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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Andrea


    Cathy, Your post makes 100% sense to me. SOme may say that does not mean much Hee hee. I agree with you, listen to the inner voice and if something seems wrong, it might be wrong. The first dr we went to, a well respected pulmonogist, was not as aggressive as the second dr and I will NEVER forget when the first doctor said to me "I implore you to reconsider, Dr ___ is wrong, your mom will most likely die just while getting a medisatonoscopy." I was offended but did not care, my inner voice spoke to me. Now if only I could parade my mom in front of his ugly face! There is never a reason to give up and keep trying. A 1% chance of something helping is better than a 0%.
  2. Happy Anniversary and I hope that you have many many more to come!
  3. Awhile back so many of you gave me advice on my wanting to change careers and I want to thank you all! Just a quick update--I am not resigning as of yet. I gave my notice June 1 and I kept agreeing to extend it, and extend it. I am gullible. In the interim I turned down a job with the Cancer Society because my husband and I may be relocating to Los Angeles and I would hate to take a job and leave it. I had every intention of leaving here (work, not LCSC) for good on June 30 and alas I was offered to work 30 hours a week for however long I wanted, so I figured I may as well do that until we figure out where we are living. This way I will have some money coming in. And I will also have extra time for the Anaheim Relay for Life I agreed to sort of head up and get more nonprofit experience on my resume The best part--my parents think this sounds so logical so they are thrilled and if my mom is happy, I am happy
  4. Peggy, It sounds like you are diong the right thing. My goodness your plate is full! How is your husband doing? Sending love your way
  5. I am so sorry for your loss That is horrible. My heart goes out to you. I hope you keep posting with us! You will be missed if you disappear
  6. oh my goodness someone had a busy week I think all in all it does not sound bad and actually sounds positive and good. So phew! I hoep your work did not give you a hard time. Can I ick their butt if they did? Keep posting updates, I am anxious to hear how everything goes with everyone.
  7. Hi. I am helping out on the committee of the Anaheim Relay for Life, August 20-21. This relay is in desperate need of help and organization, long long storry which I won't get into. If anyone is interested in participating, please let me know! Relays are so much fun, a great way to meet people, and also a great place to spread the word about lung cancer and LCSC! Thanks!
  8. Andrea

    Lets be nice

    Well how about we refund those who send hate mail their money and have them go on their way. Oh wait Katie and Rick do not even charge for their website when I think they should b/c this is such a valuable service. We are LUCKY to have this website! It should be like how JDATE was when I was first on it--free to browse; pay a small fee to post. Oy that makes me so mad why people would send hate mail! Ok, my next thought is to block the IPs so they can't come back :) Who needs them! Ah yes, I am in such a kind mood, can't you tell
  9. Ginny, I am so sorry, you have gone through too much lately and it is so unfair. I wish I had the magic words for you. My heart breaks and I am so angered at the unfairness of it all. You have been a WONDERFUL husband to Duke and he knows that! Tonight is going to be your roughest night ever and I am praying that you extra have strength and courage. Stay strong. We love you.
  10. My mom also had to eat proteins. She had a steak. Unfortunately that does not work for a vegaterian
  11. Hi. I know that there has been a lot of posts about Iressa and I did go back and read and get lots of information! I just have a couple of minor questions I was wondering if someone could answer. 1. Does Iressa make you tired? It is not listed as a side effect, but my mom is exhausted. 2. Is Iressa taken for life? I forgot to ask the dr, just curious 3. Does the "rash" get better over time or does it stay in place? Thanks so much :)
  12. Fay you are a fighter, a hero and an inspiration. I have noticed that you have not been posting much lately. Please come back to us. We love you! And we look forward to you for years and years to come!
  13. I apologize if I missed something. I searched and could not find. Do we have any update on: 1. David C's hopeful bonkitis? 2. Shellie's sister? 3. Jamie's dad's surgeon appt? Thank you Sorry if I missed anyone else too. I sometimes think I should start a list b/c I will wake up in the middle of the night and remember we were waiting for so and so to post
  14. in the form of colon cancer with mets to liver We just found out today. Please keep her in your prayers. She is only 52. I found out that she had been complaining about stool problems to the receptionist for 2 months and spotting to a secretary recently. However, this woman is a Christian Scientist and does not believe in medical treatment. When my mom was diagnosed she told me "go to dr to dr until one says it is not cancer" and she was serious. Two weeks ago she suddeny had profuse rectal bleeding, went to ER, and it all started, with official diagnosis today and she is starting chemo tomorrow. This woman has NO insurance as she refused it due to her beliefs. I am soooo angry at this disease b/c she is only 52, but I can'thelp but wonder if she had regular checkups if this could have been caught sooner. We will never know. All I can offer her is prayers. I hate cancer.
  15. Jane, I know Happy Birthday is not really appropriate considering the loss you just suffered, but I do want to wish you peace and well being. And most importantly I want to thank you for your GENEROUS donation as our sponsor!!!! Your act of kindness is amazingly so unselfish of you and we appreciate it so much! Andrea
  16. Oy Sandy, I hope what they found was just a mistake. It happens!!! Prayers coming your way
  17. Ginny, I so hope this is temprary and the twinkle will return. I am so sorry you are going through all of this. you have so much at once Hang strong my friend
  18. What awesome news! yay
  19. I have admitted my guilt and ignorance in the past I am wondering if others were the same way. Now when I educate people and tell them, I feel like a 90 year old talking to a grandchild: "I remember the days when I was just like you.......I thought lung cancer wouldn't hit if you didn't smoke or quit for over 5 years...boy do I feel stupid now" Hence my poll below. Hopefully I am doing this right, I never did a poll here. This is my first one ever, I am growing up into the big leauge now!
  20. Elaine, Thanks for asking! We were thinking about the honeymoon finally when we were just in Arizona for a weekend, but then low and behold, Brian is seeking a new job, so we need to see time off issues We will go eventually :)
  21. Don't feel bad Heather, we are always excited just to see her picture, new or old!! :) Enjoy cruising life!
  22. Jane, I am so very sorry for your loss. Your brother is blessed now in heaven even more so having someone like you as his sister praying for him. My heart goes out to you
  23. Wow you had your hands full! And good for you to come out of that with a wonderful attitude. I bet you got it from your mom, I loved when she said she was glad it was not her in the hospital. Moms are the best, so unselfish and don't care if their b-days are recognized and stuff, they worry more about the kids! Take care of yourself and continue being so strong!
  24. I was so excited to see a post from Carleen and see that beautiful face, then realized it was an older post Carleen---how are you? how is keith? PLEASE write us!!!!!!
  25. Thanks It's a wierd day, lots to be grateful for and lots to be angry about. And not just angry for myself b/c right now I am so grateful, I am angry for others if that makes any sense But in any event, will enjoy the day and weekend. We are on Atkins, so tonight we are getting beef ribs and watching movies. Tomorrow is hair and shopping with my mom So tomorrow will be the best day! She is our chia pet as we call her at the salon b/c her hair is growing in funny and fuzzy at certain places I have an eccentric extended group of friends from my ex boyfriend and they always did a wierd b-day song since I met them about 4 years ago. They actually sang it in restaurants to each other and people stared. I used to be embarrassed. This year, I requested the lyrics and said whomever wrote it was insightful However, I was told if I take the song literally instead of tounge in cheek humorously I ruin it. I started singing this around the apt this morning and Brian thought I was a bit loopy It is sung with a very low somber voice: Happy Birth-day Happy Birth-day Sin and sorrow everywhere People dying everywhere Happy Birth-day Happy Birth-day
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