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Don M

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Everything posted by Don M

  1. Bunny: it is great to see that Suki is doing better. don M
  2. Ralph: I hope the chemo goes well for you. Don M
  3. Don M

    Update from Z

    Hi Z. I know it is scary, but you are in a rather enviable positon. You have a shot at getting rid of the cancer for good. I have had 2 surgerys and went through it just fine. However, I have never had radiation. I think that could make the surgey more difficult. I was lucky in that I had primary and secondary health insurance. I had plenty of sick leave to use for convalescence and chemo treatment. I hope you get the financial aspect figured out. I would jump at the chance for surgery and figure out the rest later. Don M
  4. I am glad things are looking up for you TAnn Don M
  5. Janet: you and Ron have my prayers. I would ask about tarceva, or alimta or avastin also. Don M
  6. Don M

    New Member

    Hi Rick: welcome to this site. My pathology report said I had modetately differntiated adenocarcinoma. I have had it twice. It was cut out twice. The first time in Jan 2004, and the second time In Feb 2005. The first time it was stage 1b and the second time it was stage 1a. It was found in my upper left lobe the first time, and then in my remaining left lung the second time. I did not have chemo the first time, but did the second time. I finished chemo last July. It was not too bad. I presumably am cancer free now. I don't know for sure what moderately differentiated refers to, but I think it means that the nucleii of the cells are somewhat differentiated. I have no idea what that means in terms of the behavior of the cancer or its response to chemo. My cancer was kind of slow growing I think. My second cancer was first noticed as a possible nodule about 5 mm in size in May of 2004. It was cut out nearly 8 months later and was 1.5 cm in size. I suspect that there is not much point in comparing cancers. I think that even though our cancers are similar types, how our respective bodies reponds to the cancer and the treatment can be very different. Cancer is a person specific disease. I guess that is why it is hard to find a cure. We all tend to respond to treatment to one degree or another though. I hope you find a treatment that produces awesome results Rick. One thing you can count on is that there are treatment options available to give you many good years ahead. Don M
  7. Hi and welcome to this site. I hope your ct scan brings you good news. Don M
  8. Cheryl: You and Jake have my prayers. Don M
  9. Hi Cindi: it looks like you are on track to get rid of this problem. I hope it is only temporary. Don M
  10. Don M

    Mom's CT results

    ask for chemo Don M
  11. Missy..that is utterly beautiful..I caught a few sobs. Don M
  12. Just try helping your mom one thing at a time. Don't try to wrap your arms around the whole thing. It is too easy to feel overwhelmed that way. I have had a tendency to depression most of my life. People would call me Eeyore or Puddleglum. When I got cancer, I decided to take lexapro, an antidepressant. I am sure it helped me. I took it for about a year. I am off it now. I don't get depressed much anymore. Maybe you should consider getting an antidepresant such as lexapro. Don M
  13. Congratulations on your one year survivorship Robin. I hope you have many more. Don M
  14. Shelly: you have my prayers. Don M
  15. I acknowledged my anger and pursued treatment. Actually, it was like I was very irritated and grumpy instead of angry. It did not last very long. I did not go into a rage or anything like that. Don M
  16. Terrie: you all have my prayers. Don M
  17. Sue: you and Mike have my prayers. don M
  18. welcome Ayla: I don't know much about alternative therapies. There is a forum on this site dealing with alternative therapies. I hope your dad finds a teatment plan that gives good results and that his calcium level comes back under control. Many stage 4 survivors have to try different chemo regimes before they find one that gives them good results. DoN M
  19. Hi and welcome: my second cancer was just over one cm when it came out. It was too small when first observed about 6 months earlier. When it fially showed uptake in a PET scan, I went to see surgeon and it came out. You might look into having a combination ct-pet scan. Here are 2 links: http://www.herald-dispatch.com/healthso ... Vision.htm http://www.cancer.org/docroot/NWS/conte ... Spread.asp Thery are supposed to be more accurate than a separate ct and/or PET scan. Don M
  20. welcome Robin: I rembember my first reaction at finding out I had lung cancer was skepticism and anger. I am glad I sought treatment though,in spite of my disbelief. I hope your treatment brings you NED. Don M
  21. Jen: I am sorry to hear you are having a hard time. I hope your next chemo knocks the mets back don M
  22. Pat and Brian: you have my continued prayers. Don M
  23. One year and cancer free... keep it up Joel.. I am sure you have it beat. Don M
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