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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Andrea

    Babies R Us

    I am so sorry for the pain that so many of you are going through with losing loved ones. I do think however that your mom would want you to have a child. Don't put off for tomorrow what you can do today as they say. And speaking from experience, it is not always easy to have a child, we have been trying for over two years now with fertility treatment. Go for it, the child will bring you lots of joy!
  2. I am glad you are home Keep up that fighting attitude!
  3. Andrea


    If you have adenocarinoma, you may not have BAC. BAC is a subset of NSCLC and a rarer type of adenocarcinoma, but it acts very different than most NSCLCs. The oncologist said BAC is very very slow growing, it typically appears as multiple spots, and Tarceva is usually the drug of choice. The good thing about BAC is how slow growing it is, the bad part is that it is not as responsive to traditional chemo.
  4. First shipment goes out tomrrow I was smart, this way Brian can carry into the post office
  5. If you are mailing me a check, and you have a second, please PM or e-mail me at andreascheff@adelphia.net with the quanity ordered and your address so I can do the packaging ahead of time. I want to be efficient :) Thank you!
  6. Andrea


    Please don't anyone feel afraid to vent. If you are a survivor, vent in LC Survivors. If you are a family member/caregiver/friend vent in Family member forum. Trust me, venting is good for the soul I excel at whining.
  7. Andrea


    I vent all the tiem in family members
  8. On the top of the General Forum there is a posting on how to place an order
  9. Way ahead of time Poor Brian has to carry 27 huge boxes into the garrage today, UPS left it outside Place your orders!
  10. I am so glad chemo is done, I am sorry about the allergic reaction though. When my mom stopped chemo, we got scared too. My dad asked him if she can get one more round, doctor said it was enough. I wish you good scans coming up!
  11. I am sorry I can only imagine your frustraton
  12. That is good news and now stay home, we don't want you absent again. Well maybe if you takea vacation, but that's it!
  13. Sounds like a wonderful time! And not just b/c of that yummy crab dip
  14. Andrea

    Boston Walk

    Thank you Rich and Geri and everyone else for such hard work!!
  15. I hope you have good scan news for us!
  16. That is really good to know! I am glad that you are starting to get some relief.
  17. I have no advice, just sending lots of good thoughts. The chemo pill is probably Tarceva.
  18. I just saw this now for some reason, sending LOTS and LOTS of good vibes!
  19. Andrea

    Prayers for an aunt

    Sending good thoughts yoru way.
  20. Love the new pic Rick! Hey, that rhymes.
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