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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Andrea


    Just a reminder, if you are planning on mailing an order this week, please PM me or e-mail me at andrea@lchelp.org with the quantity and your address. I am scheduled for an embryo transfer for in-vitro fertilization on Wed which will require 1 week of bed rest (my dr is more conservative than others, some people do just two days). I won't be able to mail out books during that time, but can get stuff boxed and shipped Mon and Tues. Thanks
  2. Ditto Becky Since Nov 2003 my mom had positive lymph nodes, chemo, s urgery, radiation, pulmonary embolism, brain anyerusm, and triple bypass. It IS doable
  3. Keep up that beautiful fighting spirit!
  4. You can check out the activism forum, a lot of people posted about different events they went to or hosted, and maybe get ideas from there
  5. Andrea

    CBS Interview

    Heather you remain an inspiration! Kasey--she posted her results in a post in General titled "Hebbie", posted by Connie. You can look for it in General, I think it is on the second page now.
  6. My mom had and has (still does it sometimes) no side effects from it
  7. Sending good thoughts yoru way. I hope you are having that pleasant evening. I am so sorry that he seems to be doing worse. I hope that the carbo/navelbine does the trick.
  8. Ditto what Snowflake Becky said!! My mom went under for the mediastonoscopy. If a lymph was positive, she was to be closed up for chemo. If negative, surgery right away. This is standard procedure b/c they want to get rid of any microscopic cells. Her lymphs were positive, so she was closed, had chemo for three months, then surgery. Here is what concerns me with you--the radiation. Can you consult with a surgeon to make sure? Typically surgeons like radiation AFTER surgery, so it goes--CHEMO--then SURGERY--then RADIATION. Too much radiation damage can make surgery difficult. Please just check up and ask about that. PM me if you have questions!
  9. Andrea

    Laurianne Koning

    How devestating and unfair I am so sorry
  10. For your own peace of mind, call your doc now and ask for a scan. Worrying can make the headacehs worse Odds are it is nothing, millions and millions of Americans (myself included) suffer from chronic headaches. Yet when dealing with what we know, we worry more, so why not get peace of mind ASAP Let us know!
  11. We will be easily recognizable. Two adorable chubby people, with the mommy having better hair and better skin and better make up I'll be in my standard weekend uniform, the blue LCSC t-shirt I may possibly have a red suedish jacket on over it b/c my mom is not as m uch of a fan of thte t-shirt
  12. Becky thanks for the report! I will be there on Sat, but will be late. I have an 8:15am dr apt in Irvine, so we should leave there by 8:45 and head up to Pasadena.
  13. Oh Fay, I am so sorry I can imagine your frustration. I hate when the rain prevents you from doing stuff Katie--I can't go to the event either b/c I have to work today and be home by 8pm for my shots. City of Hope is a bit over an hour away with NO traffic. Of course even if I was going, I w ouldn't go b/c I HATE driving in the rain. Southern Californians just don't know how to do it and it makes it dangerous
  14. I want to ditto what Snowflake said. A lot of survivors understandably want to move on and not read about cancer every day. Plus they don't need the support and information as much My aunt was a 12 year survivor. She never ever even talked about her LC.
  15. My mom's two year anniversary was the first week of November. It is funny, some things never change--still struggling with my weight, still neurotic, still have many of the same friends who are dealing with the same stuff, etc, etc. YET, within the past two years I got married twice, acquired an entire new family here at LCSC, bought a new house, and dealt with my mom's cancer, her brain anyerusm, and triple bypass (those ailments alone within a two year time frame is wierd enough)
  16. Andrea

    Melanie Russ

    I am so sorry for your loss Thank you for letting us know.
  17. Addie, so sorry you are going through this :( Suck a ducky
  18. Ann you did great. I did that recently to someone who had a cancer scare (not lung). I said "I do not want to be pushy or butt in, so you can tell me to shut up, but this is what I would do and I am only saying this from experience with my mom." And I went into the steps of gathering all records, keeping copies of scans, getting into a surgeon and oncologist, etc.
  19. SO SORRY about the zip But glad you like it :) I will post inventory in a couple of days since I keep getting orders in which is nice Once inventory is super low, I can order more.
  20. No kidding on the "right away" part if you want it shipped ASAP Heehee. I am approachign my in-vitro date :):) I am so glad that you liked it Ann! Thanks
  21. The fourth page where it says "Our Angels...We Miss You". Do you have that?
  22. Mayos--Ry is right, the street address was missing. It is a confusing PO Box b/c it has a box number and a street address. I just PMd you for your information. Thanks to everyone who ordered so far!
  23. Katie---I included ALL recipes that were sent to me However I did have lots of volunteers help me, and I myself collected all the recipes, so it is possible that some could have gotten lost in the shuffle.
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