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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Whta a lovely home, thanks for sharing Peggy
  2. Others can correct me if I am wrong, but I believe Iressa has been recalled in the US in favor of a drug called Tarceva. Both Iressa and Tarceva are similar. They are oral form of pills and have helped many remain stable. I believe t hese drugs are typically used after traditional chemo.
  3. Maybe I should look into the exercise thing to de-stress? I always thought exercise was torture, I hate doing it For me, it is a warm bubble bath and food, I like to eat
  4. I hope she has a good appearance Go grandma!
  5. WOOHOO!!! Go Charlie and Tina!
  6. Carleen, Most people would not even be functioning enough to type, you are strong and under a lot of stress and also still have hormones flowing from the in-vitro I am so sorry about your loss, that cannot be easy. I know they have programs now for embryo donation, but I am not sure how much that cost. I also heard of a friend of a friend in NY apply for a grant to cover in-vitro costs and was successful. The adoption thing bothers me b/c single mothers can adopt so Kieth's cancer should not matter. Have you checked into International? I am not sure the requirements. I wish I had the right thing to say Thinking of you lots
  7. Ry, just catching up on this now. Sorry you have a delay! I hope it goes easy and is over very very soon.
  8. Andrea


    Joanie, I wish I had answers for you. I can only say do what your gut says, and don't do more than you can handle. I just wanted to say that I know a little bit about ARDS and might possibly know why they never mentioned it. My understand is that it is a syndrome which means it is a group of symptoms and they need to find the cause, by itself ARDS is not a true diagnosis. This is how it was explained to me last May when my mom had ARDS after her anyerusm procedure. Her ARDS was unexplained and they had to find the cause. The cause ended up being that she needed a triple bypass and being under anasthesia for as long as she was almost killed her. I remember being told she had ARDS and they were not sure if she would make it. I hope things improve for you. Sending good thoughts
  9. Andrea

    Cook Books

    Thanks Glad you liked them. This was mentioned before many times, but Geri's crab dip should come with a warning label to make extra extra extra b/c it is SOOOOO good!
  10. Steph, you don't have to pay for books to send out for promotion. Let me know how many you need and I will send them your way If you want to work on a press release, that will be great. Or we can talk about what would be in one and I can do it. I am not sure if there is a standard format for press releases, like there are standard formats in legal documents
  11. You know Lisa Rinna? My mom and I LOVE LOVE LOVE her I met her at a Soap Event years ago with my mom; and my friend was on her Soap Talk show talking about Botox.
  12. I havent thought about it, but it is a great idea, I will do that
  13. Barbara, It sounds like my mom's situation 2 years ago, she was diagnosed when I was planning a wedding (I am an only child too) She was IIIA and had chemotherapy to shrink the tumor and lymph node, then had surgery. I hope the same for you!
  14. My mom had VATS, she said it is not too bad. NOthing like the bypass she had She had the VATS first, then bypass 2 years later. Keep us posted!
  15. Praying for asthma my dear friend!
  16. Shellie, Has there been an update on your sister? I keep checking. Hope she is ok
  17. Andrea


    Go Bunny! I missed this earlier, sorry. I wish you lived in CA with me
  18. Andrea

    Morning Cough

    I agree with Becky, if you are concerned, get checked. But just FYI, my mom and I BOTH get that cough. A lot of time morning coughs are the left over post nasal drip from night time. I am a chronic cough person myself, but not cancer related. It is very very very common to have a chronic cough
  19. Selfishly bumping it
  20. Andrea

    3 Years

    Wishing you a peaceful anniversary and lots and lots of luck on the in-vitro! Don't let the retreival worry you, for my last in-vitro while mine was a "perfect" retrieval, it did not work for me. However the other girl getting the transfer the same day as me---she did not do as well for her retrieval, her embryo qualities were not as high, and she could only transfer two, but both stuck and she is pregnant now with twins
  21. I believe so b/c they made my mom get a pnemonia shot right away when she was diagnosed
  22. Karen, Thinking of you and Faith. I wish I had a magic wand to heal your pain. What you have gone through is just unimaginable. You are one tough cookie and I admire you adn your strength!
  23. Sending lots of love your way Tina
  24. I will tell her, Hilary is my best friend from childhood who lives in NY
  25. Just a reminder, the first post under the General Forum tells you how to purchase a cookbook to raise funds for LCSC. For "newbies" we put together a great cookbook, filled with recipes from members and friends and families of those at LCSC. If you haven't bought one yet, go ahead and do it! We have about 100 left, and I want to empty out space in my garage
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