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Don M

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Everything posted by Don M

  1. Getting a morphine pump set up seems like a good next step Nancy. After that, maybe your dad could stay where he is and have home hospice vistation. You, your dad and the rest of your family have my prayers. Don M
  2. Carleen, I am sorry you and Keith are having such a hard time and that you lost your babies. I have yet to hear a satisfactory explanation of suffering and I certainly don’t understand it. One thing is obvious, is that suffering is visited on all of us to one degree or another. It is like rain, it gets everyone wet good or bad. I believe in the power of prayer. When people pray for me, I feel comforted. There is power in just being comforted. At the very least, I hope and pray that you and Keith do a get a respite. There is no doubt that you deserve it. I was raised a catholic. I don’t go to mass any more or take the sacraments. But I still have faith of a sort. I believe that no matter what we suffer or how messed up things seem to be, every thing is happening, as it should right here and now. I believe it, but I just don’t understand it. And, it seems like an odd thing to believe in light of all the horrible things that are going on in the world. It helps me to cultivate a grateful heart. Of course it is somewhat easy for me, because I feel good. I have not experienced the ravages of lung cancer that others have, although I have it for the third time. I can tell from your posts that you have a great capacity for love. Sometimes I think that those of us, who love the most, also suffer the most. You have my continuing prayers and best wishes. Don M
  3. Sheeesh Eppie...how awful. I am glad you are ok now. Yah poor kitty. My cats bring me a lot of comfort. Don M
  4. Don M

    Need prayers for my Mom

    I hope it is something they can easily remedy Gloria so that your mom can keep on truckin. Your mom has my prayers. Don M
  5. Sandy, I am very sorry for your loss. don M
  6. Don M


    Hi Gigi and welcome. It sounds like you mom had an allergic reaction? The way I dealt with fatigue was to take long naps. Don M
  7. Welcome: your dad has a pretty good shot at attaining no evidence of disease. I hope he overcomes the dread of chemo.
  8. Way to go Karen. If I had more than 4 brain mets, I would still find someone to zap them individually. Don M
  9. Don M

    hi all

    Hi Laurene: I hope you stay out of the cancer club. If I did not have any growth in 3 years, I would be very encouraged. Don M
  10. I have heard of others managing brain mets up to 11 mets at a time, and for 3 different crops of mets with gamma knife or other targeted radiation such as cyberknife. The only restriction was that the primary tumor had to be controlled. For myself, I intend to avoid wbr if I ever get brain mets. Don M
  11. Hospice will answer all your questions, make your mother comfortable and help you put your mind at ease. that being said, if I had brain mets that came back, and I flet good... still had strength, I would seek a second opinion. I have heard of pople having brain mets zapped up to 3 different times before the mets stabilized. I think the primary tumor has to be controlled. check out: http://www.cyberknifesupport.org/forum/default.aspx?f=1 Don m
  12. I just don't know Lori. I would suspect it is the decadron being reduced. I hope you get an answer soon. Don M
  13. Amen and I hope the taxotere is doing its job. Don M
  14. Welcome Welthy. I see that your husband has a very agressive treatment plan and is finding some success. I hope it continues. don M
  15. Welcome: the only way it would makes sense to me to wait for 2 months is if the spot was 6 mm and not 6 cm. It is good that your sister is going to get authorization to access and keep medical records. I hope you get an answer soon. Don M
  16. Hi Dede. Your dad sounds like a nice guy. I hope the chemo gives him stability. Don M
  17. Hi...welcome. glad you're stable. Don M
  18. Hi Rose: I would like to extend my condolences on the passing of your ex. Yes, you are lucky to have a shot at the surgical cure. We all have to deal with the what if fears to one degree or another. I always kept it at the back of my mind until it was ct scan report time. Unfortunately for me, my cancer has come back twice after an upper left lobectomy over 2 years ago. but I feel good now and am enjoying my life. After my next treatment, I will be NED again because I have only one tumor to kill. But I will certainly enjoy my days as I have them. I guess you just have to acknowledgw whatever level of fear you have, like an observation, and then pet the cat or smell the flower or enjoy your meal. Don M
  19. From the Cancer Compass: http://www.cancercompass.com/cancer-news/1,10616,00.htm
  20. Don M

    almost 2 year

    Berisa: time may soften the pain, but never the love. I believe that our love for our loved ones counts even after death. A few weeks before my dad died, I told him that he could take my love with him. Then he reached out and hugged me. Don M
  21. Eppie, thankyou for sharing. I was very moved . My dad died in 1995. I was in his room at his home when he died, along with other family members. I helped the nurse wash his body afterwards. The nurse invited me to help, saying "you can perform this one last service for your dad". I will always remember it. Don M
  22. Hi Eppie. I hope you can work a way around the car alarm. It would be cool if yu could drive your dad's old truck around. Maybe it could be your muse. Keep writing. Don M
  23. Don M


    Welcome home Lily. Don M
  24. Dennis: please accept my condolences for the loss of your wife. Don M
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