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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Andrea

    3 years Today...

    Happy anniversay and many many more!
  2. Peggy, How are things going? How is your son? I was just in the supermarket and I heard "our" song that you gave me the link to and I thought of you. http://www.angelfire.com/comics/evercle ... Happy.html is what Peggy sent me
  3. Completely unrelated, but I know Dilaudid is a strong drug. I had it in the ER two weeks ago for a migraine and it dulled the pain but I was sooooo fuzzy, I remember having trouble walking to the car. I don't even remember much of it.
  4. Tina thanks for all you do for all of us! You are so amazing to have begun your own non-profit. You are the best
  5. I am walking Kasey thank you for the donation, you did not have to do that I still say bahumbug to those friends of mine who did not donate. I do realize that everyone has their own causes to support, but if I support theirs, then support mine. I have a few people telling me that lung cancer is not that prevelant, they don't know anyone other than my parents, etc. I said if that is the case, why was there an entire article in Self magazine about it, etc. It can effect anyone.
  6. Karen wishing you well for the D&C. I hope it is easy and recovery is painless. It is unfair all you have had to go through, it makes no sense why these things happen You are doing one heck of a job with Faith. Dave and your mom are smiling down on you.
  7. Yes suck a duck, I am sooooo disappointed. I am going to send the link once more when I send an update about my dad from the oncologist. You would think that in my case especially, having my dad JUST diagnosed it would hit a nerve with people. The only thing I am thinking is that the bar was set too high b/c a few people donated $100 and $50 at first. Who knows. I am disappointed.
  8. It is probably stress, I get the same thing. I am sorry you are going through this Do you take a Xanax? I often take one and it goes away so I know I don't have to go to ER. If it continues, go get checked though.
  9. I totally forgot about it, I will remind my parents, thanks.
  10. I am sorry you have so much to deal with right now It is unfair. I am glad that you have the support of your husband. We are all here for you.
  11. Kasey that was a great post! And congrats on your survivorhip. You are so important to all of us here!
  12. Suck a duck, I actually hate to say that I don't feel as alone b/c I hate that you all are feeling the same things!! I really appreciate all of your posts. I am trying my best for my parents. I still just want to sleep all the time but managed to do 20 minutes on the exercise bike for my dad each day. I have a tendency towards chronic fatigue syndrome/fibromyalgia so I am trying to ward it off. There is debate as to whether it is real and as to whether I had it or if I just got a bit burnt out b/c I was too competitive in school. Thanks again!
  13. Andrea

    Don Wood

    I wanted to bump this up. Don is going through such an awful time right now,and this amazing man is responding to me whining about fatigue. Don, you truly are the best and I am so honored to "know" you.
  14. Thanks so much everyone for once again making me feel better. My dad is worried about me and my mom, I know it. He says NOT to worry about him. Ha My hair is starting to fall out even (I have had that before with stress). What I did today will sound strange, especially since it is the Jewish high holidays. My dad wanted me OUT today for a bit and said I can stay in bed and sleep tomorrow. So Brian and I renewed our Disneyland passes and spent 4 hours there I was really fighting just walking, but I did it. Got a little tearful on It's A Small World. I started singing quietly "It's A Cancer World" Now it is 5:30 my time, I will eat a yummy dinner, take a bath, and relax. You all mean so much to me, I cannot even tell you.
  15. Andrea

    Sad News

    I am so sorry for your loss
  16. I am just curious if any of the family members/caregivers experienced overwhelming fatigue at the time of diagnosis or crisis? When my mom was diagnosed I could not speak with anyone without crying (even at work). Now I don't cry as much, but I am just sooooooooooo tired. I am 99% sure it is not physical as I have had so many medical tests (unrelated) recently. All I want to do and all I can do is sleep. I feel like my body has been run over by a truck. I went to work Wed and Thurs. I came home, worked on the cookbook and slept. Today I was off and I ran some errands with my parents (my dad forgets he had surgrery. Apparently Buddy, the mini-poodle, carried in his own 10lb. bag of dog food), did laundry and have no energy to even make the bed Just wanted to see if others experienced the same and/or make ofthers feel better if they do I also strongly encourage our survivors to post how they feel in LC Survivors as they are the most important ones and I am merely a whiney daughter. I know that issue had been addressed in the LC Survivors forum I remember when people posted I passed it along to my mom and it helped her. PS--I made my mom stop with me today to get lottery tickets. I figured what are the odds of two parents getting lung cancer and two recent miscarriages :)I can now never forget, positive pregnancy test the day of his biopsy, miscarriage day of PET scan. I am sure the odds are much higher than lotto, but hey, gotta have a dream
  17. Obviously see what the doctor says, but just FYI, I myself have had it many times and so has my dad. Often a kidney stone that you dont even knkow about is the cause.
  18. I know someone (not from LCSC) who had both at the same time also. I am not sure whta it means though in terms of treatment or anything. Sorry I can't be of more help.
  19. The feature was great and let everyone know what a wonderufl womam she was.
  20. Assuming nothing goes wrong, they will be ready for the holidays They will be $15 each this time as the book has about 100 more recipes than last time, so the cost of production goes up
  21. Wow, thank you Dazy. That just made me cry! I am annoyed, not enough of my friends and family donated. I think the problem was that a few intial donors set the bar too high at $100, making those who donated less feel bad. I think a donation of even $5 is nice, it is the thought. I will remind people again when I send another update about my dad
  22. I am so sorry It is unfair when things like this happen
  23. Andrea

    Lucie Fly Wood

    Don, You and Lucie are such an inspiration to us all. There are no words to describe my sadness over your loss You are a wonderful human being. I am just so sorry
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