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Don M

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Everything posted by Don M

  1. Hi Patty: I had a PET scan light up my chest wall and hilar area more than a year after my first surgery, and it turned out to not be malignant. I hope you can put your mind at rest. I know it is not easy though. At least it is being closely monitored. That in itself should help put your mind at ease. Don M
  2. Barb: I am just going to echo what everyone said. That was a stupid thing for the doc to say. I am sure any oncoloogist would be perfectly happy to pronounce "cured" over you. There was a lady who lived at the little community where I used to work who had lung cancer. She had a lung removed for it and then lived another 20 years and basically died of old age. Of course you could always get a new primary, but after 5 years it is not likely. Don M
  3. Fay: I hope your oncologist has a speedy reovery and that your can get that tumor removed and have a brand new chest wall installed. I know that would be my choice. I think you have had more surgery than any of us. Don M
  4. Hi Linda, welcome to this site. I hope you get a second opinion too. Do you know for sure that you have bone mets? Did you get a bone scan? There is always hope. Don M
  5. Welcome to this site. I am sorry you lost your dad and tht your mom and you now have to deal with the lung cancer. You might consider what stance your mom would want to take regarding treatment. Some pursue a very aggressive treatment in order to knock the cancer back as far as possible as quickly as possible. For instance, some people do chemo and radiation at the same time, which would be very aggressive. Others separate the 2 treatments to make the overall treatment more tolerable. Maybe your mom would just want to take a treatment that would be effective in controling the cancer, yet be less agrressive and easier for her to tolerate. Deciding what approrach to take would be the first step. Then, you could discuss with the oncologist what the specifics of the plan are. I think gemzar is easier to tolerate than taxol. you might ask the oncologist about using gemzar. The usual standard is 6 rounds of carboplatin/taxol or gemzar for first line treatment. Lately, some oncologists have included tarceva with carboplatin/gemzar or taxol for women who have never smoked. Ask your oncologist about that. You should get your mom to sign a release so that you can have access to and keep copies of her medical records and reports. I think you should visit a major cancer center to visit with an oncologist. I hope you mom shakes the pneumonia and can find a treatment that works well for her. Don M
  6. Don M

    Prayers for Addie

    Addie has my prayers. Don M
  7. Anytime I can spend with my grandson always brings a smile to my face. I feel good when I get a lot of firewood cut up and am grateful that I can still do it. I like watching my woodpile grow. Don M
  8. I don't think much about it until I am waiting in the exam room for the oncologist come in with the report and when I am actually reading the report. In the meantime, I enjoy my retirement. Good luck with Gary's scans. My next scan is next month next time. I guess I should check my appointment card to see what day it is exactly... ok, I will. Hmmm... it is Feb 23. So I guess I have been thinking about it today. OK, no more thinking about it until report reading day for me. Really. Don M
  9. Your mother may be better off whith the onc she has rather than look for another one, but...my response would be to look for another oncologist. I would insist on a a partner relationship in my medical care between the onc and me and I would not want to be treated so cavalierly. For me, the attitude of the oncologist is just as important as his techincal expertise. Don M
  10. ABSOLUTELY..NO DOUBT AT ALL..CHEMO IS WORTH IT! I wish I had done chemo after my first surgery because maybe I would not have gotten my second cancer. I easily tolerated my chemo after my second surgery. Don M
  11. Lori; I have no suggetions to add. You have my prayers though. don M Well, in the last stages of his lung cacner, my brother was basically bedridden. He was on medicaid. The insurance paid for a hospital bed, a commode and home visit by a nurse several hours a day to bathe him and change the sheets. Maybe you could get something similar going.
  12. Hi again Begonia: If your mom had a confirmed diagnosis, I think she should be seeing an oncologist at this point. A month IS way too long to discuss the results of a scan. A pulmonologist is just fine for lung function and what not. The times I saw a pulmonologist were preludes to surgery. I suppose he could go ahead and order the tests, but take the results to an oncologist and get a treatment plan implemented. You could have a copy of the radiologists report sent to an oncologist by the radiology department and see the oncologist instead of the pulmonologist. Don M
  13. Cheryl: Please accept my condolences on the loss of your husband. You have my prayers that you and yours will get through the difficult times ahead. Don M
  14. Patti: your news on of your sister's response sounds very encouraging. I hope it continues. I am glad your sister's oncologist warmed up to you all too. Don M
  15. Hi Paula and welcome to this board. I hope your mom's treatment starts soon and that she can wack the disease way back and enjoy her granchildren. I am 61 and will have my second grandchild in about 5 months. Don M
  16. Welcome Begonia. The waiting is the hardest paert. I hope you get a treatment plan soon. It gets beeter once a plan is being implemented. Don M
  17. I hope you have a speedy recovery Katie. Don M
  18. Taht is very cool Jim. Nine treatment courses...wow. Keep on responding Jim.. maybe taking the avastin will allow you to take a break when you are doen with it. Don M
  19. Weclome; I can't answer your questions regarding Leptomeningeal Metatases. Don M
  20. Don M


    welcome Tammy: once you get a referal for your dad, things should move better. I am sorry it is taking so long. For sure, once there is a treatment plan in place, things go better. Don M
  21. Please accept my condolences at the loss of your wife. don M
  22. Hi Marie I remember I coughed up blood for a week or so. It was not very much. I think it was from the blood thinners I was taking. I would not say it scared me, but I was definitely concerned. I would examine my spit with great interest until the blood stopped coming up. It is probably nothing to worry about, especially if it stops after a short time. Enjoy your concert. Don M
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