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Don M

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Everything posted by Don M

  1. Don M

    Request for a prayer

    Sean has my prayers. Don M
  2. Welcome back Lynne: I am sorry about your loss. I hope the monastery experience deepens your understanding. Don M
  3. I am not sure why they are doing the needle biopsy. They have already staged it. Maybe they want to confirm the diagnosis with physical evidence. It might aid in the choice of chemo treatment, but I am not sure. Needle bipsies are often time inconclusive because they don't get a good sample and they are reluctant to keep poking the needle into your lung. There is a remote risk of seeding the cancer into your chest wall as the sample is extracted from your tumor. There is a possibility that your lung will collaspe when the needle is extracted, but this is not too big of a deal. they will be prepared for it. They will insert a chest tube. I have had 2 FNAs in the past and I had a collasped lung each time. It was more of an incovnenience than anything else. They wanted to keep me in the hospital overnight, but I declined. I told then that I would go to the ER room at the local hospital the next day to have the tube extracted from my chest. Don M
  4. You and your mother in law have my prayers. This is just a thought...maybe she needs medication to suppress the feeling of oxygen starvation. Don M
  5. Don M


    Welcome Mellisa: I hope your dad gets some relief soon. Don M
  6. Adela, I am sorry for you loss. don M
  7. Audrene, pleases accept my condolences. don M
  8. Please accept my condolences Donna. Don M
  9. May the news continue to be good Sheri. Not all people have bad outcomes, eh? Don M
  10. absolutely...especially if there is scar tissue Don M
  11. Way to go grandma Carol. My second grandchild is due ine early July. Don M
  12. Don M

    3 Years

    You got my prayers Carleeen for easy procedure. May Keith have many more anniversaries. Don M
  13. Hi Jacqui: You have got a lot of good advice here. I would just like to welcome you. Encourage your mom to rest when she feels tired. I took a lot of naps when I was on chemo. I drank a lot water and snacked a lot. I hope your mom's treatment goes smoothly. Don M
  14. Don M

    VATs redo?

    You all got my prayers Eppie. Don M
  15. Wow Pam...what a double whammy. Just hunker down, take your meds and get better. don M
  16. Hi Roger: welcome to this message board. I hope yoour treatment goes smoothly beginning with good results from your chemo. Good luck. Don M
  17. It sounds like you are on track Tom. Good luck. Don M
  18. I quit smoking in 1984. I probably had an occasional craving for a cigarette for a year or so after. I would have recurring dreams where I started smoking again and was disappointed in my dream. Then I would wake up and realize it was just a dream. The last time I had one of the cigarette dreams was probabaly 10 years or so ago. Don M
  19. Here is a link that gives an overview of stereotactic radiosurgery: http://www.irsa.org/radiosurgery.html I think Lori's mom must have had cyberknife surgery the second time because as far as I know it is the only form of sterotactic radiosurgery that does not require a head mask or frame. Gamma knife requires a frame. I am going to pursue having cyberknife surgery for a lung tumor. http://www.accuray.com/ http://www.cyberknifesupport.org/forum/default.aspx?c=4 Don M
  20. Waht a touching post Melinda. I am glad you all had your moment of grace. don M
  21. Cindy: it sounds like the second opinion guys are a good bunch of doctors. I am going to see about having radio frequency ablation for a new tumor on my lung. The system uses robtics and is very accurate. I hope your dad's situation can be turned round 180 degrees and that he will have many good years ahead. Don M
  22. Welcome: I am sorry your dad has to deal with the lung cancer. I think the pneumonia and infections are treatment related. Once he gets through treatment, he will hopefully have shrunk or stopped the cancer. I hope the best outcome for your dad. Don M
  23. I would like to welcome you Terese whether you belong here or not. I think there are a number of women who post here who have also had breast cancer. I am pretty sure that their lung cancer was a primary. I bet they post soon and relate their experiences to you. I hope your mom's treatment whacks the cancer down. Don M
  24. I am sorry your husband has lung cancer. My experience has been nsclc too. There is a forum here for small cell lung cancer that you can visit. Welcome to this site. Don M
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