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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Not selfish at all!!!! I think we all go through phases like that, I know I did!!!
  2. Andrea


    Ry took the words right out of my mouth in regards to my thoughts. I ditto her sentiments to the T.
  3. Jen--I am expecting a couple more. When collecton is done, how long will it take you? Like is a week enough time?
  4. Dictated by my mom: I saw my daughter get married. I adopted a dog (which was a big step since I never was an animal person). I helped my daughter buy her first home. I was with my daughter during her fertility woes. I shop with my daughter. I get my hair done with my daughter (I was not sure if I'd have any left). (Note from me: Yes, being an only child and so close to my parents, it really is always all about me with them )
  5. I believe it is "Standardized Uptake Value". I think it is the degree of whatever lights up on the scan. If it is a higher degree, it makes malignancy more likely. I hope your friend just has a scare. Keep us posted
  6. Sorry Katie, that was me That is what is so great about the software though, people can check heehee
  7. Yup, your pretty face has been submitted :) And your hubby e-mailed me a photo
  8. Just FYI: A few people here had IIIB and had chemo which shrunk things and then were able to have surgery and went into remission.
  9. Here is the password you will need to check: http://www.typensave.com/ Log in is: LCSCbook Password is: 3e3jm
  10. Jen, What a nice post. I wish you and your family all the best!! You are right, we do never get to take off those seatbelts. I think my skin is going to start turning green as I am so envious of those not on the ride The green-eyed monster does not wish this on anyone, but is jealous of those who can't share our fears if that makes sense.
  11. We have 509 recipes, that is 100 more than last time Just bumping for those who want to be in the book, reminder, Sept 15 is our deadline so I have enough time to get it done to get sent out
  12. Tina, I don't know much about uptake degrees, but I did ask two different peopole yest (radiologist and pulmonologist) if an infection can s how up on a PET and make it inconclusive. Both said yes, which is why my dad's was cancelled. I hope it is an infection for your dad!! Keep us posted
  13. I am so sorry Sending good thoughts your way
  14. You gals just may want to come to California. You can slap me, we can go for facials, and hit Disneyland Gail: I am testing today at the hospital while we are there for my dad's biopsy. It is two days ahead of time, but would still show up. Icbn: You hit the nail on the head, they get paid so much, and more importantly, we as patients put our lives in their hands, something should be done about these misreads. It makes me wonder, was my chest xray a few months ago read wrong too, etc. Are we supposed to hire our own private radiologist to review things?? Crazy!!!!
  15. You can go to any forum and read a post and then hit reply and post a comment/reply just like others did when you introduced yourself. You can also start a post in any frum by going into the forum, and clicking "new topic" on top. There is also a live chat feature, you will see a chat button on the top and to the left of your screen. There are certain times when poeple may be in there to talk to, and the schedules are usually posted. I hope that helped a bit!
  16. I know I am jumping the gun since my dad's biopsy is not until tomorrow, but I am bothered by the spot that was there in June and not reported. I am also bothered by the multiple nodules and back pain he is having. If nothing else, this post could answer questions others have (as I have found myself seeking out prior posts this weekend such as the one about the relationship of nodule size to mets, etc) Does anyone have any knowledge if a 2 month delay in diagnosis can move a LC from a Stage I to a Stage IV?
  17. It is amazing what Soaps teach us. I first learned about the mafia from General Hospital back in my high school days And Isabella on Days introduced me to the fear of pancreatic cancer Steph--I am a closet Days watcher and you are right, they do not handle things realistically. I wanted to throw things at the tv since Belle, Mimi and I went through in-vitro at the same time and let's just say I wanted to live in Salem!
  18. Wow Denise, two years, it seems impossible to have been that long. I am so sorry for your pain Love you lots and sending lots of good thoughts your way.
  19. Awesome job everyone!!! Thanks so much!!! :) Bruce requested cookies, and someone sent me 3 cookie recipes last night. Yay! Just a reminder for the "This n That" section. We are looking for recipes that are funny, silly, serious, whatever. It can also be recipes for products that are not food, like someone put in a playdoh recipe Or lets say you have a secret recipe for getting stains out of the carpet, send that! The recipe has to have a couple of ingredients (you can make up words as ingridients to trick the program into thinking it is an ingredient)
  20. Uterus (nesting and all)
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