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gerbil runner

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Everything posted by gerbil runner

  1. Well, low counts aren't great, but fixable. Prayers that you enjoy the "time off" and that Brian gets a whole lot stronger fast.
  2. Yikes. Thank God for safety glass, and I hope whoever invented it got rich. Glad you're both ok - your husband will get over it .
  3. gerbil runner


    So sorry to hear this. God bless you all.
  4. Mom's already in the "coke bottle" category for glasses - so amd I - but I'm glad to hear it could be the WBR.
  5. There are plenty of people who have wealth and health, but not contentment. It's a great blessing (not that I don't wish we could ALL have all three!) and I'm sure you know it, Dean. Thank you for sharing.
  6. Oh Ray, I really needed to hear good news! Glad you're doing well.
  7. Nobody has a crystal ball. Your mother is young, and some people respond unbelievably well to chemo. My mother also has extensive sclc, and everyone in our family has been shocked by how hard she has fought. Chemo and radiation bought her a pretty good year before brain mets were found. Even now, if her onc. suggests chemo she will do it! A good social worker could be a godsend. As for yourself, be honest when asked questions, but try to remain positive. Most statistics are woefully outdated. Be as supportive of your mother as you can, and treasure every day. Despite complications, my mother has survived almost 2 years after diagnosis. She is firmly grateful for the "extra" time, and willing to fight for more. Your mother may do even better - she has little to lose with sclc by trying.
  8. I just found out that my great-aunt, my mother's aunt, has lc also. She is hospitalized, and waiting a more firm diagnosis. The cancer is in her ribs and bladder as well as the lung. My aunt Alice is 80 years old and has emphysema. We don't know what she and my uncle will decide about treatment. We are all devastated - they are the sweetest people. Any prayers would be appreciated. As I mentioned in another post, my mother is having vision problems and we are very afraid it may be a new brain met. It's been a very sad day.
  9. My mother has been "plugging along" for the past couple of months - getting a little stronger, but having some new vision problems. She has the beginnings of cataracts, and has had a very significant vision change in one eye, according to her eye doctor. Mom is having trouble reading because of it. Mom, Dad and I haven't talked about what this might mean. The cataracts I assume are a result of the WBR she finished in April. But the vision change in one eye...has anyone had this happen from WBR? We're praying it's not another brain met. I'm very worried for her.
  10. Holy crow, Fay! Well, I'm gonna assume that being able to have surgery is to be considered a good thing. Need any books to pass the time? Thinking of you.
  11. Glad to hear you're mending. If you do cause some trouble, make it worthwhile .
  12. Some of the recent jokes have made me think of funny but entirely true potty-training "incidents" I have encountered with my 3 kids and many pets. One of my cats like to use the fireplace. Especially if you laughed at him or his food bowl was empty . Another was so tiny as a kitten, she couldn't climb in the box. I had to put a phone book next to it for a step. My rottie, as a puppy, "tested" several areas inside the house. Never the same place twice. You could see the thought process..."Is the kitchen OK? Ooops, guess not. How about the dining room? No? Living room? Really? So let me see, the ENTIRE inside of the house is off-limits for potty! Got it!" Our new puppy hadn't made any mistakes, until he came into the bathroom and saw me helping my 3-year-old use the potty. He promptly squatted on the bathroom floor to join in. Kyle, my oldest, only needed a listing of everyone he knew who used the potty. Danny required weeks of bribery with M&M's. And still had accidents at 4 because he was "too busy". JJ was the hardest. After we finally convinced him to poop on the potty, I caught him pooping on the lawn - several times ! I think I've finally convinced him only the dog can poop outside. Needless to say, I'm a little harder to "gross-out" than I used to be . But dog's idea of "almond roca" (from the cat box) still gets to me .
  13. Yay! Yay! Yay! So good to hear GOOD NEWS!
  14. Praying for a speedy and complete recovery. Thanks for the update!
  15. Thanks for the update, Cindi. Beth, just keep swimming.
  16. Ack! Not what you were hoping for. Well, Lucie certainly knows how to fight. Will keep you in my prayers as you put the gloves back on.
  17. Now if they could make the hair-loss below the nose only, everyone would ENJOY it!
  18. Being in charge of one's medical journey is bad enough. The thing that scares me is how many people have had to say "no" to medical incompetence . Record and research everything. My mother has been blessed with an oncologist who feels free to consult with other oncs. he respects, even though he himself is world-known. Several times, we've felt like my mom got the benefit of a second opinion without having to find it ourselves.
  19. "Fear Factor" has nothing on your doctor! Sheesh! But, as I'm sure everyone would agree, a false alarm of bad news is a million billion times better than actual bad news. Here's to no more bad news, mistaken or real...
  20. Dean and Gay, hope you have some good time together. Keeping you in my prayers. Dean, your determination to enjoy life is inspiring. Don't let the "brain bugs" get you down.
  21. Cookieman had better be spoiling you rotten! Hope you feel great real soon.
  22. You and Mike remain in my prayers. Hope the next days and weeks have some peace for you both.
  23. Hi, Lilian. I'd suggest you have your pooch tested for Lyme disease. It can look like arthritis in dogs - stiffness and soreness. It can be cured with antibiotics, but it can be a serious problem if left untreated. Hope she feels better soon. Have you tried a Buster cube to keep her occupied? Misty may do better with something to work at while you're gone. The Buster cube is made of really hard plastic, and you put dog food or treats inside. Playing with the cube releases the food. The toy is incredibly durable - my pitbull can't destroy it, and he tries! If Misty turns out to be healthy, maybe she would enjoy the company of a cat or another dog. When I had my rottie, she was best buddies with one of our cats. They used to curl up and snooze together.
  24. I'm so sorry for your loss. It does sound like she passed very peacefully, and I hope that is a comfort to you.
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