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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Andrea


    That is such terrible news Prayers go out to his family.
  2. I am so sorry You are such a wonderful daughter. I can only imagine your pain I wish I had a magic wand to take away the pain.
  3. I hope she bounces back, she is a real fighter!
  4. Thank you Katie. That was so helpful. I a too tired to do a search on my own too. Also in major shock still.
  5. Thank you. My mom just read your post and cried. You are her new hero she said!!! I think they said Tarceva might be the first treatment, is that normal?
  6. Just wondering what your treatment is and how are you doing. I am too tired to do a search right now, we are headed bcak to the hospital but I'd love to show my mom how well some are doing when we return.
  7. Andrea


    Joanie you have gone through soooo much it is no wonder yu are exhausted. My mom has a lot of lingering exhaustion too. She may look normal, but a shopping trip can cause major fatigue.
  8. I saw the pulmo today. I was so worried he would get mad at me for wasting his time but he was WONDERFUL. His partner said "no, another family member, quick, lock the door" My chest xray was normal and I explained to him my concerns 1)my mom and maybe my dad; 2) the impact on young women; 3) all the estrogen from fertility; 4) four years ago there was an infiltrate on my left lung they were following up on. I read teh report and it cleared, but I never went back to teh doctor. And how do I know the radiologist read it right since my dad's chest xray was misread a couple of montsh ago (granted different facility). He pulled up the 2002 ct-scan and said it looked fine. He recommends a chest ct for me every 5 years, so wait a year. I apologized for wasting his time, he said I absolutely did not. Also, he is not as certain as the surgeon that my dad's is cancer, but time will tell. Have no fear though, I have more to worry about Of course tomorrow's surgery; and then I see the breast surgeon for my 6 month visit next week.
  9. I am so sorry for your loss. There are no words
  10. Thank you for sharing your story. We are happy to have you here.
  11. Thanks John, I will ask about carcinoid. You are such a wealth of information about everything!
  12. I know that not everything is cancer. They just biopsied the one with atypical cells. However the surgeon feels that he could have BAC in the smaller spread out nodules; and possibly NSCLC (or a bengin thing) in the nodule they biopsied. The surgeon was the most alarmist of all teh drs yet
  13. Thanks for all your support! You are right Katie, we don't know anything for sure which is making it more confusing for the doctors. It is like do they biopsy the brain before surgery on the lung, it is a coin toss. The Mayo Path said "rare atypical cells, suspicious for low-grade neoplasm". It was also thrown out do they do chemo first if it is Stage IV, but again, how do you give chemo without a firm answer.
  14. Thanks. We still don't know anything for sure. Just weird that there might be two primaries at once!
  15. I am too tired to explain in detail, but the surgeon believes for my dad that there may be two lung cancers, a BAC and a regular NSCLC. Do we know of anyone here who had two primary LCs? I can't remember.
  16. Definately get it checked to be on the safe side. Just want to let you know that I have had the same symptoms and they were anxiety relaetd. (I know, I can just envision the shock on your faces ) It felt just like flip flops and also palpatated. It was soooo uncomfortable. It lasted a few weeks. I get episodes every once in awhile.
  17. Andrea

    Special Touch

    That is such a beautfil thing to do!
  18. Oh my gosh Don, I am in shock to read this I am so sorry. Lucie is such a fighter, I am saying lots and lots of prayers.
  19. I am just sooooooooo excited for you! What a relief!
  20. Thanks everyone. As I said, why tax my brain anymore t han needed when others have already worked so hard I am waiting to send my letters until I knwo about my dad b/c it would change the story. I will post it when it is doen
  21. Just a remidner if you want to check your recipe for mistakes We are proofing, but you know, human error an all
  22. Andrea


    I am so sorry
  23. Andrea


    I hope she is home soon and praying it is a quick recovery!
  24. https://secure.campagne-online.com/regi ... onID=10158 I did my page But I won't see any donations till next week b/c I am strategically waiting to send out the e-mail at the same time I have a surgery date for my dad. Kind of in lieu of flowers thing
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