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Don M

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Everything posted by Don M

  1. Welocme Toni: I have heard good things about avastin. I hope it works its wonders for your husband. Don M
  2. Hi Kim: welcome . I see that your mom has had some shrinkage of the tumors and is undergoing more treatment. That is good. If the brain mets shrink enough, and there are not too many, I think you can do gamma knife surgery after whole brain radiation. Ask your mom's oncologist. I think that there is a reason to hope that the brain mets can be eliminated and then your mom can come off the decradon and have a more normal life for a while. I hope the best for your mom. Don M
  3. Good luck in getting some air back Cindi. I am glad it is not cancer, but I know it is still a tough thing to deal with athsma that persists. I have never had athsma. Three of my 4 children have it. I was describing to my son what it felt like to walk up a hill and not be able to get enough breath no matter how hard I sucked it in. His response was, "now you know what it feels like to have athsma". Get well soon. Don M
  4. Pat and Brian, you have my continued prayers. Don M
  5. Pat: You and Brian have my prayers. Don M
  6. Trish: Congratualtions to you and Jeff. don M
  7. I have not experienced Deb's situation either, but would like to offar my prayers and support for her. I hope the scan shows good progress and that feels better. Don M
  8. Don M

    An update on Bill

    Beth: your post was poignant, beautiful, compelling gripping. You and your husband and your children have my prayers. Don M
  9. Rich: I am happy to read that your scans were clear. Keep it up. Don M
  10. Holly: you an your mom have my prayers. Don M
  11. Don M

    Alimta Update

    BC: I hope the tarceva brings you good results. Don M
  12. Kim: I also am sorry you still have to put up with this incompetence. I know it takes a lot of energy to respond to the incompetence, but if it were me, it would at least make me feel good to find the doc and yell at him. I am not a lawyer, and also not a litigatious person, I think doctors are sued too much, but in your situation, they should be sued. If you document everything, you can always talk to an attorney when you have more energy at a later date. Anyway, I hope things go more smoothly for you and your mom from this point on. Don M
  13. Stephi: I am sorry you have to deal with such a difficult situation. If your husband is abusive when he drinks, I think your first priority would be to remove yourself from the situation. You could still be supportive if you live in separate residences. Supposedly he would not attend his appointments while intoxicated. Perhaps you could talk to a professional and discuss intervention by family members and close friends. I wish the best for you and your husband. Don M
  14. Jim: now you can nail the cancer. I hope the radiation finishes it off and you tolerate it well. Don M
  15. Karen: I hope the scan brings good news. Don M
  16. Eppie: Hold on to your hope and let the mets be zapped. Don M
  17. Don M

    For Kasey:

    she is a charmer Don M
  18. Kim I didn't think a doctor could be so stupid and lacking of common courtesy when dealing with a patient. He must be young. I hope you have the energy and time to document everything and report it. Don M
  19. WOOOOHOOOO! some more Leslie Don M
  20. Don M

    Can You Stand It???

    That's just swell Kasey Don M
  21. Don M

    Prayers - non cancer

    Max's family has my prayers. Don M
  22. Trish: I hope your mom's vison improves. that would surely be a morale booster. You all have my prayers. Don M
  23. Cindi: I certainly hope the docs figure it out and you can breathe easily again. You have my prayers. Don M
  24. Fay: I am glad to hear that your aunt and uncle are ok and have a place to live. Don M
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