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Don M

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Everything posted by Don M

  1. Karen and Laura: I am sorry for your loss. Don M
  2. Thanks Stacy. I hope your nodule watch remains uneventful (no big ones). I get my results Friday. Don M
  3. Linda I hope you mom gets out of the pneumonia quickly. I guess that is one of the complications that can arise from doing chemo. Don M
  4. Hi Jan, welcome to the board. Keep on surving. Don M
  5. My surgeon told me I could drive after 2 weeks. If you can drive, I guess you can fly. Don M
  6. Hi Cindi; so I guess the potassium levels in your blood were low? and you will get the results of your next ct scan on the phone? Enjoy your window time. Don M
  7. Don M


    Hi Eppie: that taxotere sounds like rough stuff. I hope your dad can end it soon and get some strength back. You all have my prayers. Don M
  8. Sounds good to me. Just forget about it for 3 months. Don M
  9. It is interesting to note that a nodule 2.2 x 1.3 cm can be from bronchitis/pnemonia. My nodule is 2.2 x 1.4 cm. That is about an inch. I have not had any bronchitis in years, and have never had pneumonia. I have only the one lung left, and aim to keep as much of it that I can. I don't even want to sacrifice any of it in a wedge resection to see if the nodule is malignant. It popped up within a space of 6 months. I will see what the PET scan says and then go to my pulmonologist to see what he says and then probably go to Seattle Cybeknife for consultation. Don M
  10. Laura, you all have my prayers at this difficult time. Don M
  11. Hi: I think that most familys these days have cancer in the family. My family has a history of cancer. But family history of cancer is just an indication of risk. The important thing now is that the nodules are teeny teeny tiny and the only thing you can do now is wait. I wish my nodule was small, but it is not and I ain't waitin. Mine is 2.2 cm...way too big. I know it is hard to wait, but really, many people have these little nodules and never know about them because they have never got a ct scan. I agree with Donna G that they are probably from the pneumonia. I chuckled at your comment about not beeing able to get rid of the smiley face. I think it is a sign too. Don M
  12. Hi Janice: I hope the PET scan shows some improvement. I think taking medication for the bipolar condition is a good idea. Going to your dad and supporting him at the space where he is now is all you can do. If he is happy staying with his son, that is the way it should be. I would not be too worried about the illegal stuff except for the obvious reasons, unless it is interfering with his treatment. You all are in a tough situation. You have my prayers. Don M
  13. Don M


    Hi: I am sorry to hear about your mom. I know it must be a real shock to your whole family. Your mom should go to a major cancer center and get a treatment plan started. Once she gets into the routine of treatment things will seem better. No doctor really knows for sure how any one person will respond. The only thing they have to go on is statistical averages from thousands of patient historys that are at least 5 years out of date. Your mom may very well have years left. Don m
  14. Don M

    Lucky me!!

    Lori: I am glad you all had a good time. Don M
  15. Hi Barb: I am glad that your mom is tolerating the chemo. Welcome.
  16. more on rising chemo prices from NY times 3-12-06: http://www.nytimes.com/2006/03/12/busin ... ?th&emc=th Don M
  17. I hope you get that nasty feedback loop fixed and that the PET scan turns out ok. I took digoxin to regulate my heartbeat and I don't think it is a beta blocker. Hopefully the exercise program will be your ticket out of a tough situation. Don M
  18. Sandy: I am sorry you and Jim are having a hard time now. Since Jim has not tired the tarceva, it seems like a good idea to ry it. The side effects are not too bad. I hope the tarcva works well for him and he gets ome comfort and you get outo meeth the grandkids. I don't know if he could tolerate another heavy chemo regime, but I have heard that if it has been over a year since you have tried a drug like carboplatin you can go back to it. And, I have heard that carbplatin with gemzar can be very effective for late stage cancer. Maybe you should try adding carboplatin and gemzar to the tarceva. Don M
  19. I hope the blood fining is no big deal Cindi. And, may the next CT scan give you definitive good news. Don M
  20. You have gotten some good advice from John, Mrs. Ry and others Connie. If you go to another facility, maybe they could supervise the treatment but your mom could still get her treatments at a facility closer to home. Don M
  21. Hi Libby: I don't know much about radiation pneumonitis and recovery time, but I would like to extend my best wishes and prayers to you and your moom. don M
  22. Don M

    Tragic ending near

    Robert, I am sorry it has come to this. I don't know much about the Neptune Society. I generally know that arrangements through a funeral home for cremation is less expensive. Maybe it is time to call in hospice who are experts at managing pain. Don M
  23. Sounds good to me Lorrie. Don M
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