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gerbil runner

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Everything posted by gerbil runner

  1. Yikes! Sounds like you're destined to pay heavily for dental care, Ry. Maybe a once-a-year cleaning would be a better idea, unless you have dental problems.
  2. I'm so sorry your family is going through this nightmare. You certainly have my prayers.
  3. No advice, but I hope your dad does well with treatment. Hang in there.
  4. Glad to hear you're able to have Scott at home. I hope you will enjoy each other's company. Keeping you in my prayers.
  5. Hope you're feeling better today. Had to let you know, Cheryl - when I first saw your post, for some reason "stable" immediately brought to mind the "horse house" kind of stable. I had this image of you taking a trip with your horse and not liking the accomodations. I pray that you WILL have such a problem. Hope that makes you smile today.
  6. Hope the house is doing what it's supposed to do. Just watch your step! Anyone who needs to run away can swing up to Rhode Island - pretty this time of year.
  7. Glad to see you back, Ann. Wow, sounds like it was a horrible, wild ride! Hopefully Ivan will steer clear.
  8. Oh Noooo! And of course it would be something not actually stored on your computer. My sympathies (I'm in charge of "whoops" problems on the home 'puter and our network at the business).
  9. I'm so sorry to hear your mom is gone. Please accept my condolences.
  10. How scary it must be for you! Maybe you should let her know - she might be hurt that you kept it from her. Prayers that your problem is easily solved.
  11. My condolences to his family. Bob had such a great outlook on life. I will miss his posts.
  12. Carolyn, I'm so sorry to read this. My sincere condolences.
  13. Hang in there. High anxiety can certainly make it hard to breathe. Call your dr. if it's getting worse. Hope your scans give you reason to relax a whole lot.
  14. I can only imagine how unsettling this must be. Still keeping you in my prayers for a good report.
  15. Adding my prayers for your dad. I hope it's something "easy" to take care of.
  16. I'm late to the party, but let me say this... the pet that "speaks" emotionaly to your mom is the one. I've always had pets-from hamsters to my 100-lb. rottie. No animal is perfect, just as no person is. But the one you love, the one you "have to take home no matter what"...is the one you keep. Each animal is different. Some dogs will be harder to train, but easier to love. Some cats are cool and indifferent, and others will purr in such a way that you never care how much they shed. For some people, the way a guinea pig sprawls on your lap with careless pleasure is the best pet. I guess what I mean is that pets are chosen for emotional needs, in most cases. So "love at first sight" counts for a lot. The pet that begs to come in to your home, the one you simply cannot leave behind, is the right one. I have a 60-lb. pit bull, two kitties from the pound, and two guinea pigs. Love 'em all, for different reasons. And as far as dogs go, there are many rescue groups who carefully evaluate pets before adoption. Others do not. We attempted to go through a shelter, and ended up with a dog that bit one of my sons (not badly enough to need treatment, but unprovoked). We found our current dog from a breeder. He's not perfect - has ripped apart his kennel several times because he hates to be left alone - but completely loves all of us, scares away intruders, and adores my 2 younger sons even though they stomp on him when given a chance. He will always have to sleep in a crate, and is tough on our guests, but he's a happy, loving clown. The wagging tail and relentless desire to "kiss" everyone has won him his place. Love is never wasted, and pets are well worth the trouble. Choose the pet that adores you.
  17. Oh no... I'm so sorry... You and your family will be in my prayers...I hope you will feel peace.
  18. It's a guest house, a weekend getaway, and therapy all rolled into one. I think you'll do it, and I think you should.
  19. Denise, Your words show a lot of love for your Mom. It's good you were able to stay with her. Prayers that you will find the strength and peace you need in the days ahead.
  20. gerbil runner

    Happy again

    That's great! Will be thinking of you tomorrow. Hope it goes easy for you.
  21. YEE-OUCH! Tough way to get out of radiation. Sounds like good news otherwise. Glad to hear it.
  22. Prayers going out for an easy fix. Be careful in the meantime!
  23. What great news! Hope you have a great trip and get Charlie what he needs.
  24. It's a done deal. Hope she feels better soon.
  25. Happy happy birthday!!! Wishing you good scans and many more great birthdays.
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