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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Andrea

    more prayers

    Tami Sending good thoughts your way
  2. Wasn't sure where to post this: My surrogate has the embryo transfer this Friday. It is our embryo, just renting her uterus I can't get my hopes up, the only thing up is the expenses of trying to obtain a child I go for my colonoscopy on Tues (Halloween). Brian didn't want to delay all of this baby stuff to see what happens with the hopefully lipoma. My abdominal MRI on Thurs also showed it to be likely a lipoma and my mom's oncologist said a growth from 4.6 to 5.4cm in 3 months seems big to me, but in reality it is not b/c any scan can be off by .5cm depending on how you breathe. However he did say it is a large size, so he is not sure what they will do. Her visit with him on Friday was perfectly timed So I will see what happens on Tues and go from there.
  3. I wish I knew what to say I could envision myself with the same problems in the future but since I haven't walked in your shoes, all I can do is send you my love.
  4. That is such good news!! And I am glad you enjoyed Mickey!
  5. I agree, get a second opinion. Don't be afraid to be aggressive in getting help
  6. Andrea

    Great Grandfather

    Enjoy the new baby!
  7. Brian will be nominating Katie via his e-mail tomorrow And my parents will too when I am there All different people with different e-mail addresses. My point is that all household members with different names and different e-mail addresses can enter
  8. You are so right, it is hard to accept that life can be good. Always worrying about the other shoe dropping. I wish I could take away your fears. I am sure the 7 days will go fast and if it can advance your career and double your salary, you will be doing so much good for your son. I want to make you laugh, so I am telling you a story here. I always think of your story with the pen at your scans. I had my abdominal MRI ono Thurs and the man asked "have you had lymph node surgery" in the middle of the scan, when he was about to do contrast. I said "no". Then I said "Why do you ask? Is it something you saw?". He laughed and said "no, it is b/c if you are missing lymphs under your arms, we can't do the die. Boy, you read into everything." My first thought to myself was I had to tell Debi this story b/c we are both paranoid at times
  9. Katie, I agree that all the survivors are heroes. But it would be discriminatory to pick just one to nominate You created LCSC and you are the representative of everyone,that is why you were the obvious choice. PS--I love the new picture!
  10. I didn't run this by Katie first I was reading People magazine and it said to go to http://people.aol.com/people/article/0, ... metownhero to nominate a Hometown Hero. I nominated Katie Brown and if enough of us do it, maybe we can make some lung cancer noise.
  11. I got the proof back and it looks really good Get a hanky ready for Val's beautiful "Legacy of Recipes" :) In a few weeks I will post about pre-ordering, etc.
  12. Andrea

    6 Months Today

    I can't believe it has been that long. Charlie is so proud of you and smiling down at all you have accomplished.
  13. I just saw this post now. You are amazing and your students are so lucky to have you! You are right, we need to enjoy each day.
  14. We saw the surgeon today and he really prefers not chopping out half my colon if he does not need to I am scheduled for an abdominal MRI this week to give them a better view of the mass and a colonoscopy on Halloween. I had one just in Dec 2005 (unrelated) which was clear, but the surgeon said maybe the doctor missed it, so he will look himself. If it is inside the colon, he can biopsy it that way. That's it More hurry up and wait.
  15. Jen we know you are here for all of us We all go through periods of time when we can deal with things better than other times. Sometimes there is no rhyme or reason to it. I often times wish I had the "words of wisdom" as I call it that so many others here have. I wish I could provide the comfort they provide me. Sometimes I post more than other times. You know how we have PMS? I think sometimes I have SCS, Sick of Cancer Syndrome We love you and I know everyone can't wait to buy the cookbook to see the photo montage you put together
  16. I dont have answers but I just did a search of your name b/c I haven't seen you post lately and wanted to see. How are you feeling?
  17. I go back and forth. Sometimes I want to scream b/c I am seeing pink everywhere in the stores. Then I think of my good friend's cousin who just died at age 35 from breast cancer. My hope is that some discovery in general research will bring a cure for all cancers b/c cancer just stinks.
  18. I don't remember how long it lasted, but my mom was terribly exhausted from radiation too.
  19. We are a lot alike. I also read your post in "My Story". I too am an only child. My mom too got diagnosed in the middle of our wedding planning, her only symptom being a mild cough. My mom too, had a 5cm mass that went to her lymph nodes.My mom too, was Stage IIIA. I also want you to know that like your mom, my mom's tumor shrank and the good news is that after chemo shrunk the tumor, she was able to get surgery. It seems like that is the direction your mom is going in too I am not sure how you step back. In time you WILL get used to the new normal. At first it is hard to believe it, but you do. Keep us posted and I truly hope your mom continues with shrinkage and surgery. I know others here too who were IIIB and also had surgery after shrinkage.
  20. Andrea


    That is such great news
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