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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. This is interesting b/c I have seen it a few times in a different setting. When my mom had surgery in Los Angeles and when my dad had his colonoscopy in Orange County. Both times we noted that some doctors come out and talk to the family right in the waiting room, so I got to finde out that someone was "lucky" in their mediastonoscpy and was IIB and they were removing the tumor right then and there. Another time, I heard a IIIB. My dad and I thought it was terrible how teh doctors did not even take the family aside. For the colonoscopy, while waiting, some doctors again came out and told what they saw right in the middle of the waiting rooom. Thankfully my dad's dr called us in. It just is wierd and rude to tell the news in front of everyone. I don't get the common sense of it all.
  2. Excuse my boldness for asking a question unrelated to LC, but with close to 1200 members, maybe someone can help me Does anyone here themselves work for the American Cancer Society or know someone who does? If so, I am curious how you like it, is it rewarding (mentally, not financially) stress levels, etc, etc. I applied to be Special Events Manager for Relay for Life and have a phone interview for Fri, so just wanted some insight. I doubt I will get the job b/c I don't have the experience they want in non-profit, but I am giving it a shot. Please feel free to PM me or e-mail me at andreascheff@cox.net if you have any information. Thanks so much! PS--I gave notice for my job today. Two weeks notice was not enough, they asked for 30 days so I agreed to 30. What if I get something before, well I will worry about it then I guess
  3. Andrea

    Sorry No Kilt!

    Welcome back! What an amazing trip!! I am so glad you had a good time and Lucie got to see all she wanted
  4. Dean, You are the icon and American Idol of this website. I look forward to your posts. Thank you Dean!
  5. Jen, First, regarding your previous post, get a second opinion definately! If you want to share what city you are from, I bet you can get a lot of dr recommendations from people right here Second, chemo is different for everyone. My mom tolerated it really well. It was bad for about a week, but they gave her new medicine and she did great!
  6. I am returning my hall pass for the next person who needs one. I would hate to be a hall pass hog :) We had a great trip. Saw lots of National Parks, ie Zion, Grand Canyon and some others. I thought about everyone here and my trip sparked a question since it started in Vegas. If smoking causes lung cancer, shouldn't Vegas have the highest LC rate? I wanted to walk with a face mask, that city blasts my rare asthma into high gear I am starting to think that so many people smoke and so many peple get LC, so they just say it is related I have on my LCSC t-shirt today, the "breath away" one. Well we were sta ying at the Arizona Biltmore Resort and Spa last night (my mother in law is a travel agent and got us a steal) and today as we were wheeling our bags out, so many people started staring at me as we went across the hotel (it was big). I could not realize if it was my t-shirt or if we looked like aliens wheelingour own bags (Snooty hotel). Well we saw people also staring at me in the airport, so they were reading my shirt I like being a walking billboard. I also was thinking of everyone here as we drove from Vegas through Utah to Arizona---we all come from such different places, yet we all have a common goal. I was passing by homes out in the rural area and I was wondering to myself, am I passing the home of any of our 1100+ members. Time to catch up on all the posts.
  7. I AM GUILTY I ADMIT IT Before my mom was diagnosed, I was not educated and I believe lung cancer was a smoking disease. Yes, I did know two nonsmokers who died of it, but I considered those a "fluke" of nature and not reality. I was positive that if anything, my mom would have a heart attack, diabetes complications, get breast cancer or colon cancer, maybe even a lymphoma. But NOT lung cancer b/c she quit smoking 25 years ago and therefore I thought her risk was the same as a non smoker, virtually nonexistant. I DID NOT KNOW ANY BETTER!!!! Now one of my passions is informing people. I PROUDLY wear my LCSC lung cancer t-shirt and I hope it gives a message to people. We can all spread the word by doing little things like passing out flyers and just letting people know E-mail me your address and I will send you a tote to tote your stuff. People will read it that lung cancer can be a breath away even if you don't smoke. It is our job to educate people like myself who didn'tknow any better and who now feel terrible about it.
  8. Karen, Sister hen works better, you are not old enough to be my mother :) Heehee. Thank you so much for your advice. And I am happy to say that I already have taken steps along the lines you suggested. Brian knows we will have to start trying in a few months. At my yearly in May my dr stopped my cholesteroal meds and gave me prenatal viatmins. He also gave me the name of an ob/gyn to see once I got my PPO (which I have now) to discuss fertility issues as you said. I finally stopped my prozac as of last week I am also giving my two week notice at my job tomorrow. You know, if enough of us get pregnant we can add a new-mommy forum where those who have been there and done that can teach people like me and Natalie how to change a diaper!
  9. Andrea

    Nancy O?

    Thank you for posting Nancy For those who have never talked to Nancy, she is one of our other "Connie"s, a long time survivor who comes to the board and provides encouragement and I thank you Nancy for that! You helped so much when my mom had surgery. There are LOTS and LOTS of survivors at all stages out there. A doctor once said to me that often times survivors don't want to post or be on a website b/c they are putting it behind them, so often times support groups do not provide a full spectrum. I commend survivors for that, I think each individual has to do what is best for them. My mom can't do this website, but yet I am obsessive compulsive. However, i gotta say, I love looking at all you survivors and reading the dates in your string. Thank you!
  10. Andrea

    Nancy O?

    Has anyone heard from Nancy O??????????
  11. That was beautiful. It literally bought tears to my eyes. Thank you Dean.
  12. Andrea

    Bummed out

    Joyce, We need to find smoeoen who does witchcraft and put a hex on that witch!!! Please do NOT let her discourage you. We are ALL terminal sometime, so it really is a silly term. Also statistics shmatistics. Like a surgeon once told us, "who cares abut statistics, treatment either works for you or it does not". Brian's mom (my mother in law) had a 5% survival chance 30 years ago. She is alive and well. My boss's father had a 95% survival 5 years ago, he is not alive. I concur with everyone to try to find another dr! Each dr has their own style, so it can't hurt to get a second opinion! Lots of hugs to you rchildren!
  13. Angie, Awesome update!!!! Yay!!!! Now you can enjoy the three day weekend! I am sorry you made yourself nervous all week I wish I could give you advice on how to be like me, totally stress free, calm, relaxed and never feeling sick. But I am not sure how to be carefree like me except be me. Worryign does not make anything better, it only makes you sicker So Don't Worry, Be Happy! (am I funny or wh at?) I am so excited about your update!
  14. Sorry it was not the news you wanted, but glad you are giong fishing!! Keep up the attitude!!!
  15. wow, thank you for posting that, i honestly would never have thought there was such a law! gosh knows the employer probably would not tell us!
  16. Andrea

    Biopsy Clean!!!

    Mazel Tov! You probably are not Jewish but all spirituality counts and that is what comes to mind. I swearing I am singing Mazel tov and doing the horah in my head for you. I am sooooooo happy for you. Wow! Did they talk toy ou about what kind of surgery? If they can do it the minimally invasive way or not? SO THRILLED FOR YOU
  17. Have a wonderful trip!!! This is a popular time for get aways. Ry, I need a hall pass too. I tried SO hard to get out of it I told Brian that too many hall passes were being handed out, so my request was denied and I was therefore forced by lungcancerhood to have to pay for internet access at a hotel to check in. I was like what can I do Brian's response astounded me He cracked up laughing and told me I was funny Gosh darn it, somehow he knew my attendance daily was not required and that I was just trying to con him into making him feed on my obsessive compulsive need to check the board. Men!
  18. Thanks everyone I am going to see how I feel after this long weekend since I am going away, but with each passing day I realize that I am going to have to do what I have to do and most likely move on out of here.......I just can't deal with all of it and I want to take care of myself.........Katie you have two little beautiful children, so for you, having 1 income could be very hard. I can totally see why you don't quit your day job. I have the "luxury" (which to me is not a luxury and something I wish I don't have) of being able to be without an income for a few months or so as I don't have mouths to feed and clothes to buy and diapers. I kind of wish I did :) I want a baby! If only Brian were just ready to have kids, I could be like oh, I am pregnant I wish though Katie that we can somehow make thiswebsite of profit to you too b/c of how hard you work. Sort of like the Cancer Society, there are volunteers like me on the committees for Relay, but the person who runs the event gets paid b/.c it is a full time job.
  19. Rick, You are Katie's rock, her wall, her strength. So it goes without saying that she celebrates with you
  20. Dear Ms. LaTour, I would also like to welcome you to our website. As Becky beautifully said, we are all filled with Hope and have a common ground--we want to find a cure for lung cancer! I read your magazine for the first time last week and loved it. I really hope that you come back often and work with us to spead the word about this wonderful website and our determination to find a CURE. Thank you, Andrea
  21. Happy Birthday Katie You are a terrific lady Thank you so much for all you do Without you and LCSC I'd be extra blue Life with cancer is no fun But because of all the friends here, I sometimes see the sun May your birthday be filled with joy As you celebrate with your baby girl and boy A lung cancer cure is what we all seek Without it, birthdays can be a bit bleak But please relax, eat some cake and have fun We thank you and commend you for all you have done We all love you so much This website is my crutch
  22. Wow! Good luck! I am so excited that things are moving along!
  23. Tbone Glad to hear you are hanging in there. I have a GREAT idea---turn up the AC and walk back and forth from the kitchen to the co uch to the bedroom for 45 minutes. That is walking! And have tvs on all over! Or get one of those little steps for $20 and step up and down. You can do it in your pajamas, in AirConditioning while watching tv
  24. Andrea

    Objective Facts

    I was just thinking and something came to me as I was strolling through my office. All this talk of doctors and stats and stigma and rudeness of conventions for excluding us, etc...................it can't mask the objective facts that there ARE new treatments for lung cancer and we have to see how it goes. We are guinea pigs. My personal disclaimer: even before my mom was diagnosed, if someone had the "flu" and a high fever and night sweats for a week, I wondered if it was Hodgkins or lymphoma. I am not sure when or why I became cancer neurotic, but I did long before my mom was diagnosed. SOme say it was my neurosis that got her diagnosed b/c only a lunatic would have demanded a chest xray for her when I did. However, I am a pessimist in general, it is my disposition. Regardless of opinion and my glass is half empty disposition, I think these facts are INDISPUTABLE: The issue of advancements in lung cancer and statistics are really all a guessing game now b/c many, if not most, of the new agents to treat Lung Cancer are new. Ie, gemzar and taxol and I now forgot the list I read, but these chemos are new to the market!! As much as 5-10 years ago not only did they not have those new agents, but they didn't do chemo, radiation and/or surgery!!! So how can we have accurate statistics????? CLEARLY there are advancements or these NEW DRUGS would not be out. We need to point this out to people who say otherwise at conventions and be blunt and put them on the spot. All we see right now is HOPE--we have Snowflake, Heather, Joe, my mom, etc, etc, undergoing this treatment, surviving and waiting to be the NEW BETTER statistics b/c their treatment is NEW. This is GOOD NEWS!!!!! And then while like gemzar is new and did good for my mom, we have Iressa which seems to help many and is good for maintence....and new clinical trials. So the longer we keep things at bay, the more new stuff there is. Henceforth, I don't see how ANYONE can say there has not been much advancement when all of this stuff is UNDISPUTABLY new. And I have no idea if I made sense, but I gotta work :) So I am done
  25. Andrea

    Dumb newscaster

    I am sure they didn't mean for it to come across this way, and I guess I take things differently now, but I had to share this b/c in an ironic way it made me laugh. The news last night said "breast cancer is rising among men. however, the chances of getting it are still low. men are better off worring about other cancer killers such as prostate and lung cancer which are more prevelant" I want to write to the news and ask one simple question-----what is worrying about prostate or lung cancer going to accomplish? It is not like there is anything you can really do to prevent it, so why say worry about it!
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