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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Bumping this up so your pic can be in the awesome montage ztweb is putting together for us
  2. Thanks everyone! His chest ct scan is tomorrow and he sees the pulmonologist on Friday at 2pm. Friday is my last day of house arrest, so not sure if I can go to the appointment. I just called my dr and left a message. It took me so much work (thankfully just phone work from bed) to get him all scheduled His GP office were monkeys and I got so upset at them that I yelled I felt terrible b/c I knew my dad would not approve, but I made sense b/c they called back my parents 10 minutes later and said I was right. Reality is reality, yes more often than not things on scans are innocent. However innocient or not, a 1cm area of abnormality showed up on his lung from an abdominal ct-scan. A chest ct scan is the next step. What good would waiting a week for a GP to listen to his chest be before ordering it?
  3. Andrea


    It is very good news! Just posting so you can see the t-shirt.I LOVE it
  4. Thank you so much everyone!!!!!!!! That is just amazing. Mitzu--there will be a post on how to buy the book once it is done And Ginnny, I was also thinking of proofing the proofers for duplication My mom and I will also proof proofers at the end, double check categories,etc b/c you can never get enough eyes! I am horrible at proofing. I had inputted a recipe a friend sent from NY, my mom was nosey and wanted to see what recipes they sent so she logged on and I had typed "whine" instead of "wine". Didn't even notice it
  5. I am busy nesting. I have been really good, only checked e-mail once a day with the wireless in my bedroom. Barely checked the boards. However I just needed to get some phone numbers from the net, so since I am up...... My dad had an abdominal ct-scan today, he is having a prostate procedure tomorrow (nothing serious)......and of course a 1cm density something showed up in his lung.............never a dull moment He has been having bad hack pain and not exercising lately but he said that is a srain. You can all imagine where my mind is right now I am a pig of resources, the urologist said he should see a lung dr. Even my parents k now thte drill, he needs a chest ct-scan, so I called my mom's oncologist to see if they will order one. I mean why take the extra steps with other drs when in reality we need a ct scan. I will keep you posted. Back to nesting, although being the 4th time around, it is almost like why bother
  6. It is not fair what you are going through You are one tough girl
  7. Recipe Monster. Recipe Monster. Ok, fine, REALLY cookie monster. Love cookies. Yum.
  8. Donna--out here in the land of fruits and nuts (not sure about the rest of the US) a lot of imaging centers offer body scans where you pay out of pocket and get scanned. I asked my mom's oncologist about it awhile back, he told me I was asking him a loaded question and when pushed he was like "i'd wait at least till age 40". I did just notice, and I was pleased, that on the website for the cancer center my mom goes to, it says "Are you worried about lung cancer?" and it talks about low dose ct-scan as screening for a certain sector of the population.
  9. No suggestions, just sending lots of love your way.
  10. I am sorry you had to find us. I live in Orange County, so I am familiar with doctors in the area. If you need anything, feel free to PM me. Actually I will PM you.
  11. Love stable. Yay! Celebrate the stability
  12. Ann you are amazing in all that you do!
  13. Tami, I never used them, but I have heard of them as being a large disabiltiy firm that is national. http://www.binderandbinder.com/ Maybe try calling them.
  14. WOOHOO!!!! You know, I could have sworn it was like yest that we met, discussed how alike our moms are with diagnosis and timing, fertily woes, etc
  15. I am confused about that too. My mom was IIIA at diagnosis per report from mediastonoscopy. Then she had chemo and surgery following and after surgery it said Stage IIB. I called the surgeon's office and they said they always go by initial stage, but after surgery she appeared more IIB, however officially it would always be IIIA.
  16. Thanks everyone for the recipes, getting the word out, etc. Keep them coming!
  17. Selfish bump Remember, you can e-mail photos to andreascheff@adelphia.net or PM me and have me take it from your avatar.
  18. I agree with Mitzu about checking for physical problems first. Assuming all is clear on that end, I don't have great advice on how to go about getting him on antidepressants, but wanted to share that we had the similar struggle with my dad. My mom was fine with giong on an antidepressant when she was diagnosed b/c she was devestated. She also enjoyed the occasional xanax at first. My dad was very resistent but he was just so depressed, it was obvious, and I had a little temper tantrum and I think to save my sanity he agreed to try them and it really helped him. Both of my parents benefited greatly from the meds. Maybe you can tell your FIL how common it is to be put on one?
  19. Oh Gail, I am so sorry What an exhausting journey you are on. Congrats on your daughter. I am sure your father is smiling down at her as she is called to the bar. Be safe in all of your travels.
  20. The procedure went well, she got 25 eggs out, but all of them won't fertilize. I find out on Sat how many are good and then I have the embryo transfer. It was funny, my mom recognized the anasthesiologist. Turns out he did her brain aneryusm coiling and he fully remembered her case from 1 year ago b/c it was unusual to have an "elective" anyerusm procedure in that she was asymptomatic (most people dont know about them until they burst) and her lung cancer and all. He genuinely looked shocked and pleased to see how well she looked It was a fluke b/c he rarely does the procedure I had today
  21. Your words were beautiful. Thinking of you
  22. Thanks for sharing Tina. I thought about Dean Carl on Saturday, we rented a boat in San Diego and all of a sudden I was like Dean Carl lived in San Diego and he flooded my thoughts.
  23. I wish I had words of advice. But in general, maybe you can do something with your girls, like pamper yourselves? You all deserve it, you have gone through too much and you do so much with your new foundation. You are such a special family.
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