It will probably go away in a while. I had a cough for several months after surgery. My oncologist prescribed a codeine like substance to suppress the cough. Don M
  21. Lori: you were right to give the nurse's a headsup. Sometimes the principal caregiver is the only one who may have the "big picture" in mind in terms of care. I will continute to pray for your mom and you. don M
  22. Karen, you and Ken have my prayers. Don M
  23. Good Luck Fay. You have a lot of grit. Don M
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