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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Kathi, I am glad things seem a little better. Have a safe flight and keep us posted!
  2. Andrea

    Snowflake 3000

    Ry is the final decision maker, but I say 3000 posts is payment enough.......however,if she agrees to clear the tab, remember, it starts back up right away :) Heehee
  3. Debi--I had parasthesias/tingling in my feet recently. It sometimes travelled to my arms and hands. Apparently it is a very common fibromyaligia or "generalized anxiety disorder" symptom.
  4. I wish you a fast easy surgery!
  5. Andrea


    Peggy, I am so glad you posted. It is so important to get things out. I can't say I know how you feel exactly not having walked in yoru shoes, but I want you to know that I have felt some of the same things as you. When my mom got diagnosed, the doctors were not optomistic at all and I wanted to yell at every smiling or laughing person "how can you be so happy when my mom is so sick"???? It got frustrating and I also lost tolerance with people. Also, to comment on being snappy--me too! Things people said at times just bothered me so much, I snapped back. The tears are normal, let it out. ANd if you ever need to cry or vent and don't want to do it publically, you know how to reach me!
  6. Debi, Thank you. Something you said: "I constantly would ask myself why I thought myself worthy of life, when so many others had perished. I’m not that special." I ask that question very often. You have no idea how much your posting means to me and how good it feels to know I am not alone in the sanity/insanity/logic/neurosis arena. You are one very very very very special lady!
  7. Karen, My heart breaks for your loss. I am at a loss for words at what to say right now. However, I want to make sure you know just how loved you are by everyone here and I beg of you when you feel up to it to come back to the boards and stay with us because I know for a fact that there are just so many people here who love you and Faith as much as I do. I am always here for you (and Becky too) Love always, Andrea
  8. Andrea

    I'm back

    I am glad you are back. I look forward to an update soon
  9. Becky--I love you and Karen and just dont know what to say
  10. I am in too much shock to know what to say
  11. Nope, no recipes for Whoopie Pie. Send it on over
  12. I believe we are good to go on recipe numbers. Not to say I would not accept more, the more the merrier :)
  13. I am bumping this up For those who volunteered--if I dont have yoru e-mail, please give it to me. I will be e-mailing you soon with what we can get started on. I just need a couple of more hours organizing first and last week was just an icky week. Thanks to all who contributed!!!!
  14. As others said, John is entering his 4th year. I look forward to hearing about many many more years!
  15. Lots of love and prayers to all Chapmans!
  16. I hope they are bengin nodules and nothing more. I forgot, did you have a PET recently? Hang in there, good thoughts coming your way
  17. Beth, Sending lots and lots of good thoughts your way
  18. I am going to put a cut-off date of June 18 so we can move forward with the book :) I apologize if I forgot who volunteered before to help, I did not keep good records like I should have I know Ginny and Snowflake posted about helping. Basically what will happen is that the recipes will be in very rough form in Word format. I will need volunteers to either format and proof; or help "cut and paste" the recipes onto an on line recipe saver. It just depends which company I go with and prices, etc. If you are up to helping with that, please let me know. Thanks!
  19. Like Ry said--how can vomiting blood be anxiety????? I am queen of anxiety and yeah my fatigue, tingling in face, arms, legs, muscle aches, muscle twitches, headaches, etc, etc,--those are all anxiety symptoms. But if I was throwing up blood, I'd demand a ct. Let us know how your friend is! I hope it is nothign serious.
  20. Carol, That sounds totally on par with everything I have heard. I assume they said that if the nodule is negative, but lymphs are positive, you will do chemo and then be evaluated for s urgery after chemo, right? That was the path with my mom at IIIA. Chemo--surgery--radiation.
  21. I don't know what to say about this devestating news other than I am praying for all the Chapmans, especially Dave, Karen, Faith and Becky. With tears and love, Andrea
  22. What a beautiful baby and sweet grandma
  23. I have been asking my dear sister Andrea for months when she is going to start selling her cards!!! She is incredibly sweet and has sent me cards and I commented once "where do you find those cards, they are just so great, unique, classy, pretty, etc.". Then she said they were her OWN design!!!! I was like WHEN will you be selling them. I can't wait to order some for me and my mom. She loves them too. Oh and the bracelet, well I wear that EVERY day. What is GREAT about the bracelet is that it is not only beautiful, stylish and classy, but it is the sort of bracelet that you can also wear with other bracelets if you so choose.
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