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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Andrea

    Jamie's Dad

    Jamie if you are reading this, I am so sorry for your loss You were such a great daughter and I am sure that brought your dad much comfort. I am not sure what else to say, I am just so sorry
  2. Getting paid for getting good grades was my first real job :) Then I was a camp counselor one summer for 3 hours a day, helping a friend out, and I didn't take to it too well Being an only child with no first cousins, I was like what do I do with the crying kids :) Then my next real job was an internship at the Legal Dept of Universal Studios which was pretty neat
  3. I am friends with a lurker whom I "met" when she sent me a recipe. We correspond via e-mail b/c we have a lot in common, she is neurotic like me. Anyway, she joined this board to get info for her friend who was diagnosed and thanks to what she read on this board about people asking for coverage, her friend talked to his dr, and was the first patient of the dr approved for Avastin :) I would say push and push the drs to write letters advocating for it. Just wanted to share that it worked for one person that I know of
  4. Hi Kathleen, Glad to hear your mom is in good spirits! When my mom was on chemo, it did get a litlte worse at the end, but all in all, it was very tolerable. Typically a few days in she began to feel it more. Tell your mom it is NORMAL and she will feel better very soon.
  5. Checks will be made payable to me. I am giong to set up a bank account and PO box this week specificialy for the cookbook. And then I will have Brian (my husband) develop an excel spreadsheet for tracking purposes
  6. That is an interesting question my sister. I almost think not having enough to do is worse b/c your mind wanders to those dark depressing areas. Although when you have too much to do, you wish the other way Too tired or too wide awake and jittery?
  7. Good questions Amount to order--200 is minimum. I was thinking of ordering 500. I am debating 600, but that could be excessive. Don't you all think? I could always get more if we need, or just sell the 500 for years Costs---I believe (having not yet placed the order so don't know if taxes apply, etc) the books will cost $5.40 each to print. LCSC will NOT be paying that, I will be doing it. Profits---LCSC will get 100% of the profits. So if it costs $5.40 and we sell for $12, that is $6.60 per book. Shipping--I will be adding shipping rate. I am researching on line prices of boxes and shipping to know how m uch Pre-order--Once order is placed with the company, I will get coupons to accept pre-orders and pre-orders will be welcome for fastest shipping. I am about to set up a seperate bank account officially only for the cookbooks, and I also will set up a paypal account for those of you like me who hate to write checks
  8. We had three options for the recipe book, soft cover, hard cover, or 3 ring binder. The 3 ring binder by far is the nicest (a little more expensive though) and that is what my mom and I decided on. The book company suggests a selling price for $12 based on our number of recipes and 3 ring binder style. We have about 400 recipes. What do yuo all think, is $12 a "fair" price?
  9. Sending lots of love, hugs, and prayers
  10. Thank you She feels better knowing she is not alone. I just read her your responses.
  11. False. Ok, fine, whatever, my pictures gives it away. Yes, I like chocolate. And FYI, the best fudge can be found at Disneyland TPBM has been to Disneyland or Disneyworld
  12. Andrea

    IT's a girl!

    YAY! Congrats PS--send some baby vibes my way please
  13. Just spoke with Fay, she sends her love. She cannot get on the computer she said. I told her everyone is writing about her
  14. Hi. I believe (but I could be wrong) that bypass surgery is similar to lung surgery if you don't have it with the VATS minimally invasive procedure. My mom can't get comfortable laying down, she had to sleep last night in the recliner. Did that happen to anyone else after surgery? If so, what did you do to get comfortable? Thanks!
  15. I cry, I eat, and sometimes I can get a little mean
  16. Andrea

    Fay A. ?????

    I know the hospital information. You can PM me for it.
  17. Andrea


    I saw my GP awhile back and I made a comment that I am stressed out, my mom, blah blah. ANd he said "isn't she dead?". I was like NO!!!! And he said "didn't you call asking for an oncologist, she had lung cancer". I was like YES
  18. My mom is home, thanks for the prayers!
  19. Thanks everyone! You are right bunny, her name is Marsha It is odd that her pain is starting now. They said in ICU they gave her less pain meds than the average patient. Maybe it has to do wtih the healing and radiation damage, who knows. As for Fay A, I spoke to her briefly yest and she is in a regular room. Not sure when she will come home or what next step will be.
  20. Andrea


    With my mom they waited to see what the mediastonoscpy showed, ie w hether lymph nodes were positive. It was, so sitting there in the hospital waiting room, I got her into an oncologist within the week. I would probably get someone lined up in case it takes a bit to make an apt, but that is just me. I have zero patience
  21. Darci, Everyone is different, but my mom tolerated it very well. She didn't get nauseous until like the second round, and medication helped a lot. She got really really tired, that was the biggest thing. She only lost 1/2 her hair. She now says to anyone starting chemo that water is so important, even if you don't want to drink it, hydration is key. Also just remember if they can't do a ro und b/c blood counts are off, it is NORMAL and happens to almost everyone! That had freaked me out, a delay for a week, now I know how common it is
  22. After my mom got diagnosed, I lost it. On my way to work one day I stopped for gas, went inside to get coffee, and drove off with the hose still attached to the car It broke off, I heard a thump. Everyone was staring. One guy was glaring and I said "my mom has lung cancer, I am not with it". He said "I am sorry to hear that, now go inside and tell them". I went in and said "the gas hose over there fell off" and I am not sure if she understood me b/c she did nto speak English, and I drove off To make me feel better, someone said it happens all the time, that is why there is a safety off switch
  23. Today was a bit better, she walked a little even though she got short of breath And the wheezing--I have to make a tune to sing along to it
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