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gerbil runner

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Everything posted by gerbil runner

  1. I bet Lucie is a terrific counselor. Glad to hear things are going well.
  2. Congrats on great news! Enjoy the puppy. Sounds too cute!
  3. One point I haven't read here yet is the value of anti-depressants for those who want to quit smoking. Nicotine is, in many ways, a self-medication. The mood changes brought on by stopping the nicotine can last a LOT longer than the actual nicotine addiction. Good luck, Rich. You can do it.
  4. gerbil runner

    Bad week

    Ginny, you surely deserve some good news. So sorry to hear about Carol. I'm sure she and the Duke will raise a glass to you, too. But PLEASE tell me those ants aren't really 12 INCHES!!!
  5. Connie, it sounds so exciting! Please keep us updated on his discoveries.
  6. Prayers going out for the family.
  7. Prayers going out for your dad. Sounds like a new onc. may be a good idea, since your dad wants to fight more than the onc. does.
  8. Glad to hear from you, Lesli! We always love good news - hearing about those who sail through treatment gives hope to others. Don't be afraid to post good news! Also glad to hear your personal scare was proved to be benign. Might want to get regular scans, though, if your dr. can get insurance to pay for it based on your family history.
  9. Prayers going out for quick pain relief and a return to chemo.
  10. My husband is another one who hates to go to the dr. and certainly doesn't want bad news. The one approach that gets through to him is to make him stand in my shoes. If I were you, I'd ask him "And how would you feel if I found 4 breast lumps and refused to see a doctor?" No matter how scary those 4 spots are, they aren't likely to go away by themselves. The only chance to get rid of them is to go back to the dr.
  11. Cheryl, I hope you feel better and the cancer cells feel worse! Keep your courage up.
  12. Denise, you and your mom have my prayers. As hard as this must be for you, you're being a very loving and supportive daughter.
  13. Sharyn, I'm so sorry the news is ot good. Will keep you and your dad in my prayers. Perhaps the new cancer has been caught early enough to have good options for treatment.
  14. I think the loss of a loved one really brings home the message that "nothing is certain". Anxiety is a natural byproduct. Also, feeling that you are now soley responsible for your household can bring anxiety. A security system is always wise. I pray you will feel more secure soon.
  15. So sorry to hear of Dan's passing. He had such strong, intriguing personality and will certainly be missed. I loved the photo he posted of himself.
  16. Yikes, Sharyn! Hopefully the "covering" dr. will take nothing for granted and have a long, careful look at your dad. Prayers going out that it is not cancer related, and is easily fixed.
  17. Hope you won't "need" us, but if you do, there's no better place to come for support.
  18. Glad things are looking up.
  19. Welcome, Dawn. You'll find a lot of information and hope here. SCLC can respond very well to treatment, so hang in there. My mom has the same disease and is currently in remission.
  20. Hi, Mom! So glad you took the plunge! BTW - my name refers to running on a treadmill. My mom is a terrific English Handbell ringer, which is how she chose her name. She's been a bellringer since I was in high school in several different groups.
  21. We could all use a laugh... http://www.zug.com/gab/index.cgi?func=v ... d_id=38775
  22. My mom had radiation also. She had very few problems with eating - actually gained weight! But now she has radiation pneumonitis. Luckily, she's responding very well to the steroids and feeling better. Don't rule out radiation - it can be very effective. Do, however, treat any side effects promptly. Just my 2 cents.
  23. gerbil runner

    prayers please

    Prayers going out for your mom to have totally successful, easily tolerated wbr.
  24. Wow, what a fright ! So glad you're ok, and that your home is undamaged.
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