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Don M

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Everything posted by Don M

  1. Congratulations, enjoy your trip. Don M
  2. Lori: I guess you gather bynow that you should follow your mom's wishes regarding where she stays if you lose the therapy accomadations. You are not overstepping because it is what your mom wants to do. I think if you get support from the medical professionals, you may get the insurance decison overturned. Good luck. Don M
  3. Congratulations to Thomas on his anniversary and may he have many more. Don M
  4. Don M


    I looked into a bit and discovered that it is not a problem in my area. Don M
  5. Don M

    Steady decline

    Hi Nancy: I am sorry you have to watch your dad's decline. I think the good moments you had looking at the pictures was nice. Just try to be with him as you can. Look for other oppportunities to have special moments. You and your dad have my prayers. Don M
  6. Good news Teresa. I am sorry you had to get all churned up about it. I would imagine that a surgeon should be pretty good at reading ct scans for the area where he has his specialty. Don M
  7. Hi Tom: welcome to this board. I see you have had all the ususal emotions that one has when finding out about a cancer. These days, lc if more treatable than just 5 years ago. If the cancer has not yet left your lung, it may be operable. Of course, you have a problem with your heart. If you are not a candidate for surgery, you can get it zapped with cyberknife surgery depending on the size. Let us know more about the size, location and staging and we can offer suggestions or experiences we have had in situations that would be similar to yours. You might want to ask for brain mri. I read an account from a medical professional who says that since people are beginning to survive lung cancer for longr periods of time, scanning and monitoring for brain mets is more important than it used to be. It used to be that people would be dead before brain mets became a problem. Brain mets can be managed better if they are caught early. When I found out I had cancer, I just blabbed the news to whoever would listen. Once you find out more about your situation and the oncologist comes up with a treatment plan you will settle down into a routine and your life will resume a more everyday rhythm. Hopefully it is early stage and you have a shot at a cure. Don M
  8. So it looks like your dad will gt some relief Eppie. Good deal. Don M
  9. Aym: please accept my condolences at he loss of your friend. Don M
  10. Don M

    Some Questions

    Hi Jen: I think it must be rare because this is the first I have heard of it in my time on this board. The important thing is that your docs say you have an excellent chance at a cure. I googled "kulchitsky cells" and was led to the following link: http://www.emedicine.com/radio/topic403.htm You have to register to read the full article. It appears to be a pretty good site for info, but some of it is pretty technical. Don't get too hung up on what it says, it is full of medical jargon, but take comfort in that your docs say that it is highly likely that you will be cured. I decided to point out the site to you because some people, like me, like to know as much about their disease as possible. It says that bronchial carcinoid tumors are rare. Don M
  11. Sounds good. I did not know there was a PET scan for the brain. I learned something today. I hope the PET shows a cold spot. Don M
  12. Ginnie: I see you have had an agressive tratment, and the pay off is big shrinkage. I hope it contiunes down to NED and that you are feeling better now. Don M
  13. I hope you get some information soon and good news Eppie. Don M
  14. Don M


    Mary: I have never had brain mets, but if I did I would ask about cyberknife surgery. http://www.cyberknifesupport.org/forum/default.aspx?c=4 http://www.accuray.com/ It is supposed to be the most acccurate form of sterotactic sugery. They don't use a mask or a frame. Don M
  15. Hi Vickey: I am a little puzzled. If you had an xray, you must have seen a doctor, right? Did he address the blood in your sputum? If you are still coughing up blood after 2 weeks and have already seen the doctor, you should tell him that you are still coughing up blood. When did you see the doctor and get your xray? Don M
  16. What can I say Shellie? You had the doc dead to rights and you went in for the kill. He will get over it and might learn something. I hope it turns out that your sister has no mets. Don M
  17. Hi: I am sorry your mom's scans showed brain mets. At least they are small and there are only 2. You could check into cyberknife surgery which is a form of stereotactic radiosurgery. http://www.cyberknifesupport.org/forum/default.aspx?c=4 I have heard that tarceva is supposed to cross the blood brain barrier, so I would think your mom was using the right drug, especially if the lung and liver are stable. Don M
  18. Don M


    Ginnie: I am sorry for the loss of your brother. I hope your scans bring you good news. Don M
  19. It sounds very promising Jodi. Don M
  20. Leslie: you and Tina have my prayers Don M
  21. Hi again Stacy: I think you should find a new doc too. If I had a nodule bigger than 1 cm I would be concerned. I don't know why your pulmomologist said that a vats biopsy could not be done on a nodule that size. They are done all the time. And the popping up of new stuff should be a concern too. Sometimes I think that practioners are not up on the studies. They get set in their ways for their practice and that is it. Don M
  22. Deb, your mom has my prayers. Don M
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