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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Let us know how the apt goes. Just FYI, when my mom was first diagnosed, she saw the oncologist fairly often too for what could be described as "follow up". At first it was almost weekly, they drew blood and checked vitals all the time. Chemo sometimes messes with blood counts which is fixable and they just needed to monitor it. Also the oncologist probably has to concur with the surgeon on the course of treatment.
  2. Thanks everyone To the outside world, my fears seem irrational. And to myself I know they are silly, but unfortunately to my pounding heart rate, they are too real The dr was going to wait to order the PTH-related protein test (cancer test)until the other blood tests were in, but he did it right away b/c of the planned embryo transfer. Apparently the only time there is PTH-related protein is with cancer. I feel like I have gotten a free medical school education lately Kelly--I also recently had a screening for anyerums due to my mom also. It was actually the suggestion of our dear Fay A, may she be resting in peace. She had PMd me and told me she worried about my family history and suggested I get screened. Don--Brian is just like you, doesn't worry much. I worry for the both of us. I just hope that when we "grow up" we both are as happy and adorable as you and Lucie!
  3. Hi. I am just whining in case there are others like me. This is simlar to a recent post in a way about worrying that everything is cancer. I had routine lab work, Calcium was high, did my own research before seeing dr today , and dr told me that in 90% of the cases it is a begnin thyroid type issue; 10% malignancy related. However, in his career he has never seen high calcium itself be the "start" of a cancer diagnosis. Nevertheless, he ordered another blood test today which if it is high is good; if it is too low (which he says he doubts), then they will have to investigate cancer. Results take 3-5 days b/c they were sent out. Most normal people would not be freaking out. I like a baby cried when I was asking him about it and he said "cancer" blood test. Maybe I cried b/c I am on hormones for fertility, or maybe that is how I am. He said he would not even be mentioning cancer if I did not bring it up, he would have done the blood test, but he is not concerned. However, if there is no concern, then you don't do the test, so there is always a chance. I wonder if I will ALWAYS be like this with every thing that comes up. My fear is taht I am all set for my embryo transfer and now they may do a cancer chase instead. Maybe ignorance is bliss, a few years ago, I may not have done my own research ahead of time Ok, done whining, back to work.
  4. Thanks to everyone for the in-vitro thoughts. Got your order Sue!
  5. FYI, the date was changed from Mothers Day till May 9 b/c I will be on bed rest from in-vitro and the last day I can go to the post office to mail is May 10
  6. You are the best Rich!
  7. Nat, I am so sorry to hear about your friend's mom. I have been meaning to ask how she is doing. Do they want to hire private care in the interim? Possibly try calling local churches or synagogues and asking if they have any references to home health nurses or caretakers. I know that is what my uncle did for my grandparents a few years ago.
  8. Wow, how scary. I am so glad you were all ok!
  9. THe cookbook are $12 each. You can see the ordering info on the top post of this forum Marie, I got the paypal order. Thanks!
  10. We love you Tina and send so many hugs and prayers to you and your children
  11. From now till May 9, free shipping and handling on cookbook orders in the US & 50% off shipping to Canada! Instructions on ordering are in a sticky at the top of this forum. If you plan on snail-mailing your order, please PM me or e-mail me at andrea@lchelp.org so I can pre-package. Shipping is done via media mail, so it can take 10-14 days to receive your order. If you need faster delievery, please let me know and we can arrange it for a small extra free.
  12. I was just doing a random internet search and came across the following website. I can't vouch for authenticity of stats or anything, but if I am reading it right, it says that 96% of nodules are false positive and only 4% lung cancers based on their study. http://professional.cancerconsultants.c ... x?id=34047
  13. Linda, I apologize that I don't know the whole story. Had she been on iv-drips that just stopped? When my mom was in the hospital, those drips made her sugar go really high and she also was on insulin orders. Also the IV drip with the chemo for nausea had sugar in it which made things go high. Things got better after the drip. She had to reduce insulin.
  14. Joanie--Not that this will make you feel better about your hair, but wanted to let you know that I have had episodes of excess hair shedding. As you can tell from my picture I have a lot of hair, so luckily it was not a problem. I saw a dr for it each time and was told that it was stress induced. The first time it was a 3-month delayed reaction to losing my Mama Bessie (grandmother); the second time it was law school stres; the most recent was my mom. I hate being like this. Today I have my post-nasal drip cough; I heard some wheezing sound when I laughed and am like could that be bad and was looking up to see if post-nasal drip/allergies could cause it
  15. New lyrics: Fear, scary and new Come aboard, we welcome you Fear, life’s scariest moments Let it go, it comes back to you Neurotic Boat will be making another run The Neurotic Boat promises friendship for everyone Set a course for some laughs Your mind on every ailment Fear will always be there It’s a journey with friends like you Yes fear It’s scary The Neurotic Boat promises fun for everyone Set a course for adventure Your mind on every ailment Fear will always be there It’s a journey with friends like you It’s scary… It’s scary… It’s scary… It’s the Neurotic Boat It’s the Neurotic Boat
  16. I will think of lyrics later, I am late, but I had to share this story. I was talking to a partner at work about my neurosis b/c he was saying his daugther who is 28 is giong for a mamogram since the aunt was just diagnosed with breast cancer. He said I would enjoy this story about cancer paranoia: His college roommate went to medical schoool, learned about testicular cancer, so was sure to do his checks. He felt pain once and thought it was all over, went to the professor, described everything in detail and got worried b/c the professor was looking at him so intently. The professor said "stop playing with yourself so much and you won't have pain". I particulary found it funny b/c i was scared before my mamogram and I kept poking and got self inflicted bruises The
  17. Take care of yourself. Please check in if you ever feel like it
  18. I can't wati to read it! I just came across this doing a search on you. I hadn't seen you post in awhile. I hope to hear a good update soon
  19. The dentist was kind to me, said what I felt in my mouth was normal I asked her if others are that crazy, she said not that many b/c most don't know the dangers of oral cancer or to look for it. She said I was smart to come in if I am concerned. Of course she is a classy lady and I expected no less If cabins go by size of neurosis, I'll need a big one, so I guess I'll have to go into ownership of it. We need a good name The "sad" thing, we are now considering surrogacy, by the time I finish spending so much money on trying to have a baby, I could have really bought us a boat to sail our troubles away!
  20. About 3 1/2 yrs ago I had an infiltrate on my lung shown when I had a ct scan for gall stones. It was one of those things where they said it was most likely nothing, but I pushed with questions, so they said they would repeat the ct-scans every 3 years at either 3 or 6 month intervals (I cannot remember), and after 3 years be done. The dr said it is very common to have a small spot on the lungs. Turned out for me that after the repeat ct scan the infiltrate disappeared, they found one in the other lung. I had another ct-scan and they both resolved, so I was done and did not have to continue since cancer does not disappear.
  21. Ok, I just said in another post I won't list my fears, but since it is brought up agian and others have fears, I will share too. I think EVERYTHING is cancer. It is TERRIBLE. Recently: 1. Had spine MRI b/c of constant tingling (it was normal except showed swollen cervical lymph nodes, had to have my mom's oncologist look at the film) 2. Going to dentist tomorrow b/c I feel with my tongue a litlte pin head sensation inside my cheek on one side, worried about oral cancer. 3. I have a history of migraines, wonder if each one is a tumor 4. Get short of breath, wonder if it is cacner 5. Had a pain in my foot. WOndered if it was a broken bone from lymphoma 6. Brian sweated at night, surely that can't be normal, was worried about lymphoma. I now make him weigh himself all the time. He needs to lose weight, but not too much at once b/c I will worry 7. My back hurt from exercise bike, worried it was cancer. 8. Brian was tired (he gets up at 5am), I was worried It is just a constant for me, I wish I could stop this obsessing. I really do.
  22. Go get yourself checked for peace of mind. Can you palpatate teh pain? Meaning that if you touch a certain area of the cehst wall, it is tender? I was told that is from tension and was the cause of my chest pains. I myself am the queen of anxiety and neurosis and physically related symptoms. It is almost embarassing to list all at once so I won't. You can PM me if you ever want to talk about the fears. They can be all encompassing.
  23. I am so sorry Charlie was such a hero. Your entire familly has been such an inspiration. My heart goes out to you and your girls.
  24. I don't know much, but the little I know from a few cases at work is that a lot of it has to do with how you feel and what you present to the dr as to how you feel. There are studies which show that even in remission, the effects of chemo can linger and cause permanent fatigue. You have to let your dr know how weak you feel so he can document it if that makes sense. It is all about perception I think My mom qualified but she was kind of "easy" b/c right when she was in remission and rebounding she had the brain anyerum, ARDS, then triple bypass. I also do know from my cases that there are lawfirms that specialize in Social Security Disability. I know Binder & Binder is one, they are national but are headquartered near you in NY.
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