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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Andrea

    Looking Normal

    Debi thank you for vocalizing what so many must feel. I feel guilty feeling this way b/c my mom is the one with the cancer, but I suffer badly from the fear. For example: on Fri, my husband was saying he had dull pains when he took a deep breath. I cried all night worried it was lymphoma or lung cancer. I get super migraines, I worry if it is brain cancer. I had stomach pain, I worried it was pancreatic cancer. My face often gets red, I read and was worried about carcinoid syndrome. Often times I look around at people in a store and wonder who has cancer. It is so unhealthy to be this way, but I am who I am. And at least I can laugh at myself. Thanks for the post Debi!
  2. Love you Connie! Can't wait to see you back on line and receive one of your cyber hugs!
  3. Andrea

    My mom is gone

    I am so sorry I am sure though it brought her great peace to know that she hung on to see her granddaugther born. I wish I had words to take away some of the pain
  4. It was on Access Hollywood last night, she looked good
  5. Oh I see what you mean. On Boston Legal the patients were also getting standard chemo. As for my mom, this was when she was in remission and they put her on Iressa (which she had to stop). The dr said he would ratherh put her on Iressa than do a blind study wehre she could get teh placebo.
  6. As of last year they did b/c i remember my dr talking to my mom saying he would not put her in it b/c she was not guaranteed the drug.
  7. The gist was Michael J Fox played someone with Stage IV lung cancer. There was a blind clinical trial with 2000 people. His character is wealthy, paid someone to make sure he did not get a placebo. He is being sued by someone else with Stage IV LC who got the placebo saying that by Michael J Fox's c haracter paying his way into a random blind trial, his chance of getting the real drug declined. Michael J Fox's c haracter is willing to settle, but the other man is so angry, he wants to take time away from michael J Fox's c haracter. It is about the moral dilema how far would you go to make sure you had a fighting chance to li ve. A comment was made in the show that statistically the chances of getting a placebo went from 50-50 to 49.95 and 50.05. It was said that ".05 chance is everything to someone who is dying"
  8. Heidi, What did the dr say? What are they doing next? I did a google search,and they can be benign. The article is over my head, but it does say benign lytic lesions http://www.emedicine.com/radio/topic247.htm
  9. Heidi, don't freak out. Easier said than done, but wierd spots so often show up that are nothing. My dad had soem on his spine that were nothing not too long ago
  10. Holy! Is it a big company or a local one? If it is a b ig one, I say blast them with letters
  11. Thanks I am not jumping out of my skin worried, I am concerned more b/c we know the PA pretty well, her and my dad are so funny with each other, and she knows we are worry warts, so I would think she would not have sounded so nonchalant on the machine if it were important. But who knows It was also pointed out, and duly noted, I am not a priority in that office, so he may not have had the time to review the labs. Cindi--I dont think the tests were cancer related, I am not 100% sure what the tests were for. They are odd tests based on an autoimmune panel that I believe are more hematology related. He did make a comment that I might have to fix things before another round of in-vitro, but again< I dont know, and my mind wanders, what else could the tests have shown If I understood the tests and had a list, I could research, but I don't. Just had to vent/share Our family hanukah party is tomorrow (i know, delayed), so i will be occupied
  12. I was not sure where to post this, but just wanted to share b/c I remember other posts similar. Like I think Debi was worried after a test b/c someone gave her a pen Ok, I had blood work done by my mom's oncologist as part of a hematology consult which stemmed from an autoimmune panel taken for fertility reasons. Very confusing. So anyway, I got the tests done New Years Eve. I called his physician assistant to check in and to get the name of another endocronologist b/c the one he recommended does not take my insurance. I get this message on my answering machine tonight from the PA "Dr Barth got your results but needs time to go through it all, he will review it this weekend" and then I also got another doctor name on the machine. I am paranoid b/c why does he need time to go through it?? Either normal or not. So now I am worried My mom said it is b/c they were wierd tests and not typical CBC; or the real point of the message was just to give me the dr name. I bet if the PA realized her messgae will make me paranoid all weekend she would feel bad At least I haave an excuse to be grumpy for a couple of days. It is fun to have an excuse!
  13. Miss Natalie, one of my three favorite sisters, of course it is not too late Just go to the top of the general forum and it will tell you how to order
  14. Carleen---I have gone through both AI and IVF if you want to ever talk about them and ask questions what it was like.
  15. I don't have much to add, it is so hard for me to give advice in such a situation. One part says do it, one says don't. One factor to consider, having been going through fertility treatments, is that with IVF (or AI), you are a slave to the dr office, going at times daily or every other day to be monitored. It might be hard to make such a time consuming commitment if you want to go to drs, etc, with Keitch.
  16. Thanks for the update Katie!!!! When my mom had her triple bypass, she was on the ventilator longer than normal too and it turned out ok.
  17. Welcome home! Yay. Now stay home, don't go anywhere again
  18. Fay, I hope to hear good news from you soon. You are a trooper!
  19. Well suck a duck, darn it I am so sorry. I hope you get in to see the doctors really soon and that there is a trial with your name on it. Hang in there even though it is easier said than done
  20. Add me to the prayers.
  21. A typo was pointed out For the Scalloped Corn recipe on page 57, it should be 1/2 c. milk instead of 1.2 c Thanks
  22. I love all this good news!!!!
  23. What beautiful news!!!!!! Please feel free to share details when you are ready
  24. Maryanne, I know, it is hard to be happy this holiday season. The strangest thing happened to me last week in Vegas. We saw the Scintas show at the Rio. It is a really funny show with some comedy, singing, etc. Well, I got depressed and reached for a xanax under the table so no one would see b/c Frankie Scinta did a tribute to his dad who passed and Chrissi Scinta did a song about what you would say to someone you lost. I was thinking about everyone here, I was thinking about my mom, I was thinking about myself b/c I had more blood work done and I get nervous, and I was especially thinking about how hard this season is for my 3 special sisters who lost their dear mom. I think I was the only person in the Universe sad aafter the show.
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