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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Praying for you all! My cousin recently failed, and had 3non malignant cysts removed. Hping the same for both of you!
  2. Denise, That doctor needs to be disciplined, majorlly! Since when is he g-d??? Oh that makes me so mad, no one knows whatsoever!!! I hope the regular onc can make your mom feel better. I am so sorry
  3. Oh Joni, HOw awful I am so sorry. You don't deserve this and especially neither does Alex. I've been thinking aobut you all weekend. I am going to PM you actually. Prayers are coming your way.
  4. IT is mo nday, hoep to see a post from her soon!
  5. Margaret, I see you are in Carlsbad, if you want some names at Hoag which is a bit closer than Cedars, PM me. They are absolutely wonderful there. Cedars is awesome too, we had her surgery there, just a bit further to drive. Good luck!
  6. Ditto Peggy--This was the first message I read since Fri and I am in tears. I so hope that hospice controls the pain and then he is released from hospice forever!!!Praying hard!
  7. Andrea

    Break time.....

    I will be on a hall pass for a week or so. Connie--I hope your scans are clear, I will be checking to see! Cheryl--hurry home! Denise--hang strong! Shellie--I want to read about clear lymphs! And ditto good wishes to everyone.
  8. Dearest Denise, I am so sorry. I can relate to you in that I too am the nag in the family. We nag out of love and it causes anger. This is only my opinion, but from my own personal experience, be flattered your mom argues with you, it is a sign of love b/c we take things out on those we count on the most. Your mom is probably on lots of medications and does not realize what she is doing. My dear friend, my heart is aching for you and your beautiful mom. If you were not angry, you would not be human. I wish I was in NY right now to be with you. Lots of love!
  9. Call the oncologist and just say you wnat to report that he is coughing blood, say i am sorry, i was not sure if i should call I think that is a legitimate reason to call!
  10. Awesome news! And don;'t panic if he springs a leak. My mom coughed or something, popped a stitch and was drenched with fluid, but they said it was normal.
  11. Protecting, I agree that all children should respect their parents. There is no doubt in my mind. And my heart breaks that you may leave your children, it is truly unfair. The only point I was trying to make was that we do not know Aki. We saw one post, which from my read of it, is just someone reaching out. It is good that people gave him honest advice, but some of it was harsh and judgmental. We don't know his entire story, his upbringing, his life. And then I went to check out the website. And well, the website from what I read tells the tail of someone who may be very troubled and needs real help, not criticism. I think Snowflake said it well in her post above. We would not want to drive this person over the edge, when it is clear that this person may be nearing the edge. That's all.
  12. Cat, I am not sure where you live, buy I agree, go elsewhere or to a big cancer center!!! MD Anderson, Sloan Kettering, etc. Maybe if you give a city, people can give you ideas on where to go. DONT give up
  13. Andrea

    Double visioin

    Pot calling kettle black, but don't worry just yet, a little double vision could be anything, even stress or allergies or fatigue. it is great that you were recently checked out. I will be sending prayers for the 12th! Let us know how it goes!
  14. OK, I was curious about Aki. I saw only one post and feared that we might drive him/her away. If you want to read about Aki, whom I believe is a 17 year old boy, look at Aki's post, click profile, and go to the website. Here is the website cut and paste: http://darkrayne.evolutionarydefect.com/frameset.html You will notice that I think the third post down talks about skipping school, cancer drugs, his mom's pension, etc. We have to remember that when people post we don't know their age, background, upbringing, etc, and obviously they come here to seek help. I know that my opinion changed when I read what I just read and I am worried.
  15. Andrea

    TAnn's Update

    Awwesome news!!!
  16. Suck a duck That said, I AM glad that you made him check out the pain Karen. Can you i magine if you ignored it! It is so important to be in tune to your body and thank g-d you had it checked! I just checked your signature, thank goodness in May 2004 the PET was clear, that was so recent. HOPEFULLY some chemo will just knock this right out!
  17. I hear ya Becky. I think that is why my parents get angry with me and my weight problem. And that is why before my mom was diagnosed I would go off on rants at her and scream and yell that she does not care if she has grandkids b/c as a diabetic, she needed to monitor her sugar and take care of herself. It is all out of love. I am cute, my parents tell me I am cute, it is not vanity, they get mad at me for my own good. I know that. I am still fluffy and at tiems get upset with them, but deep down I do the same thing. My dad always used to exercise, recently he looked 9 months pregnant and I asked daily if it were a boy or a girl and got so angry at him, he saw it too when he had no clothing except sweats and is exercising. We get angry when those we love hurt themselves. PS--just an aside, I do have to laugh, it took lung cancer for my mom's diabetes and high blood pressure to be perfectly under control kind of ironic
  18. Anxiously waiting for good news about bonkitis and just making sure I did not miss a post.
  19. I agree with Nat. I went back to see Aki's post b/c I had not read it before. I don't see anger or self centeredness at all. If her response is self centered, then color me the same. I read the post as Aki being scared and afraid, having dreams of losing her mom, and pulling back. Almost seems like Aki is having the exact reaction I had, just physically reacting differently. Aki---if you read this, all of us kids react wierd to our parents having cancer. And I can't speak for all, but speaking for many I know, antidepressants REALLY helped us. I personally cried all the time, i was scared, I was angry, I drove away from gas stations ripping out hoses That in a way is self centered b/c I was so upset, what about my poor mom! We all just react differently to things. The fact that Aki is posting her concerns shows how much she loves her mom. Aki--talk to your mom, hug her, tell her you love her, and perhaps see if medication can help you get through this with a clear head. I could not have survived without prozac and xanax. It does not have to be lnog term, my mom was diagnosed in Nov and I am finally off the prozac now. It kind of helps keep the mind in check. Please post all you want and vent away!!! Family member sectino is a great place to vent!
  20. Shelly, You are not allowed to leave us, so get that thought out of your head! I so hope it is not in her lymph nodes or bones. When is the surgery to know? WHen will you get the bone scan results? Keep us posted! We love you!
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