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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Elaine, Thank you for that post. I have been craving to hear it from a fighter as have other caregivers. I also wonder what my mom is thinking. She seems so calm, so positive, so sure her cancer is gone, but I want to know what she is really thinking. I think she is scared as all heck and is being brave b/c seh does not want to upset others around her. This has to be so scary for you and I applaud you for posting it!!!!!
  2. Laurie, I am praying for you and I miss you . Where have you been??? I want to know what is going on ,call me or write!!!!
  3. Natalie, I have no advice, I wish I did. I am dreading the situation as I know mine will be the same as yours. I wish there was an answer and a way to spike our dads' food with anitdepressants b/c they are so needed Sending much love to you and PHil
  4. Andrea


    Mo I cannot wait to see you posting again! Hurry back please!
  5. I am so sorry to hear about your loss You have such a wonderful spirit and your mom is so lucky to have you. I hope you keep posting and let us know how you are doing. Thre are great forums on here for anytime you want to vent, yell, cry, etc.
  6. Andrea


    Sue, So sorry you are posting here again Does "most likely representing post obstructive pneumonitis" mean that they most likely suspect lingering pnemonia? I hope so! Please post and let us knwo waht the pulmo dr says
  7. Nat, speaking of laughing, you made my mom laugh. I told her that someone compared a cat dying to you losing your mom and my mom just burst out laughing hysterically and wondering just how dumb people can be. She literally cracked up. We both commented on how we admire you for not telling that person off. I explained that you made a good point that if we told everyone who said dumb thingms off, no one would want to be around us. My mom said you are a brave girl, that makes sense, and to tell you to call and vent to me and share those crazy stories so we can laugh at the world together and not scare people away Although sometimes, it might be fun to chase certain people away. Heehee
  8. Andrea

    Go pistons

    Lakers win in 4! A clean sweep!
  9. David, anxiously awaiting to hear that it is a clean CT scan!
  10. Betty, I am sorry that you are feeling so blue Would it help you to post and vent about your feelings? You will find that tons of people will say "yeah me too" and I found that helps me personally to know I am not alone. I am thinking of you!
  11. Ohio Kat--per my oncologist, survival is measured from the date of diagnosis, not the end of treatment or clean scans As for a gift, what does your mom like? If she likes to shop, a full day shopping with you and going to l unch would be neat. Or a day of beauty, manicures, facials, etc
  12. Ohio Kat--per my oncologist, survival is measured from the date of diagnosis, not the end of treatment or clean scans As for a gift, what does your mom like? If she likes to shop, a full day shopping with you and going to l unch would be neat. Or a day of beauty, manicures, facials, etc
  13. Andrea


    Jimben, Thank you for that post. It was sort of a reality check to count our blessings. It broke my heart to see how many young kids and teens were battling cancer at the Relay for Life.
  14. Bob, It is so nice to see you posting and see your picture in your post! You were missed in case you didn't notice the where's bob postings I hope you can eat lots of steak soon!
  15. I am glad you got in to see a doctor and if you are more comfortable with the new doctor, go for it. Has he recommended starting treatment?
  16. So now I am crying b/c I love everyone here and feel for everyone here and feel so happy to have found this place. Wouldn't it be soooo cool if we could burn calories with crying
  17. Welcome to the family TwoDogs!!! This is a wonderful place to learn, cry, vent, laugh, smile, and all other adjectives I am so sorry you had to find us, but I am glad that you did stumble upon this awesome group!
  18. Did you get into a doctor?
  19. Wow, what great news!!!!!!! Please tell her that we are all thinking of her and praying for her. Go Nancy!
  20. Shelly, Oh my goodness, what a nightmare you are going through! I am so hoping that it is not brain mets and that it is dehydration or a reaction to pain meds. Don't listen to his brother, just walk away. You are the one who has been taking care of your dad adn worrying about him. His brother is a useless bystander. You have taken such wonderful care for your dad!!! I remember when you first posted that yoru dad might be ill and my heart broke for you. you are doing soooooooo much, more than anyone should have to endure. Are you on any medication? Xanax is an antianxiety which helps a lot and can also be taken in conjunction with other antidepressants. Please post again and let us know what is going on
  21. Andrea

    Bone mets...

    or she could have just as easily pulled a muscle coughing up a storm in other news, I need a round of applause please, I walked into the office kitchen to wash my peach and bypassed a BEAUTIFUL box of FRESH donuts I was like hmmmm, do I have even 1/2 a donut and throw out peach, same calories. But then I said NO If I quit my job I have to do something right in my life
  22. Andrea

    Go pistons

  23. Andrea

    Bone mets...

    I am not sure if there is an answer to this, but is mild back pain, rib pain, etc, more likely to be just pain or more likely to be bone mets when dealing with LC? Hmmm. I am so freaked out about my mom's pulled muscle pain
  24. I have not posted in awhile about my neurosis, but got a few questions about whether I still am. Yes, I am still a worry wart. And what better place to vent and share fears than in Family Members/Caregivers section I don't want this to freak people out, I know my obsessing is not normal, and hence I am posting this here and not in general. I found a poem on Pity Pot so I know I am not alone, every ache, every pain brings on a new set of fears. My mom is doing really well, recovering from her chemo, surgery, and then radiation. We were at the mall two Saturdays ago and I noticed she winced giong up a stair. Her rib area hurt. I freaked out b/c we all know what that could mean It is not on the same side of her incision. She thinks it was a muscle strain, her side feels much better she said, now it just hurts if she pushes in on the area. But still does that relieve my anxiety? Does the fact that just 3 weeks ago her CEA was ok relieve it? Nope :) We see oncologist June 9, 2004 so we will see what he says. But deep down there is such a fear inside of me.........this beast just can take over at any second. Sure she looks great and feels ok besides the usual cancer fatigue. But she felt fine before diagnosis! So I sat on the couch last night and cried. Then I cried b/c I felt guilty I was crying b/c who was I to cry when others are mourning. Then I cried more. Then Brian tickled me so I would stop crying and I tried to remain grumpy sad face, but the tickling made me laugh and I finished crying for last night at least
  25. Thanks everyone! And Karen, I am printing out your message as evidence and proof that you agreed to give parenting tips Manmade, store bought, g-d founded, who cares, it is still your precious baby :) I know NOTHING about kids, literally. Being an only child and only grandchild, I had no first cousins to play with and was hardly around children, so it will be an experience I love my best friends two l ittle girls and they lvoe me, but I think that is because I spoil them They see me and know there is a good potential for a gift
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