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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Kasey, I can use your avatar pic I am doing that for a lot of people who ask. I also already editted Fred's name and saw that you posted some recipes so we are up to 204 now. Yay!
  2. Andrea

    18 Big Ones!

    YAY! Happy Ice Cream!
  3. Yes I would love to see your face as a caregiver Please e-mail it. The response has been ok, not great, but I want MORE MORE MORE, greedy greedy greedy Heeheee.
  4. Thanks to those who sent in recipes We have 200 so far! Now we "just" need 200 more!!! :) Please keep them coming. Not just for the book, but for my health I lost a couple pounds (still zillions to go), said good-bye to a number on the scale I never want to see again (isn't it fun when that happens, although somehow the number always manages to appear again months down, although I have not seen this new number since way before my mom's diagnosis), and now I am on steroids for my in-vitro round so all I want to do is eat If I get recipes, I can read those and vicariously eat Here is a reminder how to send me recipes (and e-mail for your photos for the montaage page): 1. Input the recipe yourself: Go directly to http://www.typensave.com/ Log in is: LCSCbook Password is: 3e3jm 2. E-mail your recipe to me at andreascheff@adelphia.net (or you can PM me) 3. Snail-mail your recipe to: Andrea Scheff PO Box 27124 Anaheim Hills, CA 92809
  5. What an awesoem quoute Cindi, and so how true!! The new normal sucks!
  6. Andrea

    Falling Down

    I seem to recall my mom having incidents of jsut being weak and kind of like buckling in the knees where she had to sit down. Never found a reason and it went away after chemo.
  7. We have some neat stuff, thanks to those who contributed. But we need more So bumpity bump. Also send me your photos for the montage! I really DO apologize for being a pain, I jsut want the book to be nice
  8. Keep those recipes coming, PLEASE!!!!!! I have in-vitro at end of month and want to feel a bit more secure in the recipe amounts. Also, some good news, my mom was apparently so loved where she worked back in NY (they moved to California to be with me in 2001, I grew up in NY). I just got an e-mail from a former co-worker's sister who heard about this book and she herself is publishing a CD cookbook with over 15,000,000 recipes. She is going to put a label on the back that a portion of proceeds will go to this cause
  9. We have 141 recipes inputted so far (and I am up to date with inputs, although I do need to check my PO Box). We need about 400. I anticipate we will be able to do it if people send me recipes I still have not received recipes from a lot of people here whom I suspect will be sending some. I think we are doing pretty good. Last time people had months to get me recipes, but in reality, it should not take months to gather recipes. The more time we have, the more we procastinate. So this time it is just a bit more rushed which is ok b/c I now know how to do this, volunteers are in place, and we are off to a running start. Hoefpully it will be ok b/c otherwise I will feel like an idiot for saying there will be a second cookbook if there cannot be one Recipes of ANY type are welcome. It really does not matter, we need anything. And we need photos for the photo montage:)
  10. I started creating this recipe which still needs work, fine tuning, tweaking, changing, etc. However, before I continue working on it, is it even funny? Or is it offensive? Whether you are a patient or a caregiver or a family member, life is changed 1. Change in vocabulary 4 oz. Misconstruing English language 1 dictionary to look up words you once thought you knew Wait, when someone says they just got a pet, they mean scan, not a doggie, right? 2.Bizarre what makes us happy 1 liter new perspective of life 1 oz sense of irony Yes, havin g a lung removed can be considered one of the bestdays of a patient's (and his/her family's) life. Yes, a stable tumor is a cause for celebration. Yes, my mom’s brain aneurysm finding on MRI was wonderful news, it was not a metastasis brain tumor. 3. Heightened body awareness Large amount of patience by those around you 1 computer to research your ailments Is that a lump? Are you sure it's nothing? Really, you think it is just fat? Wait, feel here, is that a swollen lymph node? What do you mean you don't know what a lymph node is? Uh oh, I have a headache. Yes, I realize I suffer from migraines, but don’t you think I need a MRI just in case? Yikes, my stomach hurts. Yes, I know stress can make it hurt and I am working myself up over the lump I think I feel, but what if it is something else. Do I need an abdominal ct-scan? 4.Change in favorite baseball team 1 oz. Neurosis 1 change in sports jersey Mom, I don't care that you are from Queens, NY, you just cannot root for the Mets. You must become an Angels fan like me. Wait, not everyone even knows what I am talking about by not rooting for "mets"? 5. A new love affair Dash of tolerance for cheating King sized bed to make room for the new man I don't care that we are married, I am equally in love with NED and I hope he is here to stay! Wait, you don't know who NED is? He is my favorite person in the world, No Evidence of Disease! 6.Sudden doctor phobia 1 great doctor 1 neurotic patient A physical or routine check up is no longer routine. It is very normal to immediately ask after each poke and prod whether there are any lumps/masses. 7. Onset of being a hypocrite at times 1 oz of self-realization 1 oz self centeredness Yes, I admit it, a couple of years ago I'd be crying too if I locked my keys in the car and was stranded in the pouring rain without a cell phone. But sorry, catch me on a bad medical day and it is kind of hard to be sympathetic. After all a little water never hurt anyone, right? 8. Money can buy happiness 10 lottery tickets 1 trip to Las Vegas Yes, I used to believe the old phrase "money can't buy happiness." But after learning that some cancer drugs can costs hundreds of dollars a day which most cannot afford, my attitude changed. 9. You are laughing 10 liters laughter dash of giggles tons of smiles You actually find this recipe quite humorous because it accurately reflects your new normal
  11. Oh Peggy You always have the words for me, yet I just don't have the words for you right now. All I have is prayers and love being sent your way.
  12. My mom was feeling short of breath for a long time after her surgery too. It eventually got a bit better. SOrry about the second primary Keep us posted
  13. Andrea


    Sue, It is ironic how much we all care about each other here, yet wish we never had to have met Thanks to you and Missy for all you do. Our hearts are with you.
  14. And a bumpity boop bump bump bump boop bump. Oh relax, I will be on bed rest for a week mid-end of August for in-vitro and won't be able to be a bumping monster for self-interestd reasons Unless I recruit someone else to do my dirty work,hmm
  15. Anxiously awaiting more recipes I am all caught up. The book CAN be dangerous though. I am having a bbq later today, prepared Geri's Crab Dip from the first book. I think I ate 1/4 of it myself already
  16. The fear of the other shoe dropping is always there. That is why when someone says "oh your mom is cured", I go into a long speech explaining how remission is different from cured! I hope your family enjoys remission forever. Just know you are not alone in the fear.
  17. No repeats At least we are trying for none. We will try to make sure at the end nothing is duplicated from the first book, but there is always a small margin of error KEEP THE RECIPES COMING!!!!!!
  18. Like Betty, my mom had carbo and gemzar and found gemzar to be quite tolerable. It caused increased fatigue, minimal hair loss. My mom also tried Tarceva, it gave her potty problems and she was taken off it it b/c of that and b/c of a risk for pulmonary fibrosis (the oncologist felt she was at greater risk than most b/c she demonstrated a tendency to get fibrosis since she had more damage from radiation than expected) Sending you my best.
  19. Yes Ginny. Thank you. I have in-vitro mid/end March so I am so glad I am set up with volunteers I have just about the right number now. Regarding your suggestion before with the lengthy paragrpahs, I was just inputting a recipe (shhh, I am at work) and if there are a lot of steps, since we can't do paragraph spaces, we can always number the Steps. this recipe came to me as 1. blah blah blah. 2. blah blah blah. There were 4 steps, so it is actually easier to follw.
  20. The website can get "buggy" at times. When you get there, go to log in, put your name as Contributor, then next line is LCSCbook then next line where it says password is 3e3jm I got your recipe by e-mail though, I will input it
  21. Another just "informational" post. We didn't really do it last time (pretty much b/c I had no clue what I was diong at first). But this time, many people are putting their name as like: Joe Smith, Son of Bob Smith SCLC; or Joe Smith in honor (or memory) of Joe Smith. However you want it to read is fine.
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