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Don M

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Everything posted by Don M

  1. Hi: Maybe you could go to the "Ask the Experts Forum" and ask why your mom can't have chemo. I don't know, but I have never heard aof anyone not being able to have chemo unless ther is an allergy problem. Maybe it has something to do with the blood clots? I can't answer your question about whether the end is near or not, but you and your mom have my prayers. Don M
  2. Hi: welcome to this group. It appears that you may be headed for surgery. If so, the chances that you will be cured are very good. I have had 2 surgerys. I am cancer free now. I and many others will be glad to support you in the coming months as you go through this part of your life. Don M
  3. Amie: I missed your earlier post when this latest trial occured. I am glad that Suki will be rcovering. What a scary thing.. So, I guess Suki has to choose either Tarceva or blood thinners. Don M
  4. Hi Trish: welcome to the group. I still find it hard to believe that I got cancer. It was a dreamlike experience to be sure. I am done with my treatment and am cancer free now. The treatments available now can bring many good years of survivorship to people with late stage cancer. Tell your dad to hang in there and you too. Don M
  5. Hi Shirley: I hope all is well with you and I hope you have wonderful time with your loved ones this holiday season. Don M
  6. Leslie: I am glad to see you are feeling a little more upbeat now and are embracing your tretment. I know it would take me more than a few days to recover from the shock and fear of having brain mets, yet I know that lots of people deal effectively with them, as I am sure you will. Meanwhile some advances are being made in developing drugs that will pass the blood-brain barrier. Here is a link about work that MD Anderson is doing in a phase one study. http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/medical ... wsid=33753
  7. I hope your brother continues to improve. You all have my prayers. Don M
  8. Don M

    My Turn....

    Fay: I wish you well as you go through more treatment and I hope that the mass is just conglomerated bone or something. I sense that you are beginning to cope somewhat by attending to the details of your treatment and scan... it helps one stay focused. Bless you Fay.. You really deserve a some peace and quiet rhythm in your life. I will drum for you tonight. Don M
  9. Jen: you wrote a thoghtful post that shows grace. I will pray for you and your mom and family. Don M
  10. Lori; I know your family has been suffering with this situation for some time now. I think you should consider Connie's suggestion. If outside help, even for a few weeks , came in, it could help improve the situation. You might find that your mom will become more at ease. Often time, people who need care, won't lash out at a home nurse. It would give eveyone a break. Maybe the home nurse or a hospice person could discuss the effects of decadron with your mom. You and your family have my prayers. Don M
  11. Malou, you and Thomas have my prayers. It is good that the children can give you a break. Don M
  12. Karen: how unfortunate that you and your husband have to go through more treatment. you both have my prayers. Don M
  13. Hi Debbie; I hope you ask your sister to do it and I hope your sister agrees to it. Maybe you could call your mom back and tell her it is too much for you to handle now and both you and your mom could talk to your sister about coordinating the move. Good Luck P.S. I hate moving
  14. Cheryl: I hope you find away to deal with your situation. It is ...very unpleasnt for you, I know. I think the others before me have given good advice about talking to the doctor....perhaps counsleing. You and you husband have my fervent wishes for happy times. Don M
  15. Welcome Char; it is especially hard now, but things should get better once your dad gets a treatment plan in place. Later stage lung cacner is much more treatable now than it was just a few years ago. I wish the best fro you, your dad and your mom. Don M
  16. Hi Lynda; Please accept my condolences at the loss of your sister. I lost a brother to this disease 5 years ago. Welcome to the group. Don M
  17. Hi Jon; welcome to this site. Ihope your mother finds a trreatment plan that brings good rsutls. It looks like she will be doing tarceva. That has helped many others. Don M
  18. Hi Barbara: when I first got the news of my cancer, I felt fine. My family doctor told me about it. She said I would probably have to have my upper left lobe removed. My first reaction was to ignore the whole thing and expect it to go away. My doctor begged me to go see the pulmonologist and so I did. I eventually had the lobe removed and then the rest of my lung a year later. I believe I am cancer free now. I can still do a lot of stuff that I did before. I can walk a mile on flat ground in 15 minutes. I can mow the lawn, cut and split firewood, and run the tiller in the garden. I am recently retired and am a rather new grandpa. I expect to have many more years of good life. I'm 61 now. Looking back on my decsion, I am glad I had my lung removed and the follow up chemo. I still miss my lung though, as if I have been diminished somehow. I can understand the sentiment of just going on with your life as you are because you feel good. If you decide to go with treatment, there will be times you don't feel too good. But on the other side of it, you will feel good again. It seems like your prognosis is good. If it was me, I would choose treatment. One thing I was wondering, if the cancer is contained in the lung lymph nodes and has not entered your mediastinum, or any lymph nodes outside your lung , or crossed over to the other lung, I think you would be eligble for surgical removal of the lung. If you do that and have followup chemo, it increases the chances of getting rid of the cancer for good. I would probabaly choose radio frequency ablation if I got cancer again in my remaining lung, but only because I would not want to lose any more pulmonary capacity. It would be a quality of life choice for me. Whatever you decide, I wish you the best in your life. Don M
  19. Hi Karen: I have never used acupuncture myself, but I am sure it helps. Don M
  20. Janet: I am glad to hear that you and Ron are getting some traction in this thing and are moving forward. You have my continued prayers. Don M
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