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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Andrea

    Scan results today

    That is great news :)
  2. I can't remember how I found the website, but I am like a little kid, I get so excited when I find it searching for something else And particularly b/c it was in the beginning of Google. Go Rick and Katie!
  3. This is such a random post, but if you go to google and type in 4mm brain tumor, on page 3 of google, it takes you to a LCSC post!!!! I guess it shows how popular the website is :) People can find us easily :)
  4. More info Kim: I am talking to my parents on the phone right now. We are talking about different lung things and just how weird my dad's case is. Anyway, my dad just learned this over the weekend. He has a good friend in NY who was his co-worker, the wife is an oncologist (a bit of an anxious person like me actually ) The friend is young, in his early 40s, a few years ago they found multiple nodules in both lungs on a routine xray, he was worked up for cancer, and my dad does not know what the name of his ailment was, but he was just on steroids for 6 months and all was well.
  5. Kim, We just talked in a PM and I said I would post what I learned last week about the multiple nodules. I would be hypocritical to say not to worry b/c we all know how I would react, so I won't even go there. However, having just had a pulmo consult on the multiple nodules, I learned that: 1. Many many things can cause multiple nodules, such as fungeses and infection, and they can cause no symptoms 2. Lung cancer more typically would appear as 1 nodule, not many 3. For my dad, 1 nodule looked different than the rest, that is the one biopsied. I asked the pulmo if my dad came in with the multiple nodules and not the 1 different looking one, would the other nodules be cause for concern. He said no, they could just be areas of inflamation b/c they don't look hard and don't have the appearance of cancer. So as others said, it could be many things and not the worst fear. Try your best to get in with a pulmonologist, or even if you can get the consult sooner for peace of mind, a thoracic surgeon. So often they can give you many many more answers b/c they can tell a lot by just the appearance. Radiology reports do not tell a full story at all. Make calls tomorrow, be pushy, be like I am 36, my mom had lung cancer, I am freaking out, blah blah. Also tomorrow, see if they can burn you a copy of the CD to take with you right away so you have it to bring to any appointment you may have. Keep us posted!
  6. This may sound weird, but it happened to my mother in law. Were you by any chance wearing something with buttons? She had on a dress that had these mirror circle things and they thought they were masses.
  7. Oh my gosh, I am sooooo sorry How scary!! I hope it turns out to be nothing more than a scare. Keep us posted.
  8. Andrea

    Nancy B

    Nancy, Please post as much as you want. And NEVER worry about whining, I take the top award for that, so you are safe. I am so sorry you are having such a rough time. Keep repeating the mantra my mom was told, they make you so sick so they can make you better. Hopefully next year at this time it will all be a distant memory. My mom had a platelet transfusion at one point during her chemo too, I think she said she felt a bit better after. Keep us posted.
  9. Andrea

    Nancy B

    Yes Nancy, anxious to hear my friend.
  10. Oh, as a PS, one more thing making me paranoid, my playmate growing up across the street from me, my age, my grade in school, passed away a couple of years ago from lymphoma one year after her baby was born. She was feeling a bit tired and went to the dr and there was a football sized mass in her chest on chest xray. I am sane and insane. Insane b/c of my paranoias, but sane b/c I know that a lot of what I worry about can be considered irrational and I should be more worried about getting into a car; and I should be more worried about losing more weight since heart disease is a huge women's issue So when I explain that to doctors, along with my anxiety, some say I am sort of rational I just post my fears sometimes b/c I know a lot of others told me they share the same ones. It is nice to know you are "not alone" at times!
  11. Thanks everyone. I know chest xrays are not perfect. Actually the hospital has a program called "if you are concerned about lung cancer" which offers low dose radiation ct-screening for $295, but they won't do it if you are under 40. My mom's pulmonologist once said you can get a chest xray every day and it will have no effect, it is that low dose. Plus, I am done trying to get pregnant, so that is a moot issue now suck a duck. I just want to be checked by him. I thought about cancelling but Brian said I will regret it.
  12. Andrea

    My Mom has passed away

    I am so sorry for your loss
  13. We had a GREAT response, over 100 more recipes than last book if my memory serves me right. I wanted to give a last reminder that our cut-off is Sept 15, so if you were planning to submit, do so ASAP!!!! Thanks so much!
  14. Thanks I am trying to breathe. I think this is more like a meltdown and not just "new normal" fears. When my mom was diagnosed I fell apart for a few months, couldn't speak without crying. It took awhile before "new normal" set in. I am now regressing to the initial stages. I meant to get gas today, I forgot. I meant to pick up my mom's pants from Nordstroms yest since I work across the street, I forgot. I am in a bit of a fog I know it could turn out not to be cancer, but already, my mind is if he needs chemo, I am quitting my job to drive him, if he does not make it my mom will live with us and we will buy a house with mother in law quarters, etc. Hormones are not helping
  15. Paranoia just set in full blast. I am now freaked out about everything more than before. How did they miss my dad's spot on his June xray? How can I trust any doctor? I had generalized itching and told my allergist, he said typically in people my age with itching they do a chest xray to look for lymphoma, but I am probably ok since I have a lot of allergies. So what did I do? I went for a chest xray at a walk-in urgent care, I think it was Mayish. The facility is associated with the hospital we use. I remember the doctor saying it was fine, they compared it to my one the previous year. Why do you compare xrays if nothing is there? This all just hit me yesterday. So I decided to make an appointment with the pulmonologist my parents use, he makes you get a chest xray before each visit The lady was so nice, he was booked for a few weeks (I know he takes emergencies sooner, like my dad's spot initiallly etc), but she said with all that is going on in my family, I go next Thurs the 14th. I now only trust him to look at chest xrays. That article in SELF magazine I think also did some damage as it talked about estrogen as a fuel for lung cancer possibly and I was pumped with it for all my fertility treatment. Of course I am probably hormonal now as I am in the process of a failed pregnancy, who knows I hope I am just being paranoid. I do NOT wish any of this on anyone. But I do admit I am jealous of those who don't live with the fear, and the helplessness that comes with waiting and worrying. Oy vey I guess I should go to work.
  16. Since November is approaching, I want to write some letters to the media here in Southern California. I meant to last year and just never did. The first thing they teach new lawyers is not to waste time re-inventing the wheel So if anyone has any letters they have written and would not mind sharing them (obviously I would tweak it to make it personal to me), please let me know
  17. I love all of your pages! Hmmmmm, a satellite walk, that could even be like a walk from the bedroom to the den to watch tv, it is walking. Hmmmmm, I should set up a page. This way when I e-mail everyone once we get a surgery date, I can be like "My daddy's surgery is set for ___ day. This is just all so stressful. Lung cancer really stinks. Do you feel sorry for us? I bet you do. Oh, you want to know how you can help? Well, here is a link, I will be satellite walking. Don't you want to give money? No, I bet you don't want to part with your money, but you are feeling guilted into it, huh?"
  18. I am so sorry Peggy :( Sending lots of love and looking for good updates!
  19. Prayers for her and your entire family. I am so sorry
  20. The way the article was written, I would swear the writer was a member here, but I don't think so She talked about lack of funding, stigma, how more women are being diagnosed, how more young women are being diagnosed, etc. It was a great article.
  21. The September issue of Self magazine has an article on the cancer you don't know about. It talks about a 36 year old reporter battling lung cancer and lack of funding, etc.
  22. You go girl! I just did my weird $36 donation on your page ($36 is symbolic of double life in Judiasm)
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