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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Hi. I will post what we raised so far tomorrow, Katie sent it to me but I am still working and don't have time to calculate it yet. Thanks again to everyone for their donations! It is much appreciated! And just for the record, stop thanking me because really the reason I did this was so I can contribute in some way since I kind of need to take a step back from the everyday posting and news or I will need to be removed from my apartment in a straight jacket b/c for some reason I am struggling with all of this lately. So thanks to all of you!!
  2. Andrea


    I still may be in a major mental "abyss" hence not posting as much, but I still can nag about recipes......... For those reading this for the first time, we are putting together a LCSC cook book as a fundraiser. Each person who submits a recipes must come to my home and cook it for me to sample before it goes in the book, ok? JUST KIDDING Well except for the people who send in cookie, cake and fudge recipes, want to come over? Anyway, please send me recipes for the book! PM or andreascheff@cox.net Please include your full name for the byline!
  3. Peggy---since you brought it up, this was SO funny......I had IUI done on Fri and my mom came in with me----I have NO clue how me being a lawyer got brought up. BUT all of a sudden, my mom and I hear one of the girls say to the nurse "no way, she is not a lawyer. I had no idea she was a lawyer. Really?". THANKFULLY that was all she said b/c I really like them and would have hated to overhear mean stuff about myself. I wanted to be like "we can hear you" :) Thanks to all for the donations!
  4. Bill--here is how I undersatnd it: My mom had chemo, surgery, and radiation to the lung. Radiation to the lung causes some fibrosis/damage in most people. However, some people suffer more severe radiation fibrosis (they also referred to it as radiation pneumitis with my mom). My mom suffered a lot of radiation fibrosis in the lung from the radiation to the lung. This causes her lung capacity to be at 60%, whereas after surgery the dr expected her to be at about 80% of a normal person. Tarceva itself (nothing to do with radiation) from what the oncologist explained can cause fibrosis in 5-10% of the people and comes on as shortness of breath and typical respiratory symptoms. Since my mom suffered fibrosis from radiation, she is more likely to be have the respiratory side effect of Tarceva.
  5. Bill, This does not directly answer you, but my mom has radiaton fibrosis. Her oncologist said in 5-10% of peope, Tarceva also causes radiation fibrosis. And since she appears to be "predisposed" since radiation gave her more fibrosis than normal, it was not a good idea for her to be on it b/c she was likely to develop the respiratory problems.
  6. Lori, My mom had blood clots too. They are very common when going through treatment. She was given blood thinners and also they placed a filter in her groin area, totally painless, no big deal in the scheme of things. Ask your mom's dr if she should take Cumid, the blood thinner
  7. Thank you all for your donations so far!!!! Even if you hate me, think I am icky, if you can spare a dollar or two, please donate because LCSC is just such an awesome place. I cannot imagine my life without the new friends I have made And unfortunately as with everything in life, funding is needed. It is like why can't something in life be free Heehee. And I will leave you with this, I saw my obgyn today and he said "I know you have your mamogram results, we are watching a nodule in your left breast, so do monthly exams. Now remember, I said monthly, NOT daily. Do you understand?" Even he knows I get crazy and would have felt daily..............I told this to my mom and she cracked up and said boy does he know me well
  8. I made the phone call today to get the process rolling for me..........it used to be something I did not believe in. I am feeling like a hypocrit today.
  9. Andrea

    Recipe update

    Steph---We are putting together a recipe book to raise money for LCSC
  10. Andrea

    Recipe update

    Bumpity boop since I am caught up with you..............I take each recipe and cut and paste it in Word documents depending if it is an entree, side dish, etc............so I am up to date and need more now!
  11. Andrea

    Recipe update

    Ry, It will be done by Christmas I was hoping for Mother's Day, but that won't work. But definately Christmas Thanks so much to everyone for their contributions already received and yet to come.
  12. 1. TGIF 2. Coupons for 1800contacts 3. Friends on this website 4. Short commute to work 5. Cell phones
  13. Andrea

    5 FOR 3/10

    I am late on 3/10, but here goes: 1. The robes at the breast center were nice and big!!! 2. The people at the breast center were very nice. 3. My parents sat and waited with me yest 4. I had nachos for dinner which I had been craving 5. The mammogram did not hurt at all
  14. Hi Everyone, In honor of my breasts being ok for at least 6 months and in anticipation of my mom's full set of scans March 28, we are going to match all donations made to LCSC up to $500. If you can spare $1, $5, or $10, please click on the "Make a donation" section--you can donate by check or credit card. It is so easy!!! LCSC is like a baby, we are in the beginning stages. In order to grow, develop, and do more things, money is needed. And any donation is tax deductible. (Stupid IRS, my paychecks look HUGE, then I realized why--I am now an "independent contractor" so taxes are not taken out. Duh on my part. ) And if you cannot afford to donate right now, no worries whatsoever! I know that money can be tight, especially when dealing with medical expenses. And yes, I will be asking for your checkbooks once again when the RECIPE BOOK eventually comes out :) Thanks everyone! Hugs, Kisses, and Cancer cure wishes, Andrea
  15. Andrea

    Recipe update

    Please keep sending recipes! Pecola (Gina) had a great idea and sent me some recipes for homemade beauty products, feel free to send those too. Any recipes, just send send send. The sooner I get enough we can start putting them all together and get the fundraiser going! Thanks PM or e-mail andreascheff@cox.net
  16. Andrea

    Five for 3/9

    1. Denise got through yest 2. Katie and Rick 3. I got in for a mamogram tomorrow instead of having to wait b/c I am freaking out 4. Bagels in lunch room 5. My mommy and daddy are meeting me tomrrow at breast center for apt.
  17. Peggy, I love your attitude, and you are right, the results could have been much worse. I like Ry's suggestion of asking about Tarceva, maybe that can help keep things more stable. Best wishes to you and looking forward to hearing the report from the next appointment.
  18. Andrea

    Five for 3/8

    1. Amazing Race is on (yes, copy cat) 2. My boss is not in today 3. Someone placed on of those cool roll on white out thingys on my desk--i needed a new one 4. My apt is being cleaned today 5. The exterminator should have come, ants were crawling from all the rain
  19. How exciting!!!! Who won the baby pool?
  20. Andrea

    Stopped Tarceva

    Traci, Just a little history on what my mom's onc said about Tarceva for her. SHe was taking it 1 week for maintence,she did not tolerate Iressa well and had stopped that. After her scans which showed a lot of radiation fibrosis, more than is normal, he stopped Tarceva because he said 5-10% of people develop fibrosis from it and with her history of fibrosis from radiation it makes her more at risk and could be deadly and hence not worth the overall risk for her to take it. It sounds like your mom had the breathing reaction my mom's onc talked about
  21. My office manager;'s brother in law was stable for two years on it. Edited to say he still is stable, I meant it has been 2 years so far
  22. Andrea


  23. 1. My husband could care less that I am fluffy 2. Xanax 3. The fire alarm ringing at 3am throughout my apt building Sun morning was a false alarm 4. Days of Our Lives 5. Brian is almost done with our taxes
  24. Oy Frank, thinking good thoughts for Wed!
  25. She is a little angel! Too cute for words
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