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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Andrea

    Thomas Parkinson

    I am so sorry My heart goes out to you and your family.
  2. Thanks everyone! I will see tomorrow if the numbers doubled. A quick "education" for those interested -- HCG is the pregnancy hormone tested for to determine if you are pregnant. 0-5 is not pregnant; 25 and up is pregnant; 5-25 is unequivocal and likely a failed pregnancy. The key is doubling, HCG is supposed to double every 48 hours in early pregnancy. So if it doubles tomorrow, then it has a chance. My big debate is w here to go tomorrow, do I go to the dr office and wait all day for the call; or do I take a lab slip I have and go to the hospital and try to manipulate it to get the results myself earlier in the day.
  3. I found out today that I am pregnant, but the doctor is 75% sure I will lose it. For those "in the know" about pregnancy issues, my HCG is only at 6. I will keep you posted.
  4. My mom had a brain anyerusm found also as a result of her cancer scans when they did a brain MRI. They were able to do the minimally invasive coiling technique for it.
  5. Just my two cents worth from what I remember from Relay for Life two years ago--I was told by many businesses that there charity donations/budgets are done in January, so when we asked for donations in May, all of their funds were allocated already.
  6. There are about 40ish left, so if you have not yet ordered and don't want to miss out, please place your order! Thanks to everyone for making the fundraiser a success! Also, just a reminder, there are some neat products in the LCSC Store. It is a great way to support LCSC and promote awareness. I personally have the license plate frames on the front and back of my car; and my dad looks adorable in the grey t-shirt. And of course also remember the beautiful bracelets Andrea B. makes to support LCSC at www.creativegirldesigns.com While there you may want to check out her selection of greeting cards. My mom and I are HUGE fans of her work. I just placed another order from her.
  7. Thank you so much, that is so sweet, you made my day!! Today was my first day off of bed rest, resuming normal activities. I am pretty cranky, I am 90% sure it did not work I had 5 embryos transferred, everyone was sure it would take. I did a home pregnancy test and it is negative (I realize it could still be too early, but she did say I could possibly see something); and I am very PMSy. I shouldn't be depressed b/c I am blessed overall, but I am still on so many hormones (6 estrace pills a day, 2 progesterone shots, 2 climara patches) so it kind of is out of my control. I will keep you posted!!!
  8. I dont have much of an answer except to say that based on my mom's chest xray and ct scan at time of diagnosis, before any biopsy, a pulmonologist said it was 99% lung cancer; 1% valley fever (valley fevere being so unlikely due to where we live).
  9. Got it Mary, went to post office this morning. Thanks for the order
  10. Welcome back and congrats to you!
  11. Here's to another 4, then another, and another and another! Thanks for all you do to inspire us!
  12. I PMd her May 5 to see if she got her cookbook yet, and she has not picked up the PM. I hope all is ok.
  13. I know someone who had a huge huge huge ovarian mass that turned out to surprise the dr and not be cancer. Also one of my friend's mom had a 20cm mass removed from her ovary last year, it was ovarian cancer, and she is in remission now. It seems like we are always surroudned by this beast. Let us know how her surgery is.
  14. Not to panic--easier said than done! Like Kasey said in all probability it is NOTHING. Also good sign that it is tender, I know I read all over that for the "scary" stuff it is typically non-tender. Whatever you do, and this is coming from someone who would need handcuffs practically, do NOT poke at it. That will make it inflame more, I know someone that once happened to. If panic overcomes you (which hopefully it won't), call back your internist and keep askign for cancellations, maybe he/she can feel it for you and give you reassurance based on the texture. Take care of yourself.
  15. We raised $2,500 so far!!!!!!!!!! And gained who knows how many lbs from that crab dip recipe Geri put in
  16. That is the most beautiful picture. The baby is darling and Isadora is just stunning. What a head of hair! (Not a surprise, for those who have not seen pictures, Andrea and her hubby are extremely attractive people The kind I would sometimes "hate" just out of jealousy, until I realized how nice they are ) I have no doubt that your dear mom is watching over all of her girls each day.
  17. TAnn--sending vibes of peace and love your way.
  18. Phew!!!!! Glad to hear the results were good, even though you are now $25 poorer
  19. Suck a duck Debi, I am sure you are no better at waiting than me. I hope by the time I get home later there is good news. Two things: 1--To jump in, like others, I get that pain. In my case sometimes if I push I can even feel it hurt. I don't know if we are talking about the same area, but my Dr said it is most likely muscular, inflamation of the chest wall area. 2--Maybe there should be a rule where techs cannot speak and also we are blindfolded as not to see them When I had my recent booby check and was sent for ultrasound, my mom was with me, and the tech made it seem positive something was found, then dr came in and said it was nothing
  20. Bumpity boo doo la la http://www.angelfire.com/comics/evercle ... Happy.html A perfect song courtesy of Peggy Bumpity boo doo la la
  21. I personally don't think I would go if I were you. You need at least one day to worry about YOU. Mothers day is going to be hard no matter what, no need on making it worse. Like Ry said if you don't want to get into it, just say your husband already made plans for you, you did not communicate to him the date of the play. You can also claim that there will be a lot of traffic and you have to get up early the next day and your husband doesn't want to drive in the traffic. Or you can tell her the truth, it will hurt too much. However if telling the full truth will hurt you too much, then go with saying your hubby made plans.
  22. Peggy--I bookmarked that song, love it!!! Turns out all is ok, I am Vitamin D deficient, the cancer blood test was normal. I was a mighty busy bee today getting results, I tracked my lab work to the Mayo Clinic in MN and called the hosputal here a zillion times to get the results fast. Then I kept calling my dr Now I just wait for the next fear to pop up. It is never ending. The worst part is that my mom is starting to know more and becoming increasingly worry with each test anyone has also. Knowledge is bad. Her cardiologist told her today that many many drs are also paranoid about the "worst case" b/c they see it so much.
  23. OOPS, Missymomissy wrote a post about her concern that her mom was seeing the oncologist today as a follow up (as well as the surgeon). Geri wrote back that follow up is common; then I wrote back also that my mom had a lot of initial visits with the oncologist. It seemed she was there weekly at first to go over treatment, lab work to monitor blood counts, etc. My computer acted up, my post showed a few times, I thought I just deleted my repeat posts and I realized I deleted Missymomissy's post. Please write again. Big apology!
  24. OOPS, Missymomissy wrote a post about her concern that her mom was seeing the oncologist today as a follow up (as well as the surgeon). Geri wrote back that follow up is common; then I wrote back also that my mom had a lot of initial visits with the oncologist. It seemed she was there weekly at first to go over treatment, lab work to monitor blood counts, etc. My computer acted up, my post showed a few times, I thought I just deleted my repeat posts and I realized I deleted Missymomissy's post. Please write again. Big apology!
  25. OOPS, Missymomissy wrote a post about her concern that her mom was seeing the oncologist today as a follow up. Geri wrote back that follow up is common; then I wrote back also that my mom had a lot of initial visits with the oncologist. My computer acted up, my post showed a few times, I thought I just deleted my repeat posts and I realized I deleted Missymomissy's post. Please write again. Big apology!
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