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gerbil runner

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Everything posted by gerbil runner

  1. It sounds really frustrating. But on the other hand, there could be worse problems than a dr. who is TOO involved and concerned. At least things aren't likely to get overlooked.
  2. I'm so sorry to read this. I pray you will have a wonderful hospice to work with, so you can concentrate on family time.
  3. Beth, I hope you're feeling much better soon. Some people seem to get all the side effects. Prayers going out for you and your family.
  4. Frank (and Mr Ry) - you need to tie a string to the brim of the hat; then tie the other end....you get the picture? If nothing else, your wife will fall down laughing and then you can "have your way" with her while she's helpless with laughter .
  5. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: I'm very impressed! Congrats!
  6. Glad to hear things are going well. It's great that a pulmonologist is going to be involved in the decision. That way, if there is any question of adverse lung effects, the pulmonologist will be able to track it closely. Best wishes for great treatment.
  7. Hang in there - you know the dog s*** feeling isn't permanent.
  8. It's funny how the wildest ideas often lead to far-reaching changes, even if the original idea is put aside or changed. I think this whole discussion will let you, Dave and Faith examine what you can do to make life better and more fun. Enjoy! (And when the right "bargain" dream trailer comes along, you'll know it ).
  9. gerbil runner


    Glad to see you back! Hope you feel back-to-normal soon.
  10. I hope you hear from your sister soon, but I bet she's doing the white-knuckle drive outta Dodge. Prayers going out for you all.
  11. Carleen, I'm so sorry you have to face this new problem. But there are people who have them successfully treated. You know it. Keep fighting, and hold Keith close. I pray those mets will be zapped into oblivion soon.
  12. Glad you're back! Blackstrap molasses is another good iron source - and tastier than liver . Hope you continue to improve.
  13. How wonderful to have you here! I hope we will learn much from each other. Thank you for taking the time to seek us out.
  14. I'm so sorry to hear about your brother. Your family is in my prayers. I think TeeTaa is on the right track. I hope your sister-in-law can find comfort in knowing Rod wanted to spare her his last moments, instead of thinking she failed him in some way.
  15. I'm so sorry to read that your husband has passed. I pray you will feel comfort and peace soon.
  16. No doubt about it, chemo is brutal. Your mom is lucky to have you to take such good care of her. Hope she feels better soon and that the chest discomfort is nothing to worry about.
  17. Nell, you are obviously a great friend! I guess the word "cure" is seldom used with patients with bone mets. But it's certainly possible to get it under control and have great quality of life for years afterwards. It does sound like a change in doctors may help.
  18. Sorry to hear the taxotere is knocking you around. I hope you'll get some relief soon.
  19. If you don't already have a pulmonologist, get one now. Radiation pneumonitis can be a real problem. It's a little early for that to be the problem, but it's not impossible. A good pulmonologist can keep watch on your lung function and treat any problems promptly.
  20. I know it's frustrating and upsetting...but it's do-able. Prayers going out for you both. Don't forget to take care of yourself, Shelly.
  21. Peggy, I'm glad you found a "lift". I hope your concerns will become smaller and smaller.
  22. Glad Lucie is doing well with the chemo. And it's always nice to know there's something else in the wings if needed.
  23. Happy Anniversary! Wishing you many, many more.
  24. Hi, Pam. Sorry you have to be here, but welcome. Getting the first treatment 3 days after diagnosis speaks well of your oncologist. SCLC moves fast, so quick treatment is essential. I don't think you "have" to have a second opinion at this point. See how the next scan goes, and how the dr. handles things in the meantime. Find out the credentials and connections your dr. has, if you haven't already. How much experience does he have with sclc? Do you like him, feel like he has a positive plan? My mom, Bellringer, has not had a second opinion, but her onc. is in contact with other facilities and oncologists. In a way, it feels like she gets second opinions because of how her onc. works.
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